Roy of Superior Art Creations

YouTube Account CirqueDuSoleilGuru Suspended

Malware Threat Warning! Scam via Online Video!

Berlin Wall Video Copyright Issues Updates Brief
I have not posted at my blog for a long while (in comparison to the months before). This was actually not because of the lack of things to write about. There was plenty for me to write, but it seems that I tend to write less, the more is happening. Maybe because of the lack of time that usually concurs with more events happening or maybe it is just that I think too much about all the stuff I should write about that I forget to actually write something altogether.?? Well, I need to think about that one :). I decided now to write about each thing that I consider noteworthy only briefly and consolidated in this and another post to follow. Each thing by itself would probably have warranted its own post, but not at this time. Downloads Section Expanded ???? I expanded the downloads page of my website to include two new sections. 1. Music Trackers tools for Windows and DOS. See Tracker Downloads Tracker music is a staple of the classic demo scene before the computers became powerful and advanced enough to use fully digital recordings of music for programs, demos and games. It was also the limitations of hard disk space and memory that lead to the development of alternatives such as the ???Tracker???. The most famous known tracker software is probably the program ???Sound Tracker??? for the Commodore Amiga. Its file format, the classic ???.MOD???, is still a pseudo standard today, including on the PC[…]