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Category : deviantART


New ASCII Art Contest at deviantART

Categories: ASCII, CONTEST, deviantART
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Published on: June 2, 2008

Hello Everybody,After a series of posts that were relatively unrelated to ASCII art and text art in general, now a pure one that ONLY talks about ASCII Art and nothing else. Ha, I knew that you missed those hehe. Maija Haavisto aka DiamonDie organized another ASCII art contest over at You might be familar with DiamonDie from Finland, because I have her ASCII Art Tutorial up on my site as part of my ASCII Art Academy for some time now.What is she looking for? Draw something in ASCII that I haven’t seen before, something creative in technique, style, concept and/or subject matter. You could make something surreal, abstract, political, dadaistic or otherwise strange. What is she NOT looking for? … no kittens, Pikachus, roses or Santa Claus, unless you can make them stand out somehow. No pornographic entries or anything that would violate the U.S. law, pretty much everything else goes. There are the following technical requirements, because ASCII art is a bit too broad and not everything that falls under the term Text art or ASCII art is allowed for this contest. The entry must be an ASCII picture, of at least 10×10 and at most 80×200 characters (that’s 80 characters per line and 200 lines). The entry must be drawn in a fixed-width font. Sorry, no extended characters (8-bit), colored ASCII or ANSI this time. If you don’t know what this means, make sure you only use characters included in the green part of this table. The[…]


Baby Girls Olympic Games 2012 with Broken Logo

Categories: deviantART, Personal
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Published on: June 26, 2007

I just came across Seth Godins post about the unveiling of the new Olympic Games logo for the 2012 Olympic Summer Games in London UK.The official post (or whatever you want to call it) was actually made by the BBC.CO.UK on June 4, 2007. The ugliness of the logo made me actually create an account at the BBC website and leave this comment about the logo.Quote (myself): This is is ugliest logo for an important event like this I have ever seen. Starting with the colors and ending with the shapes. It looks like the “broken Olympics” or the baby girls Olympics logo that was dropped by one of the baby girls when the pampas slipped. The worst thing is that: ??400,000 were wasted on this piece of junk a bunch of official guys brag about it as if it would be the best thing since Michelangelo’s “The Last Judgement” painting on the altar wall of the Sistine Chapel in Rome. I added the logo to the post only for one reason. As proof that I am not talking BS here and that it is really as ugly as I said it is. For this amount of money could they have gotten tens of thousands great logos designed by artists from around the world. They could have just started a contest at and offered ??10,000 as prize money. That’s it. Problem solved. I actually recommend that they still do that. It’s still enough time to fix the “broken logo”.Gesundheit!Carsten[…]


deviantART and Web 2.0

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Published on: June 8, 2007

It was a post that was several months in the making. I was having it on my to-do list for months, but was finally able to finish and publish it. I am not talking about a post here, but at my Blog at, which is related to internet and affiliate marketing. The blog post I did is titled “User Generated Advertising Web 2.0 Style” and is about leveraging communities like for your business. deviantART is a great place for businesses who want to do “different” advertising, 100% Web 2.0 style. I suggested the use of dA design contests to have artists create designs for any kind of thing you can come up with. I explained the benefits like this: You engage people, inspire creativity and get authentic designs, which are honest and pure. It could be a web 2.0 style advertising campaign, very viral (speaking of buzz marketing). It’s a pretty long post, but I recommend to read it, if you are interested in this sort of things. I did a contest at deviantART myself last year. It was not a design contest, but it was a contest to promote my Text art site a little bit. I blogged about it too. I hope this provides some inspiration. Just think outside the box from time to time and try out new things. This is true no matter what you are doing. Cheers! Carsten aka Roy/SAC


ASCII plus Animation is ASCIImation

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Published on: April 16, 2007

A fellow ASCII artist with the pseudonym “Skylined” over at deviantART sent me something cool and unique and makes me rethink about “the death” of text art in the internet age. It’s pretty much kicking butt for something that was announced dead by Microsoft over a decade ago. He does not have a real website (the URL I got works sometimes and sometimes it does not) and what he did can not be displayed at deviantART, so I asked him for permission to put it on my website and he was okay with it. What he did is a combination of Text art and cool JavaScript coding to get the desired effects. The first one is a horizontal scrolling “Star Field Effect” emulation, which used to be very popular during the end of the eighties and nineties with demosceners and crack intro coders alike. It also “fades in” and out an ASCII logo, which can be easily replaced by different logos, because it is pulled dynamically from an external text file on the fly. No coding necessary. You can see the real-time “Star Field” animation here or click on the image. The second piece is even cooler in my opinion, but the graphic is not as easy to replace. It is possible though, but you need to know a bit about JavaScript that you done screw it up. The Animation contains two main parts. The first one is a “Morph” effect between four different ASCII logos, which are also cool[…]


Contest Ruling Is Finally In – Special Bonus Prizes Revealed

Categories: ASCII, CONTEST, deviantART
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Published on: December 25, 2006

The ruling for the ANSI/ASCII Text Art contest at deviantART is finally in. I blogged about the end of it and my personal favorite about a week ago. Unfortunately did the other judges not agree with me. What surprised me a bit was that skylined’s entry did not even make the top 5, but it shows how different the opinions of the 6 judges were. Being voted #1 by one judge does not make it a sure win. Somebody that was voted #3 or #4 by all judges has a much higher chance of winning. Here is how the judging works. Every Judge has 15 points to assign, 5 points to the #1, 4 points to the #2, 3 to #3, 2 to #5 and finally 1 point to the #1. This makes 90 points altogether for all 6 judges combined. 5 points does not look like that much anymore, right? Anyway, all entries can be reviewed here if you want to check them out. The 5 Winners are the following: Next to the official prizes will every one of the five winners get a one of my “deviantART ASCII” Mouse pads (since all winners were ASCIIs), a small Magnet of my “deviantART ANSI” print and a post card of my ANSI print as well. I hope the winners will like the little extra bonus prizes. Merry Christmas. Cheers,Carsten

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