Roy of Superior Art Creations archive
Date : September 2007


Definitions of the Terms Hacker, Cracker and Coder

Categories: DefCon, Personal
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Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: September 24, 2007

It was several months ago that I noticed the discussion at Jason Scotts blog about the definitions for hacker and cracker. I would add to that mix the term coder, because it will become important in the details of own definition of each of those terms.Three important facts will I mention right from the start: There are hundreds of definitions for the term hacker out there and they are all different ranging from portraying a hacker as an ethical and selfless whiz kid who does things for the greater good to the evil and selfish wannabe who cannot create stuff himself and thus prefers to destroy other people???s work. The meaning of the word hacker did change over time. People used the word in much broader terms in the past and even outside of computers. Mass media put their mark on the term and helped to add to the confusion and misconception. I recommend avoiding the use of the words whenever possible, because everybody perceives and understands it different. Especially if you are using the words in a positive context are misunderstandings just waiting there to happen. Instead of cracker, use “computer-crack” or in instead of hack, use the term ???exploit??? or ???workaround??? instead for example. However, if you have to or want o use the terms, clarify what you mean by them and not just let the terms out there on their own.My definitions incorporate the changes in the computer industry and the fact that it is not the[…]


Wikipedia NOFOLLOW Argumentation – A View Back

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Published on: September 24, 2007

This was a scrap or stub on my site with the title “What the F**k is REL=NO FOLLOW?” for a while and I decided that I remove it from there. Wikipedia is now using nofollow and the discussion is a thing of the past. However, the argumentations are still valuable as long as there is the rel=nofollow attribute out there. I decided to post the discussion here at my blog, where I have already made a number of posts that are related to Wikipedia, my activities at Wikipedia and Wikipedia issues and discussions. It’s a lot to read and not for everybody, but worthwhile for anybody who is interested in the NOFOLLOW debate in general. Cheers!Carsten aka Roy/SAC —————————————————————————————————————— Originally written April, 24th 2006 What the F**k is REL=”NO FOLLOW”? – Original Proposition Presented to WikiProject Spam on 4/17/2006. Wikipedia is not the only Site that suffers from so called “Link Spam“. Every Site and especially Blogs that offer anonymous Visitors the ability to interact, comment or contribute and often even encourage it have a common problem. People that use the features to their own personal advantage without the goal to contribute for the benefit of others. From being rare cases of abuse in the past to today’s frequent occurrences which became by now more than just annoyances. They became a problem. The same type of problem with similar reasons for it’s existence as email SPAM. Talk was not enough anymore. Tools and mechanisms had to be developed to[…]


New ASCII and ANSI Art Galleries

Categories: ANSI, ASCII, text art
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Published on: September 23, 2007

When I added the SAC section to my site and new galleries with ASCII, ANSI and pixel art that were not created by me, did I say to myself “why not add other great art to the site as well”. Neo Tokyo ANSI by Somms/ACiD I was also inspired by who did an amazing job of making ANSI art available to look at on the web. Razor 1911 ANSI by Zebig/Razor 1911 I don’t want to create a file archive where you can find a lot of art, but have to download it first and use special software to be able to look at it. Jason Scott over at is doing a great job doing that.The new galleries are only the beginning. More will come over time.Okay check out the new ASCII Art Gallery and the new ANSI Art Gallery. ASCII Skull – taken from theNight Rising World ASCII by Olli/Black Maiden Famous Che Guevara head shot.Taken from the MIM NFO ASCII by m0/Chemical Reactions New Gallery FeatureYou will notice in detail page of the ASCII art pieces new buttons in the top left: “Snapshot Image”, “Text Version” and “Original (DL)”. Razor 1911 NFO file logo by JED/ACiD “Snapshot Image” is the default display mode. The ASCIIs (and ANSIs) are converted with a tool called PHP AnsiLove to a PNG image. This happens in real time based on the original ASCII or ANSI file. The result is very close to the looks of the text art in MS[…]


Fucking A – It’s About Time!

Categories: Personal, Politics
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Comments: 4 Comments
Published on: September 19, 2007

This is a very personal post, but I have to blog it somewhere. I could not post it at nor at so my personal blog has to take the “hit” hehe. It uses some unusual strong language what should not come as a surprise, if you look at the title of this post :). I just wanted to warn you. Okay, I touched the subject already in previous posts of mine, such as “American Made – or Wasn’t It” or “Immigration Issues, YouTube PERM Video and Backgrounds“. I also mentioned my issues at my post “VNV Nation saved the day (okay, my day)” so it???s not all new and out of the blue. Okay, here it comes… I got my fucking Green Card today!!!!! Here is a picture of that damn piece of plastic that needed over five years of constructing and manufacturing by the American bureaucracy Yes, five plus years of pain and sorrow are over! God damn it! Okay, better hehe. For details and some background, check out my immigration resources page at my family website at, of course only if you are interested in this 😀 And guess what, this is also my 100th post here at my personal blog. If that isn’t a coincidence… Yeah, “double celebration” … Is it possible to get double-drunk?! I guess that would be called coma hehe. I am sorry for the foul and strong language, but it had to be … this time. I am sure that[…]


DefCon 15 Session and Panel Videos – Batch IV – Final Batch

Categories: DefCon, Scene-Videos
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Comments: 4 Comments
Published on: September 12, 2007

Yeah, I’ve done it! All videos from all DefCon 15 presentations/sessions and panels are now up on Google Video to watch for free. All 4 batches combined are a total of 125 videos that are sold on 10 synchronized DVD-Roms in Quicktime format (.MOV) for $499.00 (okay, I paid “only” $299.00).Here is Full DefCon 15 Session Listing in PDF format. It’s sorted by tracks and presentation numbers and is easier to print out. The PDF is about 1.7 MB in size. See the resources further down below for the download of all presentations and extras of DefCon 15. The Session Videos – Batch IV (Final) Use the links in this blog post and the three previous posts to access the videos directly or perform a search on Google Video. Use as search term “DefCon 15″ in combination with the presentation number, e.g. “T539″ for the “Internet Wars 2007″ Panel (see this example link and query for “DefCon 15″ T539). Previous Batches DefCon 15 Videos Batch 1 (47 Videos), selected videos from all 5 tracks DefCon 15 Videos Batch 2 (17 Videos), remaining videos from track 1 DefCon 15 Videos Batch 3 (36 Videos), remaining videos from track 2 and track 3 Here is now the fourth and final batch with the remaining 25 videos for the last two presentation tracks.Remaining Session and Panel Videos of DefCon 15 Track 4 T403 Picking up the Zero Day; An Everyones Guide to Unexpected Disclosures by Dead Addict T405 Bridging the Gap Between Technology[…]

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