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Category : Tools


TheDraw ANSI Fonts Update for November 2014

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Published on: October 26, 2014
New TheDraw .TDF ANSI & ASCII Fonts for the Month of November 2014 …Closing in on the 700 fonts mark Other News: I also release a new beta version of my ANSI TEXT EDITOR (ATE) Tool (Current Version 1.0.2B), which fully supports TheDraw fonts as well as Figlet ASCII fonts, but also using its own proprietary format to remedy the limitations and shortcomings set by the .TDF file format, such as the maximum letter size of 32×12 characters. That is also the reason why the fonts are saved by ATE in its own file format, which specifications are public and documented: .ATEF ANSI Font File Format Specifiations V1.0. ANSI Fonts Related Posts .TDF TheDraw ANSI Fonts Tool V1.3.0 Release TheDraw Fonts Update 10-2014 TheDraw (TDF) Fonts Tool Version 1.2 Release TheDraw Fonts Update 09-2014 New TheDraw .TDF ANSI Fonts Update 07-08, 2014 ATE ??? Ansi Text Editor 1.0Beta .TDF TheDraw Fonts File Tool TheDraw Fonts File (.TDF) Specifications … And More TheDraw ANSI & ASCII Fonts! TheDraw Fonts Collection Revamp and Extension New ANSI & ASCII Fonts for TheDraw and ATE CHAOS2.TDF.ZIP GARDEN.TDF.ZIP PORTAL.TDF.ZIP TDD.TDF.ZIP VOICES.TDF.ZIP FORBIDDN.TDF.ZIP INNER.TDF.ZIP INTENTNS.TDF.ZIP SPASTIC3.TDF.ZIP SUB.TDF.ZIP UNDRGRWN.TDF.ZIP ADRENA.TDF.ZIP EXPLORAT.TDF.ZIP PALACE2.TDF.ZIP UNDRGRN2.TDF.ZIP GRAVE.TDF.ZIP LEECH.TDF.ZIP PIPELINE.TDF.ZIP TOASTER.TDF.ZIP ZOOK.TDF.ZIP BLADE.TDF.ZIP FOUNDATN.TDF.ZIP GHOST.TDF.ZIP OCEANA.TDF.ZIP SILICON2.TDF.ZIP ARCANE.TDF.ZIP BLEACH.TDF.ZIP DARKCRUS.TDF.ZIP ECLIPSE.TDF.ZIP FUTURE2.TDF.ZIP Want even more? Checkout my entire collection of TheDraw ANSI & ASCII Fonts. Enjoy! Carsten aka Roy/SAC

.TDF TheDraw ANSI Fonts Tool V1.3.0 Release

Categories: ANSI / ASCII, TOOL, Tools
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Published on: October 12, 2014
Less than a month ago??I released Version 1.2.0 of my TheDraw (.TDF) ANSI/ASCII Art Fonts Tool. The previous release version was about adding new and fixing existing features of the tool, such as additional font types import support or the build in TheDraw ANSI Text Editor launched in the DOSBOX MS DOS Emulator Tool. This release is about the interface and general usability of the tool. The biggest change is that there is now only one “ADD” Button. Previously there was a “Load” button to load .TDFX or .TDF fonts collections and a “+” button right next to the fonts list to add additional .TDF Fonts to the listing. Each of them only supported the selection of a single individual file. With Version 1.2.0 and the added support for .ATEF and .FIGLET Font Files, you also had to select the font type first before you could add it. Now with the new prominent “ADD” button you can select one??or many supported font file types in one step. It does not matter, if you select one or more .TDFX or .TDF collection files and/or one or more .ATEF (ANSI Text Editor Font File)??or??Figlet font files.   File Download: ROY-TDFTOOL130.ZIP   The font listing previously only allowed??selecting a single font, which made it cumbersome to remove or manually re-sort??many fonts in a collection. Now it is possible to select multiple fonts in the list and remove or move them all at once. It’s using the standard Windows controls; Hold the “SHIFT” key[…]

TheDraw (TDF) Fonts Tool Version 1.2 Release

Categories: ANSI / ASCII, FONTS, TOOL, Tools
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Published on: September 27, 2014
Hello Folks, I released in April this year the first version of my TDF – TheDraw Fonts File Tool for Windows. ??I released version shortly after without making a special announcement. It introduced some improvements to the interface and new feature (which did not work :(, but it does now hehe).   What’s New in Version 1.2.0? Summary Custom Preview Text Option Fixed (it was always reverting to “My Text” before) Build-In TheDraw and DOSBOX Emulator to launch current font directly in the EDITOR Figlet Font Types Import Support (.FIG, .FLF, .FIGLET and .ZIP (zipped Figlet Fonts) Ansi Text Editor (ATE) Font Types (.ATEF) Import & Export Support Some other bug fixes, such as sudden crashes after sorting fonts by title etc. Collection of over 550 Fonts included now!   Custom Preview Text (fixed)?? The not working feature to specify a custom preview text that I introduced to Version is now working. I did not even noticed the bug myself until I wrapped up the current version, that’s why I did not release a bug fix earlier already. Anyhow. I think its a nice feature, especially, if you are looking for an ANSI logo for your group, site or whatever and want to see right away, how it looks in a particular font. This makes even more sense now, since the number of fonts already included as extra in the ZIP package is way beyond 550! by now (actually close to 580). Build-In TheDraw and DOSBOX MS DOS[…]

VBS2EXE CommandLine & .FNT Tool Editor Updates

Categories: FONTS, TOOL, Tools
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Published on: September 5, 2014
I have two small tool updates available for download.?? VBScript to Win32 Executable Tool My VBS2EXEcutable tool used to be GUI only. Using the tool myself to generate quick “Uninstall” links for most of my tools that the user does not have to search for it in the Windows Control Panel, I realized that a command line version is really what I need, to generate a new Uninstaller EXE via a pre-configured batch file in the programs project directory. VBS2EXE Command Line by Roy/SAC —————————— Usage: —————————— VBS2EXECommandLine.exe <SCRIPT> <EXE> [/mode:w|c|s] [/batch] [/icon:<ICON>] [/h|/?] —————————— Basic: —————————— VBS2EXECommandLine.exe <SCRIPT> <SCRIPT> = the script file to process for example c:\temp\myscript.vbs —————————— Parameters: —————————— <EXE> = The Output EXE File Name* * If suppressed, read settings from script file is assumed. See ‘Settings from Script’ below. /mode: c|w|s = Script Execution Mode (Default: c) ‘c’ (or ‘cscript’ or ‘cscript.exe’) = Use CScript ‘w’ (or ‘wscript’ or ‘wscript.exe’) = Use WScript ‘s’ (or ‘start’ or ‘direct’) = Call Directly /icon:<ICON> = Optional, Path to .ICO Icon File to Include —————————— Switches: —————————— /batch = Use Batch mode. Only valid for CScript to enabled /b Option /? or /h = This help screen —————————— Settings from Script: —————————— Conversion options are automatically added to <SCRIPT> Source. This allows the simple execution of this tool the next time You only need to pass on the <SCRIPT> file as the only parameter. You can also add the settings yourself before hand, if you wish. The Settings[…]

A Little .FNT Tool for Programmers

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Published on: August 31, 2014
  I saw this format first in the source code of an earlier version of PabloDraw by Curtis Wensley aka Eto and found it very useful. I saw it again used for a EGA/VGA DOS Font collection from 1992 by Joseph (Yossi) Gil (, which also comes with a set of tools, such as BREAKCPI.COM, which breaks the current EGA.CPI into fonts or DUMPFONT.COM, which is another tool to extract system fonts. The fonts are naturally all bitmap fonts, mono-spaced and monochrome (black/white). The size per character is usually one of the following (Width X Height in pixels): 8×8, 8×14 or 8×16 pixels. The font files in the collection by Joseph lack the “HEADER” though, meaning the width and height information are not part of the file. He simply used the file extensions “Fxx“, where “xx” specified the height (width wasn’t needed, because all his fonts had the same width (8 pixels)). Since I added a header to all the fonts in his collection and made it part of mine, you don’t have to worry about that anymore. However, if you happen to use one of his tools to extract new fonts, you can add a header very easily by using the DOS command: “copy /b Fxx.BIN + FONTFILE.FNT NEWFONTFILE.FNT“ “Fxx.BIN” should be one of the files from this archive , depending on the font HEIGHT, e.g. F08.BIN or F16.BIN. But enough of this and lets get to the actual stuff here. The .FNT file format that I am introducing[…]
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