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Category : Wikipedia


Wikipedia NOFOLLOW Argumentation – A View Back

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Published on: September 24, 2007

This was a scrap or stub on my site with the title “What the F**k is REL=NO FOLLOW?” for a while and I decided that I remove it from there. Wikipedia is now using nofollow and the discussion is a thing of the past. However, the argumentations are still valuable as long as there is the rel=nofollow attribute out there. I decided to post the discussion here at my blog, where I have already made a number of posts that are related to Wikipedia, my activities at Wikipedia and Wikipedia issues and discussions. It’s a lot to read and not for everybody, but worthwhile for anybody who is interested in the NOFOLLOW debate in general. Cheers!Carsten aka Roy/SAC —————————————————————————————————————— Originally written April, 24th 2006 What the F**k is REL=”NO FOLLOW”? – Original Proposition Presented to WikiProject Spam on 4/17/2006. Wikipedia is not the only Site that suffers from so called “Link Spam“. Every Site and especially Blogs that offer anonymous Visitors the ability to interact, comment or contribute and often even encourage it have a common problem. People that use the features to their own personal advantage without the goal to contribute for the benefit of others. From being rare cases of abuse in the past to today’s frequent occurrences which became by now more than just annoyances. They became a problem. The same type of problem with similar reasons for it’s existence as email SPAM. Talk was not enough anymore. Tools and mechanisms had to be developed to[…]


Good Article Nomination and the Day of Independence

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Published on: July 4, 2007

It is Wednesday the 4th of July 2007. Today is a holiday, Independence Day. I have some work to do, but I also did something that is dear to my heard.It is today almost exactly one month after I posted about the struggle with the featured article nominations for the article to search engine optimization at Wikipedia and the article did appear on the Wikipedia homepage for everybody to see. That was two days ago on Monday, July 2, 2007. Jonathan Hochman aka ???Jehochman??? at Wikipedia did a good job there and also spent a lot of time on the article to get it up to the level of featured. That an article to a subject like search engine optimization gets featured at Wikipedia was very encouraging. You must consider that a number of Wikipedians think less than favorable about anything related to monetization and internet marketing.I spent a lot time myself on the article to affiliate marketing, which I nominated end of last week for the status of a “good article” (I step before “featured article”). The nomination process is currently on hold to do some tweaking and tuning of the article. Especially help with the grammar is needed and a bit rephrasing work for a few things here and there.Graeme Bartlett is the editor who is doing the review of the article. He gave me some useful tips, including where to find some practical help. One is a new project within the Wikipedia project “Business and Economics”, which[…]


At Last – Some Success at Wikipedia

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Published on: June 3, 2007

I am a Wikipedian since December 2005. I wrote about how that happened back in April.I did over 2000 edits in Wikipedia since then, mostly articles and other things that are either related to internet marketing or to the Demoscene and Text art. I did a lot of work on the articles to affiliate marketing and the article to ASCII art.I try for a long time to get other affiliate marketers to contribute to Wikipedia to that subject, but my attempts are not bearing any fruits so far. In addition, my major rant last month was not as successful as I had hoped. I hope that it will change eventually.But there are also good news. The article to search engine optimization was promoted to ???featured article??? at Wikipedia. I did contribute some stuff to the article and was always watching it for spammers and vandals. I was also active in discussions on the articles talk page. What does featured article mean? Here is what Wikipedia itself says, quote: Featured articles in WikipediaFeatured articles are considered to be the best articles in Wikipedia, as determined by Wikipedia’s editors. Before being listed here, articles are reviewed at Wikipedia:Featured article candidates for accuracy, neutrality, completeness, and style according to our featured article criteria.At present, there are 1,420 featured articles, of a total of 1,815,298 articles on Wikipedia. Thus, about one in 1,270 articles is listed here. Articles that no longer meet the criteria can be proposed for improvement or removal at Wikipedia:Featured article[…]


How Did I Become a Wikipedian?

Categories: Artscene, Personal, SAC, Wikipedia
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Published on: April 27, 2007

I would like to share my experiences of becoming a Wikipedia editor and contributor, which is also referred to as “Wikipedian”. Let it entertain you and also teach you some lessons at the same time. I hope it will encourage you to start contributing to Wikipedia as well and also be a warning about possible pitfalls you should try to avoid. 1st EditMy first Article at Wikipedia, which I edited via my Wikipedia account (and not anonymously. Which I never did, at least not on purpose :)) was the article for “Superior Art Creations” on 12/31/2005. Realizing What Wikipedia IsThe article was already there, which amazed me (the sheer fact that it existed in Wikipedia). It also made me realize what Wikipedia is and what makes it so great compared to oldschool Encyclopedias like the Encyclopedia Britannica or the German Brockhaus. Wikipedia was not limited in size, like the printed encyclopedias and also not by the finite limit of knowledge and resources the creators and editors of classic encyclopedias have. SAC did not impact the course of world history, but it played a role for thousands of people around the globe at a specific time of the history of Bulletin Board Systems, the Warez Scene and Text Art (ASCII art in particular). I found the article by accident. I decided to write down and make public my activities and experiences, primarily between 1992-1998, in the world of BBS, warez, demoscene, scene art, ASCII art, ANSI art, cracking and cracktros etc.[…]


Year 2006 Review and Apologies

Categories: Artscene, Personal, SAC, Wikipedia
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Published on: January 2, 2007

The year 2006 is history now and I am not sure If I did more than I did not do, but wanted to. The final count is not in yet, well, I might just add it to my to-do list for 2007 and let it slip into the 2007 “things I did not do, but wanted to” list. That would solve the problem just nicely.My appologies to: “Buzifer” for not doing the requested “KiDS” ASCII “Messiah” for not doing the requested “HiDDDEN RAGE” ASCII art “Ian” for not doing the requested “MisterH” ASCII “Volcom V” for not doing the requested “Volcom V” ANSI Michael for not doing the requested “BUMSEN” ASCII (for all the Germans out there, it is not what you think. They are danish and the word “Bumsen” has a different meaning there ) I am also sorry for having turned down the requests for ShAdY, iCU and Synthetica OrganizationSee it from the bright side boys, you did not make it on to the list of people I have to apologize to I also apologize to “Idiana” who is doing a great job at kicking some lazy butts over at SAC and keep the boys going somehow. I have all SAC NFO’s already added to the SAC WIKI and then the damn thing crashed on me. I just did not get around to check what the problem is. Actually I did for 1 hour or so, but was not able to figure it out. I did not want[…]

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