Roy of Superior Art Creations archive
Date : January 2009


First ASCII Art Piece of Mine in Ages

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Published on: January 18, 2009

I cannot believe that I actually managed to create my first piece of block ASCII Art in ages… eons might be the better word to describe the time frame between the creation of this ASCII?? and the last ASCII of mine that I created before this one. The ASCII that I created was a long over-due request by Mad Max, the co-founder of the old scene group CPI, Canadian Pirates Inc., which I actually joined myself in September of last year. I had this open request on my conscience for way too long and I am glad that I got this off my head now. I also hope that Mad Max will like the NFO file logo. I have to admit, that I got a little bit rusty (old maybe? ). I sent the ASCII to him via email, but did not hear back from him since then. I will find out sooner or later I also Finished Something Else 😉 !!! I wrote about the amount (count) of different SAC releases across all pages earlier this year.?? I also made stuff available for download in re-sorted and grouped bundles by content type rather than by SAC artpack. Interesting SAC Art Packs Statistics, Figures and Downloads Interesting SAC Art Packs Statistics, Figures and Downloads – Part II More SAC Art Put Up for Access On-Line via Web Browser That was all nice and good, but does not make the old-school art of ASCII, ANSI or Pixel Art accessible (viewable) online[…]


Extended Cirque du Soleil KA and Love Videos

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Published on: January 8, 2009

It has been a while since I created any extended videos about any of the Cirque du Soleil shows. Well, I have been busy and finished now two very extended videos for the Cirque du Soleil shows “KA“, which is currently performed at the MGM Grand hotel and casino in Las Vegas, Nevada and the for the show “The Beatles Love“, currently performed at the Mirage hotel and casino, also in Las Vegas, Nevada. The last extended, 28 minutes long, video (78 MB download in AVI format) that I did was for the Music Concert/Show “Delirium“, which was running in movie theaters for a short time already and where I am still waiting for the DVD release. I still remember the C&D letter that I got from the Cirque because of my videos and therefor will not embed them here in this post for you to watch, without leaving my web site. Like I did with my old posts as the reaction to the letter, links with image place-holders will have to do hehe. Cirque du Soleil “Love” Video The “Love” video is a whopping 55 minutes long. You can download the video in AVI format (422 MB in size) here. Backup link to video on Google Video Cirque du Soleil “KA” Video The “KA” video even tops the “Love” video, being 57 minutes long. You can download the video in AVI format (384 MB in size) from via this URL. Backup link to video on Google Video As[…]

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