Roy of Superior Art Creations archive
Category : Personal


Copyright ??? Past, Present and Future

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Published on: November 6, 2014
I wrote this document over 4 years ago, but never published it really, until now, because I believe that it is still current and at relevant for most people today. Carsten Cumbrowski, Fresno, CA, November 2014 The current copyright laws are so messed up that it is impossible for an average person to make heads or tails out of them, that it requires a highly specialized person or better even group of persons who can up with the best tale to tell, to convince a judge, who is also unable to make up heads and tails in most curt cases what the head is and what the tail (or who) and thus, who has to be right and who could possibly not.?? I was affected by the copyright laws myself in more than just one single case and also made in more recent days more and more eyewitness account of events that I would have a hard time believing myself, If I would not have seen them happen with my own pair of eyes. I was talking about some of those experiences already in the past at my personal blog and elsewhere and actually wanted to something about this subject. This is now my first attempt of doing just that.?? I collected a lot of??material and information to the subject of copyright laws and the problems with them in the current society over the past few years*1, which are the basis for this article. I put it on ???Google Docs???[…]

OSDM .VOBJ and .OBJ Tool V3.0Beta Released

Categories: OSDM, Personal, PROGRAMMING, TOOL, Tools, VOBJ
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Published on: July 19, 2010
For everybody who does not know about my tool (und thus its previous versions) a quick introduction that everybody will know what I am talking about :). I will also talk about much more than just my tool, but general problems and research projects in regards to vector graphics for OSDM and in general actually. Vector Graphics in Oldskool Demomaker The demoscene tool ???Oldskool Demomaker??? by Peace of Testaware to create oldskool style intro and demo?? productions like in the good old days supports vector graphics. Very basic with little more than some fake light shading of flat-shaded quad polygon-vector objects with only a limited number of faces and data points (the number 1.000 is what you could call the border-line area for the size of the mesh. Less than 1.000 okay, above that, may be, may be not. try!) Unfortunately is the format for the mesh definitions not a standard one or something used by any 3D modeling software that I know of (still looking for the one,?? that was used to borrow the mesh layout from, if there is any). This makes it very hard to create or change any vector objects. The definition is in readable text format and not binary, but that???s not unusual for this kind of data. It does not help much with making changes to it, because what???s missing is the visual element (in 3 dimensions) , which is of the utmost importance. Looking at the columns of numbers for data points and[…]

Blog Moved

Categories: Personal
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Published on: June 11, 2010

Blogger discontinued their feature to publish Blogger blogs via FTP to your own web server to host it yourself. The alternatives provided by Google are not working for me so I decided to take the blog entirely in-house, using WordPress.I wrote a long post about my transition at my new blog. This blog here at Blogger now serves only as backup. I excluded the pages from search engines via the ROBOTS Meta-Tag though. I converted it to use a Blogger template now. My old blog was setup in 2006 and was not compatible with the template format that was introduced by Blogger in 2007 I believe. I am glad that I made a full backup of my blog before, because Google wiped all the comments from all blog posts, which is bad (Note: Comments reappeared again. Gosh, they should have put up a message that those will be delayed!). Thanks god that I decided to go the WordPress route, which was also not a walk in the park though.To get new posts of mine, visit my old/new blog URL at!Carsten aka Roy/SAC


Blogger Self-Hosted FTP Blog to Word Press on IIS Migration

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Published on: May 23, 2010
Well, if you have tried to check my site about a week ago, then you would have noticed that it was not there. Okay, it was still ???there???, but the there was somewhere off the public accessible Internet and thus for all intends and purposes ???gone???. This site and also the Blog were hosted on an old dedicated web server of mine which came into its years. It just suddenly decided that it is time for it to go. Admitted, it was not all that suddenly. The server had accumulated various minor ???diseases??? and flukes over the past seven years while it was running 24/7. It even crashed before, but until recently never ???fatally???. A few days down and stuff like a new HD brought it always back up and running again. Not so this time. May it rest in peace. Web Server Fatal and Permanent Crash ??? Site and Blog Move I also have to admit that I was kind of dragging along the well overdue move to a different server for way to long. Always came something else up and I simply did not do it. Well, now I had no more liberty to choose the when and how. That decision was done for me. Coincidently also Google discontinued their FTP feature for Google/Blogger blogs for webmasters who wanted to host the actual blog media and content files on their own web server rather than having it hosted at or running on a sub-domain like with[…]

Open Letter to YouTube/Google from an Active ???You-Tuber???

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Published on: April 9, 2010
Introductory Note to this Blog Post: Here is the content of the open letter that I just wrote and sent to YouTube support. I hope that they forward it to the appropriate entity at their company to have a closer look and hopefully also act on it appropriately. The general issue is Copyright Laws that they cannot change, but the way how they deal with the situations that are a consequence of IMO insufficient laws in an environment they were not designed for and weren???t even envisioned when those laws were put in place to begin with. The Letter: This letter was written in response to the YouTube Account Inquiry #572435220 regarding the termination of the YouTube account ???CirqueDuSoleilGuru??? on December 18, 2009. For whatever reason did your email response from January 6, 2010 to my web inquiry about the suspension of my YouTube account ???CirqueDuSoleilGuru??? on December 18, 2010 show up in my Gmail inbox now, several months later. I was looking for it back in January and did not find any of it. This is weird, but a separate issue. I am pretty sure that YouTube accounts and their content that were suspended 4+ months ago cannot be reactivated and recovered anyway, so there is no urgency to the situation anymore and my comments can be classified as detailed user feedback, suggestions and complaints from a long time and very active YouTube user who operates multiple personal and professional YouTube accounts for different reasons and purposes. My initial[…]
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