Roy of Superior Art Creations archive
Category : Scene-Videos


Roy/SAC Megatro II Intros Pack Release

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Published on: February 6, 2010
I was very productive over the past few months. It was just December last year that I released my ???Megatro Vol1??? intros pack with 28 Oldskool Demomaker productions of mine. I learned new stuff with the tool and enhanced some of my older intros and also branched out into new territory, the creation of multi-part mini demos with OSDM rather than just simple single part intros/cracktros. You can find a whopping 7 of such multi-part demos in my new Megatro II release. Then there are also a bunch of new intros/crack intros that I created and even a nostalgic release for the Commodore 64 classic ???Giana Sisters???. The interface was like the one for the first release programmed by myself in Pure Basic. I made a lot of changes to it and enhancements that you will hopefully notice and appreciate. Another difference to my first Megatro release is also the fact that this pack is running in ???windowed mode??? instead of ???full screen???. The main reason for that is that some of my new productions utilize the ???Skin Window??? feature of OSDM, which creates a custom frame for the intro or demo to run within. I did not want to switch between full screen and windowed mode all the time in an unpredictable manner and instead decided to run all productions in windowed mode this time. The NFO viewer within the interface was also improved. What I did not do this time, was to create a special intro just for[…]

Roy OSDM Megatro Intros Pack 2009 Release

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Published on: December 28, 2009
I created a bunch of Intros via the OSDM ??? Oldskool Demomaker by Peace of Testaware, which is based on the FX Lib for Pure Basic by Epyx. You can enjoy and even download every individual production that I did in my OSDM section of the site, but that can get very tedious.?? So I decided to release a pack with most of my intros that I created in the year 2009, where you get them all at once in a single package. I wanted to use the ???Megademo??? tool that comes with OSDM by default, which works, but had some short-comings that I was not happy with. All intros were executed in the same resolution in Full Screen and in the order that I specified. You cannot jump to a specific one, worse, you have to jump through all of them first in order to be able to exit the collection. With 28 intros in my collection, that was not an option. My First Pure Basic Program So I programmed something myself, using Pure Basic. Details and links to download my Megatro 2009 here. It is nothing fancy, but it shows a logo, plays some tracker music by DAC/SAC in the background and lets you select, which intro you would like to watch via cursor keys in an interactive menu. I also included a NFO viewer for my release NFO file, which I plan to extend on. The Menu stays active when you select an Intro to run, but[…]

Demoscene Marvels ??? Know Your History

Categories: history, Scene-Videos
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Published on: September 28, 2009
I started a while ago a special play list at my YouTube channel SACReleases, which showcases over 400 videos (as of now and growing) related to the demo and art scenes already, to highlight the best demos across all computer platforms over the past 18 years.?? I called it the ???Demoscene Marvels???, because I think that those productions are indeed marvels that should not be forgotten. The first production in my marvels list is from 1991 and the latest on from 2009. ?? If you thought that the old 8bit and 16bit classics are dead, think again! The last demo from the Commodore 64 in my marvels list is from 2007 and the last Commodore Amiga production in this list is from this year. Surprised? Demo Marvels Play List at The list includes 69 videos as of today, representing 61 different demos and intros from the Commodore 64, Commodore Amiga, MS DOS PC and Windows 32bit. The list is useful for oldskool demosceners who might have missed a few productions over the years and also for newbie???s to the subject, who would like to get a picture of the productions that were created by scenes around the world for the simple reason that they can. I listed the productions in chronological order that you are able to see the progression and advancements made by the demo scene over the years. List of Demos (Chronologically) Hardwired by The Silents (TSL) & Crionics for Commodore Amiga (1991) Unreal by Future Crew[…]

Razor 1911 and Dynamic Technologies ??? Dytec Cracktro Remakes 2009

Categories: Oldskool, Scene-Videos
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Published on: September 28, 2009

Since it was so nice with the TRSI Intro and the new RoORS intro that I created, two more intros are coming up your way???. also created with the Oldskool Demo Maker by Peace/Testaware. This time I created actually remakes of existing intros and did not create something entirely new. Let???s start with the first one, which is for a group that is dear to my heart. You might also want to check out my posts related to it here at my blog: Dynamic Technologies ??? Dytec -?? The Cracktros and Dynamic Technologies ??? Dytec ??? Introduction Continued. Okay, the name is now out in the open, lets have a look at the intro that I re-created with OSDM for them. Dynamic Technologies Cracktro Remake by Roy/SAC in 2009 Backup Link to Video on A remake of the PC Intro for the release group Dytec – Dynamic Technologies. It was actually also used for Dynasty and for TRSI.?? Well, it was not the first time that Hetero repurposed the code, design and music of an intro for another group, if the group where it was previously made more ceased to exist and wasn???t making good use of the intro before they were finished. Credits for this intro:—————————-Code: Peace/TestawareDesign: Roy/SACMusic: “Cognition” by Jozz/TRSI Hetero was notorious for replicating original Commodore Amiga intro designs on the PC. He did not make many friends on the Amiga with that, but a bunch of new ones on the PC instead. In the case[…]


More OSDM Intro Mania

Categories: Oldskool, Scene-Videos
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Published on: September 15, 2009

More Intros/Cracktros created with the Oldskool?? Demo Maker by Peace/Testaware. First an Intro for TRSI ??? Tristar & Red Sector Incorporated. The main logo is based on the probably most recognized and almost legendary TRSI logo design that J.O.E. created on the Commodore Amiga for the group back in the early 1990s. I cannot remember who Thorion/TRSI made this transformation animation out of it, but it was originally created for the Commodore Amiga demo by TRSI called ???We will smash you!??? ???Time Zone???, which was released at the Arise Summer Conference in August 1992. I also did not create the red vector in the middle, behind the text. That one was created by D.N.S. Design for OSDM in 2007. Too bad that TRSI is not active on the PC anymore. They might could have actually used it for their releases :). Why not?! Quick Credits Code: Peace Graphics: J.O.E./TRSI and me, Roy/SAC Strips Glenz Cube Vector: D.N.S. Design Music:?? Bass/The Silents (tune from the Amiga demo ???Static Chaos??? by No Soul Prod./TSL DE) Backup Link to Video on You can as always download the video in AVI format and this time also the Window 32bit Executable in a single ZIP archive at Download now The second intro/cracktro is for the release group RoORS. How do you like my rain effect? I actually got the inspiration for it by looking at the classic ???Matrix??? effect hehe. Believe it or not, but it is just one static image that is[…]

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