Roy of Superior Art Creations archive
Date : May 9, 2009


A Guide to Video & Audio for Microsoft Windows

Categories: Tools, Video
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Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: May 9, 2009
What is this? Online video is booming and more dads become hobby ???Spielbergs??? every year. Dropping prices and increasing power and capability of video recording, playing and transmitting equipment is also doing his part to aid this trend. Chances are good that it happened to you that you received a media file, audio or video from somewhere or someone that you wanted to play back on your computer, but couldn???t. Your friend opened it without problems, but you are getting a cryptic and technical error message instead, with no real solution offered to solve the problem. If you started doing editing of videos and published your creations on CD, DVD, online or elsewhere, the problems encountered related to compatibility issues of your video and audio data that you are working on, probably increased exponentially compared to the time when you just consumed media. That was at least what happened to me. I found myself spending more and more time on solving those issues and less and less time on actually editing and publishing videos. I had to learn more about the subject than I ever wanted to, but I was kind of forced to deal with it anyway. I collected a lot of resources and experiences over the past months and even years and sat down one day to work on a consolidated article, post, guide or whatever you want to call it. Well, here is the result of this work that I actually enjoy: writing (and talking hehe). I[…]

Some Handy BATCH and VB Scripts for Organizing Files

Categories: Tools
Tags: No Tags
Comments: No Comments
Published on: May 9, 2009

Here are four scripts and batch files that come in handy sometimes when you organize or clean-up files and folders on your hard disk. You can use the provided scripts as you see fit. They are provided ???as is??? and are not supported. Also be aware that I will not take any responsibility for any damage or harm that the scripts might cause. You use them at your own risk. You are free to use, copy, modify and delete them (Freeware). Move Files to Sub Folders Alphabetically The simple batch script creates the sub folders A, B, C, D ??? Z and 0-9 in the current directory where the batch is executed and moves all files in that same directory to the corresponding sub folder. For example, all files starting with ???a??? or ???A???, like ??? or ???achim.gif???, will be moved to the sub folder ???A???. All files that do not start with a letter from the English alphabet, such as numbers (???0″, ???1??? ??? ???9???), special characters like ???!???, ???_???, ???$??? etc. and foreign characters like ???????? or ???????? are moved to the sub folder ???0-9??? I wrote in march a post about organizing file collections on your computer and provided also some scripts to help you sort and catalog files. I found a much simpler way of doing the same stuff as the batch script ???!organize.bat??? and the VBScript script ???!folders.vbs???. It does not replace the script ???!dirlist.vbs???, which creates the file index. If you want to use[…]

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