Roy of Superior Art Creations archive
Date : August 2007


Political Systems For Dummies

Categories: Personal, Politics
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Published on: August 29, 2007

Original title: Political Systems Explained for Farmers Dummies.The fundamental principles of the different types of political and social systems explained via a simple example using two cows. You heard right, COWS. If you know what a cow is and are aware of the fact that the produce more than just steaks for your dinner, such as milk, you are good to go and should have no problem to understand it.I came across this on the internet and wanted share it with you. It’s hilarious. If any political system is missing, feel free to add your own “Two Cows Definition” of it as a comment below. Thanks. FEUDALISM You have two cows. Your lord takes some of the milk. PURE SOCIALISM You have two cows. The government takes them and puts them in a barn with everyone else’s cows. You have to take care of all of the cows. The government gives you as much milk as you need. BUREAUCRATIC SOCIALISM You have two cows. The government takes them and put them in a barn with everyone else’s cows. They are cared for by ex-chicken farmers. You have to take care of the chickens the government took from the chicken farmers. The government gives you as much milk and eggs as the regulations say you need. FASCISM You have two cows. The government takes both, hires you to take care of them and sells you the milk. PURE COMMUNISM You have two cows. Your neighbors help you take care of them,[…]


Kooza Video, Le Reve Update and More Cirque Du Soleil

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Published on: August 17, 2007

I discovered an extended 30 minutes press conference for the new Cirque Du Soleil show “Kooza”, which started touring in 2007. It includes presentations of some of the acts from the show. Some of the artists need obviously still some training, because some errors were made. I am sure that they are now pretty much flawless. After almost every day one or two shows for the last 4 months, should they be able to perform their routines in their sleeps. The juggler (biggest part) was doing his routine flawless, and boy, what a routine. I saw him before (not the same performance) on Cirque Du Soleil Solstrom DVDs and noticed how good he was, but he topped that performance and then some. Next to the intro part are also two additional parts (next to the juggler) in the video. They are performed by the Cirque Du Soleil “House Troupe” and are the acts they perform are called “Charivari” and include acrobatics, human pyramids and rebounds from three miniature trampolines. However, the video will give you a pretty good idea of what the final show does actually look like. Got your tickets? I got mine for November in San Francisco. Here is the Video. Backup URL to video Update on My Favorite Show: Le Reve I watched “Le Reve” a second time, last month, when I was in Las Vegas again. I got the premium VIP package, with champaigne, strawberries and video monitor that showed some of the underwater action or[…]


Why Worry Today, If Your Bank Account Gets Hacked Tomorrow

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Published on: August 12, 2007

My post from a week ago, about the major flaws in the new online banking security systems that banks around the country deployed recently, did not get any attention. The flaw was explained in detail and demonstrated (by actually hacking a bank account) at the Defcon 15 hacker conference in Las Vegas. One person dugg it at and that was it. End of story, nobody seems to be interested. Well, it only affects pretty much everybody, at least everybody who uses online banking. Meanwhile did also other blogs that are specialized in application and system security write about the story. was one of the most known publications who published the story “New Bank Practices Make Hacking Easier” a couple days after I published mine. Their story died at, just as mine, but at least did some more bloggers pick up their story. Here are a few other bloggers who picked it up: M. M. Madan: Bank’s “Two Factor” Schemes Are Fundamentally Flawed AuthenticationWorld.Com: Why more authentication may be harmful to banks New Bank Practices Make Hacking Easier Dr. Neal Krawetz/ Black Hat and Defcon Post-Conference (as part of a general DefCon 15 summary Here is a picture of Brendan O’Connor, who presented the issue at the conference, which makes it easy to understand, why some people might not give him the attention he deserves.It is funny how things work sometimes. On the one hand are people going berserk and crazy about some “big privacy issues” that[…]


New Online Banking Security Process Opens More Security Holes Than it Closes

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Published on: August 6, 2007

I just got back from DefCon 15 at the Rivera Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. I will post about the other events at another time, because what I saw this late afternoon at the conference is more important. It is ironic that this session was one of the last one, when many guys already left the conference and were on their way home.I saw at the conference, where a guy who is (maybe) legal drinking age showed a room full of hundreds of people (it became surprisingly crowded while his presentation progressed) ???how cool??? the new security add-ons to the online banking login and authentication process are. Additions that are enforced by governmental regulations with the intention to make online banking more secure. The session was going well beyond the “time limit” for it (1 1/2 hours instead of 50 minutes) and the organizers shut it down eventually and the whole thing moved into a overcrowded Q&A room where the discussion and presentation was continued by the speaker for another 45 minutes, which was pretty cool of him, but you could tell, that he wanted to get this info out there. Yes, the session was about online banking, the new and “more secure” online banking.You might noticed that pretty much every bank changed their authentication forms and procedures over the last few months. Those changes, caused by the new government regulations are basically aiding hackers to break into your online account. Did you notice steps like picking “your” personal[…]


Major Site Expansion and New SAC Section with Art Packs Page

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Published on: August 1, 2007

I spent quite some time to update content at my Website. I wrote a whole ASCII art primer article to give you an idea what I am talking about in general. It is for people who do know little or nothing about ASCII/ANSI art, the artscene and the warez scene it operated in.The biggest addition is the new SAC section, which is dedicated solely to everything related to Superior Art Creations, the art group, which I founded in 1994.You can find there SAC VGA logos created by SAC members for the group, as well as ANSI logos and ASCII logos, which were created for internal purposes of the group.The largest addition overall was the new SAC art packs releases page. It shows all 34 SAC art packs, which were released betweeen December 1994 and December 2005, the packs File_ID.diz, download links to the pack files, links to the SAC.NFO files for detailed information about each pack and a brief description for every release.The descriptions are more detailed than I had originally planned. Because of that, does the page act as SAC history page for now, until a better SAC history page is being created one day. There are some “holes” in it, but I hope to get the missing information and will then update the page accordingly.I updated pretty much every page of the site, including the home page, the Roy/SAC art page, the shop, the downloads section, the links page and the gallery pages (ASCII Art, ANSI Art,[…]

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