Roy of Superior Art Creations archive
Date : September 2009


Demoscene Marvels ??? Know Your History

Categories: history, Scene-Videos
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Published on: September 28, 2009
I started a while ago a special play list at my YouTube channel SACReleases, which showcases over 400 videos (as of now and growing) related to the demo and art scenes already, to highlight the best demos across all computer platforms over the past 18 years.?? I called it the ???Demoscene Marvels???, because I think that those productions are indeed marvels that should not be forgotten. The first production in my marvels list is from 1991 and the latest on from 2009. ?? If you thought that the old 8bit and 16bit classics are dead, think again! The last demo from the Commodore 64 in my marvels list is from 2007 and the last Commodore Amiga production in this list is from this year. Surprised? Demo Marvels Play List at The list includes 69 videos as of today, representing 61 different demos and intros from the Commodore 64, Commodore Amiga, MS DOS PC and Windows 32bit. The list is useful for oldskool demosceners who might have missed a few productions over the years and also for newbie???s to the subject, who would like to get a picture of the productions that were created by scenes around the world for the simple reason that they can. I listed the productions in chronological order that you are able to see the progression and advancements made by the demo scene over the years. List of Demos (Chronologically) Hardwired by The Silents (TSL) & Crionics for Commodore Amiga (1991) Unreal by Future Crew[…]

Razor 1911 and Dynamic Technologies ??? Dytec Cracktro Remakes 2009

Categories: Oldskool, Scene-Videos
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Published on: September 28, 2009

Since it was so nice with the TRSI Intro and the new RoORS intro that I created, two more intros are coming up your way???. also created with the Oldskool Demo Maker by Peace/Testaware. This time I created actually remakes of existing intros and did not create something entirely new. Let???s start with the first one, which is for a group that is dear to my heart. You might also want to check out my posts related to it here at my blog: Dynamic Technologies ??? Dytec -?? The Cracktros and Dynamic Technologies ??? Dytec ??? Introduction Continued. Okay, the name is now out in the open, lets have a look at the intro that I re-created with OSDM for them. Dynamic Technologies Cracktro Remake by Roy/SAC in 2009 Backup Link to Video on A remake of the PC Intro for the release group Dytec – Dynamic Technologies. It was actually also used for Dynasty and for TRSI.?? Well, it was not the first time that Hetero repurposed the code, design and music of an intro for another group, if the group where it was previously made more ceased to exist and wasn???t making good use of the intro before they were finished. Credits for this intro:—————————-Code: Peace/TestawareDesign: Roy/SACMusic: “Cognition” by Jozz/TRSI Hetero was notorious for replicating original Commodore Amiga intro designs on the PC. He did not make many friends on the Amiga with that, but a bunch of new ones on the PC instead. In the case[…]


How to Turn Paying Customers into Pirates

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Published on: September 23, 2009

I want to use my registered copy of Babylon 7 Pro, including the additional professional dictionaries ???Oxford Dictionary and Thesaurus???, ???Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate?? Dictionary and Thesaurus??? and ???Britannica Encyclopedia??? on my new Dell laptop with MS Vista (and soon on Windows 7). This is not much to ask for you would think. Hey, I bought this stuff directly from the author of the software and paid good money for it. I entered all license keys yesterday and everything was fine. Today all keys are gone and except for one that unlocks one of the three additional dictionaries, none is working anymore. When I entered the codes again, I received the message that I must have made a typo or something. I didn???t make a typo, thanks but no thanks. I went to their web site at I used the online form to retrieve license keys that they have created for this purpose I guess, enter the captcha code and my email address and submit the form. The form neither returned an error nor acknowledged the input telling me that new and valid license keys will be send to me again. Since I also did not get an email yet, I assume that it did not work as it was intended (hint: this implies another suggestion for the folks at Babylon). This is not the first time that I had to contact them about this. I lost count of how many different license keys I got from them for the same[…]


Imagine The Beatles in Love and 20 Years Under the Sun

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Published on: September 17, 2009

Since it went so nice with my publication of the Inside La Nouba documentary, I thought that I continue and also publish some other non-available/out of print Cirque du Soleil documentaries. Imagine ??? The Beatles in Love This is the 50+ minutes long BBC documentary “Imagine, the Beatles in LOVE” about the creation of the Cirque du Soleil show “The Beatles – LOVE”, which is performed at the Mirage hotel and casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. It features commentary by the creators of the show, as well as the remaining Beatles members and the music producers Sir George Martin and his son Giles Martin. It also shows a lot of footage from the Cirque du Soleil show itself, acrobatics, rehearsals and more. The documentary was broadcast on British television on December 27, 2006 and not officially released on DVD for purchase. Check out the “Documentaries” or “Cirque on DVD” parts of my Cirque du Soleil primer article at, which refers to a shop where you can purchase a bootleg copy of the documentary on DVD. There you can also find the references to the great documentary about the show LOVE, which is actually available on DVD. It is called “All Together Now” and features over 2 hours of great and informative material about the show and the process of it’s creation. You can also download the entire documentary in .AVI video format (XVID/MP3, 624×368 pixels resolution) at (Beware! It’s a 642 MB! file) Watch the Individual Segments at[…]


Cirque du Soleil Show Names and their Meanings

Categories: Cirque Du Soleil
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Published on: September 15, 2009
If you ever wondered what the often strange names of Cirque du Soleil shows mean and where they are coming from then you are not alone. Like the shows itself the name of it also has most of the time a very fascinating background story and meaning to it. Names are not chosen by Cirque quickly. Like all other elements of the show creation process, a lot of thoughts and considerations go into it. Contents Alegr??a Banana Shpeel Believe Corteo Delirium Dralion K?? Kooz?? La Magie Continue La Nouba Le Cirque R??invent?? Love Myst??re Nouvelle Exp??rience ???O??? Ovo Quidam Saltimbanco Soleil du Minuit Varekai Wintuk Zaia Zed Zumanity Alegr??a is about a Kingdom without a King where everybody wants the power. The Red Man, who was the fool of the king, he thinks that he has the power. All the nostalgic beautiful birds who want the power; then you have the young and energetic and vigilant fast trackers. The flyers high up in the lights, the beautiful nymphs and contortionists all struggle for the power in this leaderless kingdom. ???Alegria??? is the Spanish word for Joy, elation and jubilation. Spelling the name: Alegr??a (the ???I??? is a Latin lower case letter ???I??? with acute, Unicode: 0x00ED (237), in HTML ?? or ??) The show Banana Shpeel is a contemporary twist on Vaudeville in Chicago. ???Banana *peel?????? from Banana Peel, a symbol of traditional slapstick comedy and the Yiddish word ???Shtick???, meaning a comic theme or gimmick, derived from the German[…]
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