Roy of Superior Art Creations

Logo Collection V2 and Pixel Art Images Collection V1 Released
Two more scene art releases are coming your way. All in all about 1 GB of data for you to download and spread to FTP servers, old-school bulletin board systems and share with friends and other sceners and/or graphic artists who are able to appreciate what they are looking at. The first release is actually an update, a major one though. Scene Pixel Art Logos Collection V2.0 Version one was released only about two months ago, but I added so many more to my collection that I thought that a version 2.0 release does not hurt. Over 9000 Images for over 1600 Groups, BBS, Demos and more from the Commodore 64, Amiga, Atari ST and PC Demo- and Warez Scenes. Welcome to the Scene Logo Collection Version 2.0 brought to you by The collection contains thousands of logos for groups, demos, bulletin board systems, web sites and individuals from all the major scene platforms, including Windows PC (Super VGA, Hi-Res), old MS DOS standard VGA PCs (320×200 256 Colors), Commodore Amiga’s (32 Colors), Commodore 64s (8Bit), Apple II’s (8Bit), CPC’s (8Bit), Atari 8Bit Home Computers, Atari ST’s and Atari Falcons. There are a lot of duplicates, which I am working on constantly eliminating (or at least reducing). It is not that easy, because it is not always clear, which is the best or authentic original to keep and which version to delete (once you detected a duplicate visually, which by itself takes already a lot of time). If I[…]

The First Demo That I Saw in my Life
This post falls into the category “old personal history of mine”. I thought that write once more about how I experienced things, especially because I grew up behind the Iron Curtain in the former communist part of Germany, the DDR or GDR (German Democratic Republic). People always ask me how it was like, so here is a story that describes one aspect of it, a very specific one though. Not everybody will be able to relate to it, but if you know what computer demos and crack intros are and interested to hear more about it, stick around. Computer Tales from the Former East Germany Back in 1987, two years before the Wall fell in Berlin, when my dad was allowed to take the Commodore 128D computer (with monitor and 9 needles printer) home to be able to use it for work there, I thought that this was the happiest moment in my life. I always wanted to have a computer since I got exposed to one for the first time in either 1985 or 1986 (That first computer wasn’t a Commodore, it was actually an Atari 800 XL with Datasette tape without any turbo load hardware tweak). There was no Internet and also no tech support to call, because that support did not extend to the area of the former East German state at that time.The only thing to go on was the user handbook that came with the computer. My dad gave me one empty floppy disc (remember,[…]

Dynamic Technologies – Dytec – Introduction Continued
Almost exactly one year ago I did publish a post where I introduced 26 cracktros for the Commodore 64, 7 Cracktros for the PC and 4 Cracktros for the Commodore Amiga by one of my former release groups that is dear to my heard, Dynamic Technologies aka Dytec or simply DTC. I also created a remix video where I used the majority of Dytec logos that I had and many of the crack intro videos to show off some artistic high-lights of the group. ____ _____________ ______ ______ / \/ / /_ __// ___// ___/\ / / /\ _/ / /\_/ _/__/ /___\/ /_____/ /__/\\/__/ //_____//_____/\ \_____\/\__\/ \__\/ \_____\\_____\/ C R A C K E D: One thing that I noticed was that the few (4) intros that I had for the Commodore Amiga for Dytec, were pretty much all ugly and almost embarrassing. I was almost certain that there must have been more, since I do recall that we used logos for Dytec that were created on an Amiga for our Dytec PC cracktros. I always thought that those logos were used first in Amiga productions and were not created for the PC specifically (just like Dream Design did while he was in my art group SAC (Superior Art Creations) and also in Remedy Amiga (and “U.D.O.” hehe), still using his Amiga 500 as his main computer and only getting a PC much later). However, I could not find any of those, when I looked for them last year.[…]

Copyright Complaint Notice Filings in the Scene? WTF?
It’s not that I have already to deal with a lot of crap at the moment that something that just happened a few days ago has to come on top of all of it to “make my day” and “make my head shake in disbelief’“. It started with a big fat screen where you can see the snapshot of below, when I logged into one of my accounts. I was forced to acknowledge the message, before I could do anything else. I was upset at first, because I thought that once more some idiot would claim something that is not his to begin with to cause trouble and inconvenience for YouTuber’s, because they are full of themselves. Dreyfus – Jarre – Oxygene & The Demoscene Wouldn’t be the first time. I still remember when in February 2008 a company with the name FRANCIS DREYFUS MUSIC came along and claimed the video recording of the PC/MS DOS demo called “Contrast” by the French demo group “Oxygene” from 1996 as their intellectual property that I was supposed to be infringing on. Well, Dreyfus did believe back then that any video with the word “Oxygene” in the title must be automatically infringing on the rights they hold for the music by the French musician Jean Michel Jarre with the same title. Makes sense, doesn’t it? Right … Anyhow, I did a Google search for the name of the somebody who claimed ownership of material used in some of my videos. Matt Swoboda,[…]