Roy of Superior Art Creations archive
Category : Video


ASCII Nudes Gallery Re-Design

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Published on: April 2, 2014
It was time for a re-design of my ASCII Nudes gallery. I had 3 main goals in mind. Make the original photographs or pictures used by the artists as reference accessible directly within the gallery. Previously those were only available via an older blog post of mine. Allow easier navigation of the gallery. I accomplished that by providing full keyboard control throughout the gallery and by providing the ability to jump to the next piece directly from the detail overlay screen, without the need to go back to the main gallery grid. As mentioned in 2. already. I am using overlays now instead of annoying pop-ups or new browser windows.   The Boss-Key feature is still around, although not via the big red prominent button as before. Now a simple pressing of the letter “b” on your keyboard will do the trick. If you press “b” for a second time, you will be back where you left of before. Keyboard Shortcuts Available in the Detail Overlay: a = show ASCII Version p = show Photo (if available) s = show Side by Side (if available) + = (The + on the Key Pad) Increase Font Size (only available in ASCII View Mode) – = (The – on the Key Pad) Decrease Font Size (only available in ASCII View Mode) d = Download Original ASCII Text File Arrow Right = Next Piece Arrow Left = Previous Piece ESC = Close Overlay h = Show Keyboard Shortcuts Help b = BOSS Key[…]

YouTube Account CirqueDuSoleilGuru Suspended

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Published on: January 6, 2010
Obituary Note for YouTube???s CirqueDuSoleilGuru???Born: July 2008, Died: December 18, 2009200+ Videos, Total video views: 3,244,071, Total ratings 5,240, Total comments posted to videos by users: 3,152, Almost 2,000 subscribers and hundreds of friends. CirqueDuSoleilGuru (aka was a well respected and loved member of the YouTube community, not only because of the valuable content that he provided, but also because of his support and engagement beyond YouTube and the videos in the cause to support and promote the works of Cirque du Soleil. But the content was one important factor also. The average rating of all the videos uploaded to the account was a whopping ???4.46??? out of ???5???. The sudden death was not only tragic, but also unexpected.?? What???s now lost also with the death of CirqueDuSoleilGuru, represents hundreds upon hundreds of hours of work by me and other YouTube community members. All of which was destroyed and killed in cold blooded murder because of corporate greed, ignorance and disrespect of the average people, like me and you.   The YouTube Publisher Account (Type: Guru) ???CirqueDuSoleilGuru??? was suspended on December 18, 2009 by Google without notice or stating any reasons for taking such dramatic actions. Two users and former subscribers to my channel already contacted me via other communication channels, like another YouTube account of mine or via private email and asked me what happened and how unhappy they are about this happening. I honestly don’t know what happened and why they suspended my YouTube account. I can[…]

Malware Threat Warning! Scam via Online Video!

Categories: Personal, Politics, Video
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Published on: December 14, 2009
This is not a prank! I Just stumbled across this when videos by the YouTube user?? Kaleigh421112Trang suddenly showed up in my subscriptions (based on Keywords) for my CirqueDuSoleilGuru account. I made the URLs that are not hyperlinked this way on purpose, to prevent any accidental harm to the readers. You can copy and paste the URLs into your browsers address bar, if you know what you are doing at your own risk. Don???t say that I did not warn you! The user account in question was just created on 12/13/2009 By now this user has already 190 virtually identical videos uploaded that don’t show much, except a message that the video cannot be watched on YouTube due to length limitation. See description for link to full video. etc. Here is a screen shot of it. E.g. Circus Circus Part 1/13 Online*:?? *This video was actually already taken down by YouTube, maybe because I flagged it as Spam from an established YouTube account with almost 2000 subscribers. But most of the other videos are still up as I am writing this. For example this one (which I also reported so it is probably being removed shortly as well) The videos that are still up all include a short description and a obscured link with tracking code embed via the redirection service In the example video that I mentioned before and reported to YouTube already the URL was: Here Comes The Scammy Part That URL redirects to:[…]

Berlin Wall Video Copyright Issues

Categories: history, Personal, Politics, Video
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Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: November 19, 2009
Here is now another great example for the current copyright laws being not only outdated and not fit for today???s world we live in, but also how those archaic laws are actually bad for society as a whole. Let me start from the beginning??? The Beginning of the Story I was contacted by Emily B. Hager on Saturday, October 31, 2009 via email and via phone. Emily B. Hager is a video reporter for the New York Times (yes, THE NY Times). She was working on a last minute video?? called ???The Man Who Opened the Gate???, which was published on Monday, November 2, 2009, together with the article by Roger Cohen titled ???The Hinge of History??? with a supporting video. The article is about Harald Jaeger, the Boarder Guard at the border crossing ???Bornholmer Strasse’??? who opened the gates on November 9, 1989 to let people pass from East Berlin to West Berlin in violation of a direct order by his superior. Emily came across my video ???Moments in History ??? The Fall of the Berlin Wall??? I was contacted regarding this video by many others before that and already had posted an article where I addressed many of the very similar questions that I received regarding my video. Emily found the video of mine at the Internet Archive, where I also posted it, among other sites, like YouTube, Vimeo, my blog and over half a dozen other sites. I told her that I have plenty of video footage[…]
thumb Updates Brief

Categories: Oldskool, text art, Tools, Video
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Published on: November 19, 2009

I have not posted at my blog for a long while (in comparison to the months before). This was actually not because of the lack of things to write about. There was plenty for me to write, but it seems that I tend to write less, the more is happening. Maybe because of the lack of time that usually concurs with more events happening or maybe it is just that I think too much about all the stuff I should write about that I forget to actually write something altogether.?? Well, I need to think about that one :). I decided now to write about each thing that I consider noteworthy only briefly and consolidated in this and another post to follow. Each thing by itself would probably have warranted its own post, but not at this time. Downloads Section Expanded ???? I expanded the downloads page of my website to include two new sections. 1. Music Trackers tools for Windows and DOS. See Tracker Downloads Tracker music is a staple of the classic demo scene before the computers became powerful and advanced enough to use fully digital recordings of music for programs, demos and games. It was also the limitations of hard disk space and memory that lead to the development of alternatives such as the ???Tracker???. The most famous known tracker software is probably the program ???Sound Tracker??? for the Commodore Amiga. Its file format, the classic ???.MOD???, is still a pseudo standard today, including on the PC[…]

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