Roy of Superior Art Creations archive
Date : November 2014


Copyright ??? Past, Present and Future

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Published on: November 6, 2014
I wrote this document over 4 years ago, but never published it really, until now, because I believe that it is still current and at relevant for most people today. Carsten Cumbrowski, Fresno, CA, November 2014 The current copyright laws are so messed up that it is impossible for an average person to make heads or tails out of them, that it requires a highly specialized person or better even group of persons who can up with the best tale to tell, to convince a judge, who is also unable to make up heads and tails in most curt cases what the head is and what the tail (or who) and thus, who has to be right and who could possibly not.?? I was affected by the copyright laws myself in more than just one single case and also made in more recent days more and more eyewitness account of events that I would have a hard time believing myself, If I would not have seen them happen with my own pair of eyes. I was talking about some of those experiences already in the past at my personal blog and elsewhere and actually wanted to something about this subject. This is now my first attempt of doing just that.?? I collected a lot of??material and information to the subject of copyright laws and the problems with them in the current society over the past few years*1, which are the basis for this article. I put it on ???Google Docs???[…]

TheDraw ANSI Fonts Collection Roll-Up

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Published on: November 3, 2014
Just in??my last post I??stated full of optimism that I am about to break the 700 fonts mark for my TheDraw ANSI fonts collection. And behold, only yesterday the count swell to 710 fonts, YEAH! Yet today, only a few days after I made this statement and one day after I breached the targeted mark, the count in my collection dropped significantly to “only” 677 fonts, 23 fonts away from the 700 mark. What happened? Don’t panic! There wasn’t a system crash that wiped out dozens of fonts or anything of that nature. A small number of reductions is caused by the removal of original font versions from other artists, where I took the liberty to extend the font set by missing characters, but kept the original characters that were already there unchanged. That made absolute sense, because those were real duplicates, which I only kept in my individual files collection, but long but removed from any font sets collection packages etc. However, those were only about half a dozen fonts or so. The majority of??”disappearances” are caused by consolidating fonts that were merely different colored versions of the same font type to a single “mini” collection each. The smallest may only contains 2 individual fonts, while the largest has a staggering number of 18 individual fonts, only appearing as a single “font” item in my collection. The average though is 4 to 5 fonts per type. Counting all derived colored versions as single font, the total number of fonts[…]
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