It Was Time Again For A Clean-Up
As the title of this post already said, it was time again for a clean-up of my site Its content was growing significantely over the past months, which resulted in a very user unfriendly navigation and gave folks a hard time to find stuff on the site.HomepageThe first thing you will notice is a much more cleaner, shorter and straight forward homepage of Old content from the homepage was moved to existing pages (SAC homepage, About Me page), to its own page (Closed Society BBS) or simply deleted.ASCII Art AcademyThe ASCII art primer and the three styles of the underground text art scene articles can not be found in the top navigation anymore. I created a whole new section call the ASCII Art Academy. The academy refers to those two articles and to a lot more stuff, including the existing ASCII art tutorials by Solid and DiamonDie plus five new ASCII art tutorials and the History of ASCII Art article by Joan G. Stark.The new ASCII Art Academy can also be reached via the simple URL GalleriesI had already four art galleries for my own stuff. Three more were added when my site took over as Superior Art Creations homepage. Then I added two more with ASCII and ANSI art from other artists and don’t forget the special ASCII Nudes gallery and the ASCII morph pieces by Skylined. Stuff was all over the place. The galleries got a new “splash page” called… right, Art Galleries, which provides[…]