Roy of Superior Art Creations archive
Category : TUTORIAL


How to Structure your OSDM Script Code

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Published on: September 11, 2014
Hi Folks, Here is another tutorial for “Oldskool Demomaker” users out there. This time not a tutorial for an entire demo, but some general tips for creating your own multi-part demos with OSDM. This tutorial was originally published in 2010 at the OSDM Support Wiki. I decided to re-post it at my blog, because the Wiki wasn’t always up and running, as much as my own site unfortunately. Anyway, consider this another backup, just in case hehe. If your productions grow bigger and your script code longer, it makes sense to start structuring your code to keep things clean and organized and avoid headaches later on. Here is how I usually structure the code for my own multi-part demos that are entirely controlled via OSDM Script. The general idea behind this structure is to “split” your demo into multiple “mini demos” and keep them pretty much independent from each other. That makes it easy to add additional parts or to rearrange the order of your existing parts. There are typically some exceptions, like the music, which does not necessarily change with every part of the demo (although it could of course). Each part starts with the display stopped, which allows the loading and initializing of the effects that you are going to use for the part without showing any artifacts on the screen visible for the viewer of your demo. Once everything is in place you enable the display to fade in your initial setup of the part. Then you[…]

OSDM Demo Tutorial – Making of ‘Darkness – Oh Xee A Moron, Part 2′

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Published on: September 11, 2014
Hi Folks, Here is another Oldskool Demomaker Demo Tutorial of my popular production “Darkness, Oh Xee A Moron, Part 2“. You can download the final Windows Executable here ( Also, all elements, such as 3D Objects, Images, Fonts and the Preference .INI Configuration file are also available for download here ( Watch Video Capture To get an idea how the final product looks like, without touching OSDM or downloading anything, watch the video capture that I created below. Backup URL to Video on vimeo ( Backup Links to Vimeo and YouTube, as well as additional download options (e.G. a Full Screen Version of the Demo) are available at my official demo release page. OSDM Settings Screen-By-Screen Main Enabled Effects: Starfield Music Sinus Text 16 Sinus Text 32 3D Ball Page Text Logo Background 3D Vector Amiga Text Mask Bouncer Sprites Screen Setup: Off Default Export Display Mode: Use window mode (full screen would shift 3d objects to invalid positions) Title: Roy-Darkness Size of Screen: 640×480 FPS: 60 (different value would mess up timing) Display Size: 100 RGB Hide & Display: Black Render View, Adjust Display: On Fade Display In And Out: On Bilinear 3D Filter: Off Stars Mode: 3D Simulation X Rotate Starfield: On Y Rotate Starfield: On Z Rotate Starfield: Off Number: 250 Plane Depth: 5 Angle: 15, Speed: 4 Use Star Picture: On (roy-bubbleblue2 bw.png) Logo Picture: darknessdemologo.png Animation: off Effect: 1-Stretch vertical RGB Hide: Black Zoom: 100, Angle: Off, BFX: Blend X/Y Position: Center X/Y Alpha: 100,[…]

OSDM Demo Tutorial – Making of ‘Oh Xee A Moron Demo’

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Published on: September 8, 2014
Hi Folks, Here is another Oldskool Demomaker Demo Tutorial of my popular production “Oh Xee A Moron, Part 1“. You can download the final Windows Executable here ( Also, all elements, such as 3D Objects, Images, Fonts and the Preference .INI Configuration file are also available for download here ( Watch Video Capture To get an idea how the final product looks like, without touching OSDM or downloading anything, watch the video capture that I created below. Backup URL to Video on vimeo ( Backup Links to Vimeo and YouTube, as well as additional download options (e.G. a Full Screen Version of the Demo) are available at my official demo release page. OSDM Settings Screen-By-Screen General Export: Default Export, Enabled Effects : Star Field Music Plasma 3D Ball Page Text Logo Background 3D Vector 3D Direct Amiga Text Mask Sprites Display Mode: Use Window Mode* (*3D Vectors Positions Will be off, if you select ‘Full Screen’!) Title: Roy – Oh Xee A Moron Size of Screen: 640 x 480 FPS: 60**, Size: 100 (**Timing will be off, if you set it to something else) RGB Hide & RGB Display: Black Render View, Adj Display: False Fade Display In and Out: True Bilinear 3D Filt.: False Stars Effect Mode: 3D Simulation 3D Sim: X Rot: True, Y Rot: True, Z Rot: True Num: 100, Plane Depth: 5, Angle: Off, Speed: 5 Use Star Picture: True, Image: Realtechskull.png Copper FX (Plasma) RGB Plasma: R=0, G=0, B=32 Random: False, Colorize: True X Sin:[…]

TheDraw Fonts File (.TDF) Specifications

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Published on: April 23, 2014
I spend quite some time on my “FONTS COLLECTION” for the MS DOS ANSI/ASCII Text Editor “TheDraw“. The font file is in binary format and I wondered how it is structured to maybe write later some tools around it, like a Font Viewer for Windows, Converter to and from ANSI and stuff like that. Note that this is not an official specifications document, I reverse engineered it by testing, so there might be cases I am unaware of, although I am pretty confident that I covered everything about it. “TheDraw” Fonts Files have the extension “.TDF” (which is short for “TheDraw Font” duh :)). One .TDF Fonts file is by default designed as a “collection” of multiple fonts, even if it only holds a single font (like after exporting a single font to an extra file). It can hold up to 34 fonts. More are not possible, if used with TheDraw itself or with it’s external TDFONTS.EXE Fonts Editor utility. An empty fonts file without any font in it yet is always 232 bytes in size. The actual character data are always stored after those 232 bytes and can vary in size, depending on the size, type and complexity of the font characters. Every additional font added to the collection is 212 bytes long if without any character data. Font Header OffsetLengthDescriptionSample Value 0 1 Character 19 (13h) 13 1 18 Fix String TheDraw FONTS file 19 1 Character 26 (1Ah) 1A 20 4 Fix 4 Bytes Sequence Indicating the[…]

Animations for OSDM ??? Oldskool Demomaker (Tutorial)

Categories: Oldskool, OSDM, Tools, TUTORIAL
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Published on: May 21, 2010
Here is a little tutorial for OSDM. I will add it later to the OSDM Wiki as well. Oldskool Demomaker does not support animated GIFs or any other animation/video format, but it is capable of rendering something like an animation via the work-around, which is called ???Frame Animation Images???. This is basically a generic flat image in PNG, JPG or other format supported by OSDM, which contains all frames for the animation. The only thing you have to do is tell OSDM how many frames the image contains and it will automatically slice up the image into equal size pieces, which are then shown one after another, with the speed of changing from one frame to another, depending on the value for ???delay??? that also needs to be specified for a frame animation image. The Logo feature supports ???Vertical Frame Animations??? and the Sprites and Bounce Bobs features support ???Horizontal Frame Animations???. The difference between the two is how the frames are arranged within the image; Vertical means on top of each other and horizontal means that they are arranged next to each other. Example: Frame animation image dimensions: 200??200 pixels, Number of frames: 2 – Vertical Frame Animation Frame Size: 200??100 pixels or – Horizontal Frame Animation Frame Size: 100??200 pixels Creating Frame Animations Now, those frame animation images are hard to create by hand, because you have to be very precise. It is also virtually impossible to proper align the content within each frame to get a smooth[…]
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