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ASCII to Unicode Converter Suite 2.0B Released

Categories: ASCII, TOOL, Tools, Uncategorized
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Published on: June 11, 2010

Welcome to a new installment of my ASCII to Unicode/HTML converter tool. I renamed it to ???Suite???, because there are actually three individual tools part of the whole package. Main focus is still the conversion of ???High-ASCII??? or ???Block ASCII??? art for the display on your web site, but it offers a few more things than that also. Release Notes A little toolset that converts MS DOS ASCII files, such as NFO???s or FILE_ID.DIZ text files (Code Page 437, USA and other) to HTML encoded Unicode (Output is still an ASCII file) that can be used to display the ASCII art, specifically the ???High ASCII??? or?? block ASCII art on a web site. You can also convert the ASCII files to real Unicode Text files for the use in Windows Apps. There are 3 different programs. ???batchconvert2.exe??? is the ASCII to Unicode converter with a simple step by step user interface (see the image, file name: ???Batch-ASCII2WebOrUniCode-Steps20.jpg??? in the sub-folder ???screenshots??? for illustration. ???batchconvert2cli.exe??? provides the same features as ???batchconvert2.exe??? but as an command-line tool for easy batch processing from a .BAT script etc. ???ASCIIConverterExtendedGUI1.exe??? is a new version of my tool with a more user friendly single screen user interface. This version also provides some new features not available in the other two programs. You can convert Unicode text files or HTML encoded Unicode ASCII to MS-DOS ASCII text files. See some screen shots of the interface in the ???screenshots??? sub folder. I decided to only include the .VBS[…]


Blogger Self-Hosted FTP Blog to Word Press on IIS Migration

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Published on: May 23, 2010
Well, if you have tried to check my site about a week ago, then you would have noticed that it was not there. Okay, it was still ???there???, but the there was somewhere off the public accessible Internet and thus for all intends and purposes ???gone???. This site and also the Blog were hosted on an old dedicated web server of mine which came into its years. It just suddenly decided that it is time for it to go. Admitted, it was not all that suddenly. The server had accumulated various minor ???diseases??? and flukes over the past seven years while it was running 24/7. It even crashed before, but until recently never ???fatally???. A few days down and stuff like a new HD brought it always back up and running again. Not so this time. May it rest in peace. Web Server Fatal and Permanent Crash ??? Site and Blog Move I also have to admit that I was kind of dragging along the well overdue move to a different server for way to long. Always came something else up and I simply did not do it. Well, now I had no more liberty to choose the when and how. That decision was done for me. Coincidently also Google discontinued their FTP feature for Google/Blogger blogs for webmasters who wanted to host the actual blog media and content files on their own web server rather than having it hosted at or running on a sub-domain like with[…]
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