Roy of Superior Art Creations archive
Category : SAC


Official Re-Launch of

Categories: ANSI, ASCII, Oldskool, Personal, SAC
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Published on: August 19, 2006

I made the final touches on the site today. Everything related to ASCII and ANSI Text art is now moved to its new home. In addition to the move were several design changes made and more content was added as well. Existing content was updated and in some cases cconsiderably extended.I am proud to announce today the official Re-Launch of new site is completely dedicated to oldskool BBS and underground ASCII and ANSI art. Online galleries with hundreds of art pieces, articles, ascii tutorial, ascii editor and viewer downloads, related DVDs and books and background information.I submit the news about the Re-Launch to If you like the Site and have a account, go to the entry about the launch at digg and digg the news story.Parallel did I launch an AdCast Campaign at An Ad that promotes the new Site will be displayed 1,250,000 times across the deviantART Website during the next week.If you have any comments or suggestion for the new site, let me know. I am open to any suggestions. Is there anything that is missing that you would like to see on the site in the future?Thank you for your interest in oldskool ASCII and ANSI Text artI appreciate thatCheers,Carsten aka Roy/SAC


Important decision made regarding my Text Art

Categories: ANSI, ASCII, Personal, SAC, Wikipedia
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Published on: July 7, 2006

It has been a while since I posted at my Text Art Blog about something that is actually Text Art related. To everybody who does not care about this topic, sorry, the recent events in Internet Marketing (CJ, Google etc.) had to get my almost complete attention and did along the way pretty much managed to hijack my blog. Update: I had to refine my statement and did so in this post, Please read it as well to avoid any misunderstandings regarding the use of my art work. The transformation happened slowly but steadily during the last 2-3 months. No, it is not my intent to convert the blog! Okay, now am I really getting to the Text Art news which I did promise. I made an important decision last weekend. I decided to release all my ANSI and ASCII Text Art, as well as “scene” related pixel art into the public domain. Yes, you heard right, I did give up the copyright, which I did own, on my art pieces. Most Text Artists or “scene” artists in general I know don’t care much about their copyright and have no problem with the fact that their stuff gets copied over and over again. Most are even happy about that, because it proves that they are respected as artists and that people like their stuff. The problem is, that this good intentional attitude does not change existing copyright laws. If you don’t specify somewhere the copyright status of your art piece,[…]


My Art Galleries Launched – Over 700 pieces of Text Art

Categories: ANSI, Artscene, ASCII, Oldskool, SAC, Tools
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Published on: May 28, 2006

I came across a nice php script called AnsiLove last week. The Script converts original ANSI and ASCII files to an Image in real-time. The characters are rendered correctly and the DOS Ansi colors are correct as well. The Font used is true to the original MS DOS font. I was delighted.The Script is also easy to use and I was able to add it to my Website in no time at all. I spent in the past a lot of time making screen shots of my ANSI’s and ASCII’s with a Screen Capture Tool and the ANSI/ASCII Viewer ACiDView for Windows (which can be found at my download page). All my sample art on my Roy/SAC Text Artist Homepage and my “deviations” at my deviantARTArtist Page were done this way. I have to continue using this method for my deviantART pieces for two reasons though. First because I have to upload my Art to their Servers and second am I also adding some comments with background information for each piece of Art. I believe this to be a good thing to do, because it gives the viewer a bit more insight about the times and events surrounding the creation of the Art Work. Okay, I can’t use it for my deviantART stuff, but I was able to put all my 700+ pieces of ASCII and ANSI Art on to my Website with a very small amount of effort. This is great!When I was working on the Scripts to display[…]


How things happen such as this Blog

Categories: Artscene, BBS, Oldskool, Personal, SAC, Tools
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Published on: February 12, 2006

It is sometimes funny how things happen in life and take unexpected turns, trigger a chain reaction you did not expect to happen when you started something for a complete different reason. Exactly this happened when I did the redesign of my families Homepage between Christmas and New Year. It was only a single page with a family photo, Family Members Names and contact Information plus some text talking a bit about me, my move to the United States and my private business Venture I decided to create a separate page for every member of the family including a page just about me. I put on my page the content I already had and started extending it a bit to include more about my past and the time when I was still living in Germany.My time as ASCII & ANSI Artist with the pseudonym “Roy/SAC”, my BBS Closed Society suddenly came back into my mind. It was back then “my life” and not just a “hobby”. I was very serious about it and dedicated not only the biggest piece of my spare time for it but also a big chunk of my income as student and later salary. I realized that this was a topic I should create at least one page just for itself. So I started one at which was moved to its own website in 07/2006 to (edited 12/2006)When I started writing the content, talking about people, groups and locations a began to[…]


Sample ANSI and ASCII Screen Shots

Categories: ANSI, ASCII, Oldskool, SAC
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Published on: February 5, 2006

Here are two sample screenshots of my work to give you an idea what you are dealing with here. One is an ASCII (in “Block” or “High” ASCII Style) and the other a classic BBS ANSI. Between the 2 passed almost 8 years, most of it dedicated to SAC. I produced all in all over 700 pieces of ASCII, ANSI and VGA Art between 1992 and now.Deviance NFO File Ascii Logo (2002)I created this ASCII in 2002 after I retired from SAC. I used to play HOMM3 (Heroes of Might and Magic 3) a lot and Deviance released HOMM4, the sequel which I appreciated very much and decided to do an Ascii for them, because I did not like the one they used for the HOMM4 release. Since I did not have any active contacts with the “scene” delivery of the Ascii became somewhat of a problem. I am not sure until this day, if they ever got it or not.My pre-ordered copy of HOMM4 arrived a few days later via mail which I sadly never played as much as the previous Version. HOMM5 is coming out soon and I might get to play that one a bit. Skylight BBS Ansi Logo (1994)I created this ANSI for my friend and fellow Sysop Gee who operated the BBS called Skylight in Berlin/Germany. I did not founded SAC yet (happened a few months later), which is the reason why the ANSI is not signed Roy/SAC, but Roy/TRSI-Faith of which I was a[…]

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