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Category : Cirque Du Soleil


Open Letter to YouTube/Google from an Active ???You-Tuber???

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Published on: April 9, 2010
Introductory Note to this Blog Post: Here is the content of the open letter that I just wrote and sent to YouTube support. I hope that they forward it to the appropriate entity at their company to have a closer look and hopefully also act on it appropriately. The general issue is Copyright Laws that they cannot change, but the way how they deal with the situations that are a consequence of IMO insufficient laws in an environment they were not designed for and weren???t even envisioned when those laws were put in place to begin with. The Letter: This letter was written in response to the YouTube Account Inquiry #572435220 regarding the termination of the YouTube account ???CirqueDuSoleilGuru??? on December 18, 2009. For whatever reason did your email response from January 6, 2010 to my web inquiry about the suspension of my YouTube account ???CirqueDuSoleilGuru??? on December 18, 2010 show up in my Gmail inbox now, several months later. I was looking for it back in January and did not find any of it. This is weird, but a separate issue. I am pretty sure that YouTube accounts and their content that were suspended 4+ months ago cannot be reactivated and recovered anyway, so there is no urgency to the situation anymore and my comments can be classified as detailed user feedback, suggestions and complaints from a long time and very active YouTube user who operates multiple personal and professional YouTube accounts for different reasons and purposes. My initial[…]

YouTube Account CirqueDuSoleilGuru Suspended

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Published on: January 6, 2010
Obituary Note for YouTube???s CirqueDuSoleilGuru???Born: July 2008, Died: December 18, 2009200+ Videos, Total video views: 3,244,071, Total ratings 5,240, Total comments posted to videos by users: 3,152, Almost 2,000 subscribers and hundreds of friends. CirqueDuSoleilGuru (aka was a well respected and loved member of the YouTube community, not only because of the valuable content that he provided, but also because of his support and engagement beyond YouTube and the videos in the cause to support and promote the works of Cirque du Soleil. But the content was one important factor also. The average rating of all the videos uploaded to the account was a whopping ???4.46??? out of ???5???. The sudden death was not only tragic, but also unexpected.?? What???s now lost also with the death of CirqueDuSoleilGuru, represents hundreds upon hundreds of hours of work by me and other YouTube community members. All of which was destroyed and killed in cold blooded murder because of corporate greed, ignorance and disrespect of the average people, like me and you.   The YouTube Publisher Account (Type: Guru) ???CirqueDuSoleilGuru??? was suspended on December 18, 2009 by Google without notice or stating any reasons for taking such dramatic actions. Two users and former subscribers to my channel already contacted me via other communication channels, like another YouTube account of mine or via private email and asked me what happened and how unhappy they are about this happening. I honestly don’t know what happened and why they suspended my YouTube account. I can[…]

Imagine The Beatles in Love and 20 Years Under the Sun

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Published on: September 17, 2009

Since it went so nice with my publication of the Inside La Nouba documentary, I thought that I continue and also publish some other non-available/out of print Cirque du Soleil documentaries. Imagine ??? The Beatles in Love This is the 50+ minutes long BBC documentary “Imagine, the Beatles in LOVE” about the creation of the Cirque du Soleil show “The Beatles – LOVE”, which is performed at the Mirage hotel and casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. It features commentary by the creators of the show, as well as the remaining Beatles members and the music producers Sir George Martin and his son Giles Martin. It also shows a lot of footage from the Cirque du Soleil show itself, acrobatics, rehearsals and more. The documentary was broadcast on British television on December 27, 2006 and not officially released on DVD for purchase. Check out the “Documentaries” or “Cirque on DVD” parts of my Cirque du Soleil primer article at, which refers to a shop where you can purchase a bootleg copy of the documentary on DVD. There you can also find the references to the great documentary about the show LOVE, which is actually available on DVD. It is called “All Together Now” and features over 2 hours of great and informative material about the show and the process of it’s creation. You can also download the entire documentary in .AVI video format (XVID/MP3, 624×368 pixels resolution) at (Beware! It’s a 642 MB! file) Watch the Individual Segments at[…]


Cirque du Soleil Show Names and their Meanings

Categories: Cirque Du Soleil
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Published on: September 15, 2009
If you ever wondered what the often strange names of Cirque du Soleil shows mean and where they are coming from then you are not alone. Like the shows itself the name of it also has most of the time a very fascinating background story and meaning to it. Names are not chosen by Cirque quickly. Like all other elements of the show creation process, a lot of thoughts and considerations go into it. Contents Alegr??a Banana Shpeel Believe Corteo Delirium Dralion K?? Kooz?? La Magie Continue La Nouba Le Cirque R??invent?? Love Myst??re Nouvelle Exp??rience ???O??? Ovo Quidam Saltimbanco Soleil du Minuit Varekai Wintuk Zaia Zed Zumanity Alegr??a is about a Kingdom without a King where everybody wants the power. The Red Man, who was the fool of the king, he thinks that he has the power. All the nostalgic beautiful birds who want the power; then you have the young and energetic and vigilant fast trackers. The flyers high up in the lights, the beautiful nymphs and contortionists all struggle for the power in this leaderless kingdom. ???Alegria??? is the Spanish word for Joy, elation and jubilation. Spelling the name: Alegr??a (the ???I??? is a Latin lower case letter ???I??? with acute, Unicode: 0x00ED (237), in HTML ?? or ??) The show Banana Shpeel is a contemporary twist on Vaudeville in Chicago. ???Banana *peel?????? from Banana Peel, a symbol of traditional slapstick comedy and the Yiddish word ???Shtick???, meaning a comic theme or gimmick, derived from the German[…]

Cirque du Soleil???s Inside La Nouba and In the Heart of Dralion

Categories: Cirque Du Soleil
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Published on: September 13, 2009

Finally, after months of searching and having an instant alert on eBay to find the documentary DVD ???Cirque du Soleil: Inside La Nouba – From Conception to Perception???. Just about 1 1/2 weeks ago I got an alert that somebody is selling the DVD on eBay. I jumped on and placed my bid. The auction ended about one week ago and I was outbid. I didn???t watch the item closely at the end, because I was (and are) still working on my new computer (setup, configuration etc.). I set my maximum bid to $15.00 and was outbid by one cent. I would have bid more and should have set a higher maximum, but well. Anyhow, I was furious when I saw that I lost the auction after all those months, but there wasn???t anything I could do about it. I searched eBay again, but manually and noticed a listing where I did not receive an alert yet. Two offers within one week, unbelievable. That other seller had the ???buy now??? option enabled, asking for $13.99 with free shipping and handling within the United States. I couldn???t believe my luck and clicked ???buy now??? right away, completing the process (including payment) right there and then. Then a few days ago the DVD arrived. YEAH! There is nothing really that special about the DVD itself, except that it is the last one that I had missing from Cirque du Soleil. I have all other show and documentary DVDs about the Canadian circus[…]

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