Roy of Superior Art Creations archive
Date : July 2008


Cirque du Soleil ??? Criss Angel, new Tokyo and Macao Shows Updates

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Published on: July 25, 2008

Hey folks, here is a quick update for what is going on with Cirque du Soleil. The new Cirque du Soleil and Criss Angel’s “Believe” show at Luxor was supposed to open September 1, 2008 for 15 previews through September 11, 2008 followed by a grand opening gala on September 12, 2008, instead, the gala opening has been pushed back to October and the show gets a “soft” opening on September 12, 2008. The gala opening premiere date was first rescheduled for October 9, 2008 but then moved back a day to Friday, October 10, 2008, because October 9, 2008 is a major Jewish holiday. It is now questionable, if I can make it to the show as I planned for September. I will probably be again in Vegas in November though, for a second chance. It???s a small bummer though. Meanwhile, the names for the Cirque du Soleil shows for Tokyo and Macao were revealed and there have been some press conferences where I got some video footage from to get a small glimpse at the new shows. The Tokyo show is called “Zed”. Here is a video that includes the web intro, some press conference footage and a TV spot in Japanese for the new Cirque du Soleil show that will premiere on October 1, 2008 at the Cirque du Soleil Theatre at Disney Resort Tokyo (Disneyland). Backup Link to Video on YouTube. Also see the official “ZED” website for ticket purchases and more. “Zed” Show Creators Fran??ois[…]


Videos Working Again ??? YouTube Pain Update

Categories: Personal, Scene-Videos
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Published on: July 2, 2008

Boy, what days. I was working on getting two years worth of videos up again and the links and embedded players on my site fixed. Well, over 150 videos from over 2 years, not a task that you could consider to be a light and easy one. To learn about the reasons why I had to do all the changes, check out my original post first and then my post at, where I complained about YouTube and how they handle things.I never heard a word back from them… nada, nothing, nichts, nitschevo. I am still very mad at them, especially, because they never even bothered to let me know why they did it. They simply blocked the account, all videos became inaccessible. No access to video comments, messages, subscribers, nothing.I found out that I can access my play lists, if I know the URL. I can only access videos in those lists that are not from my account though. I also found something in the YouTube “account” section of my other YouTube accounts that I have not seen before. It is a page called “Account Warnings” where it says for my other accounts: “Your account is in good standing.” I wonder if there was anything different in my primary YouTube account. I cannot recall that I ever received a notice about any messages or notes that would be considered “Account Warnings“. I am pretty sure that they suspended my account without prior warning so I question the usefulness of[…]

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