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Category : Blogging


.TDF TheDraw Fonts File Tool

Categories: Blogging
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Published on: April 29, 2014
After my blog post about the .TDF Fonts file specification is decided to write a little tool myself. I also have a large collection of TheDraw ANSI fonts to check out. The Editor “TheDraw” is also available for download here. To be able to run the Editor, you require an emulator for MS-DOS. I recommend DOSBOX, which is also available for download in my downloads section. .TDF Files are font files for TheDraw, the ANSI Text Editor for MS-DOS. The Editor comes with a tool for managing .TDF files called TDFONTS.EXE, but my tool provides some features that are not provided by the original tool. Also my tool is for Windows, meaning that you don’t need an MS DOS Emulator like DOSBOX etc. to run it. Main Tool Window The Features Instant Preview of the Font(s) (80×25 and 80×50 mode are available) Re-Arrange Order of Fonts in Collection (Including Sorting Fonts by Title) Add/Remove Fonts Rename FontsSimply double-click on the title column of the font. Change SpacingSimply double-click on the spacing column of the font. Change Font Type: “Outline” to “Color” or “Block“, “Block” to “Color” or “Color” to “Block“Simply double-click on the Type column of the font. Create a Fonts Collection of all your TheDraw fonts and save it as .TDFX proprietary Collection File Save Collection as .TDF Fonts File Collection Export Individual Fonts as .TDF Fonts File Export Font Preview as Image or Text Supported Image Formats: .PNG, .BMP, .JPG, .ICO, .GIF, .TIF, .EMF, .WMF Supported Text Formats:[…]

Blog, Atom, RSS, XML and Syndication/Aggregation ! ?

Categories: Blogging, EDUCATION, TIPS, Tools
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Published on: February 21, 2014
Blogs, Blogging, XML, ATOM, RSS explained in simple Words. Written for the regular people using the Internet and not for tech-savvy Geeks. Note: I wrote this post originally in 2006 for another Blog, which is unfortunately offline today (and not coming back). I thought that the post has value to bring it back to life on my personal blog here. It also helps me to revive this blog of mine as well :). Table of Content 1. Foreword 2. Blogs (also called Weblog or Web Log) 3. XML 4. ATOM 5. RSS 6. Readers, Syndication / Aggregation 7. Closing Words 8. Resources 1. Foreword Many folks are not Internet or Computer Newbies, they are using their Laptops and the Internet every day very extensively. Okay, most are not what we call a computer geek and do not know much about web development, databases and how Google works. You don’t have to anymore. Trying to explain something very technical to somebody who’s technical skills end with the ability to program their video recorder* (* =Tivo, but with tape cassettes) is quite a challenge. I tried this during two lunch meetings to explain it to a friend of mine. During the first meeting were my explanations filled to much with technical details and did not help him much to understand the thing any better than before. During the second time did I more reference to things he already new, like Newspaper and Magazine Websites, Email and the News Page on our Website.[…]

Blogger Self-Hosted FTP Blog to Word Press on IIS Migration

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Published on: May 23, 2010
Well, if you have tried to check my site about a week ago, then you would have noticed that it was not there. Okay, it was still ???there???, but the there was somewhere off the public accessible Internet and thus for all intends and purposes ???gone???. This site and also the Blog were hosted on an old dedicated web server of mine which came into its years. It just suddenly decided that it is time for it to go. Admitted, it was not all that suddenly. The server had accumulated various minor ???diseases??? and flukes over the past seven years while it was running 24/7. It even crashed before, but until recently never ???fatally???. A few days down and stuff like a new HD brought it always back up and running again. Not so this time. May it rest in peace. Web Server Fatal and Permanent Crash ??? Site and Blog Move I also have to admit that I was kind of dragging along the well overdue move to a different server for way to long. Always came something else up and I simply did not do it. Well, now I had no more liberty to choose the when and how. That decision was done for me. Coincidently also Google discontinued their FTP feature for Google/Blogger blogs for webmasters who wanted to host the actual blog media and content files on their own web server rather than having it hosted at or running on a sub-domain like with[…]

Summary Update March 2010

Categories: Blogging, MEGATRO, OSDM, Personal, Tools
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Published on: March 31, 2010

Uh, the month of March 2010 is almost over and I did not write a post in the entire month. Mhh.. I have actually a bunch of things to write about, but did not get around actually doing it. Well, I will provide some brief updates. Megatro III Release I released another Megatro Intro pack with my latest OSDM productions. The menu system was coded by myself again and I hope that I was also able to improve on it since Megatro II. For details and download links check out the dedicated page for this release. Since the release of Megatro III I did create already several other productions as well. You might want to check out my OSDM homepage to check it out. OSDM Vector Object Resources Vector Objects for OSDM are hard to create and have more than one person already driven close to insanity. But there are some lights at the end of the tunnel, which could help until a vector object editor will be implemented into OSDM itself. Creation of Vector Objects Tutorial written by Wildcop (in German only, unfortunately) Notes to 3D Vectors (from the OSDM feature notes at the OSDM Wiki) VOBJ Tool V1.5beta written by me, which provides some nice features that make the work with the VOBJ data files much easier. Features like Merge of 2 VOBJ files, cloning of objects, shifting, flipping, centering, rotating etc. Also new is a Vector Object Creator for the creation of some basic vector objects, such[…]


Dancing Around the World, Paid For, Everything Inclusive

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Published on: November 15, 2008

If you did not hear about Matt Harding yet, then it is about time. He is the guy that became famous for “dancing on the Internet”, okay, there are a bunch of guys that are “famous” doing that, but he is the one who did it in public at places around the whole globe. ?? The story goes like this… A 32 year old deadbeat who was born in Connecticut, USA and ended up working for a company in Brisbane, Australia decided in 2003 to quit his job and use the money he had saved to do a trip through Asia until he was broke. During the usual posing for tourist photo graphs and home videos as proof for his friends and family that he was at the places he said he was, a friend suggested to do his funny dance, the only dance Matt knows and do that instead of the usual boring posing. He did that for the rest of his trip until he ran out of money. He published his short videos on a web site that he mainly created for his family to check what he was doing and where. The stuff went somehow “viral” on the Internet thanks to social media. It also caught the attention of a company called Stride Gum, who thought that doing more of this kind of videos sponsored by the Stride Gum brand would be a fantastic idea. Matt thought so too, especially when he was told that Stride pays[…]

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