Scene Fonts Collection Volume 2 Release

Categories: Artscene, Collections
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Published on: June 25, 2014

It is almost up to the day 5 years ago that I released the Scene Fonts Collection Volume 1. Unfortunately the first Volume isn’t officially available for download for quite a while now, specifically since the day when decided to kill my whole PRO account with all its files because of some copyright complaints (I don’t want to go into details with that now. It was just meant as a FYI.).

Volume I contained back then about 600 files, Volume II today has over 1,000 files now, again pixel art fonts ripped and captured from Crack Intros, Demos and Games across most major release platforms. The fonts are somewhat sorted like the last time around, namely by font size. Also like last time, there are many dupes, or more accurately.. near dupes, mostly because of slight variations in the graphics files for various reason. Again, my motto is:

“Rather have it twice or more than not at all!”

Download ROY-SFNT2.ZIP (55 MB) Now!


I created a new release intro for this occasion, yes, again using OSDM for the job (I hadn’t have the time yet to get my head around Intro Maniac, sorry). Unlike most of my previous OSDM productions , there is no full-screen version available for this new release of mine. It makes use of the “Skin” feature of OSDM, which can’t be used for intro productions running in full-screen mode. The skin became integrated into the theme for the intro that releasing a full-screen version without theme was out of the question. This created a small problem for myself again, when it came to create a video capture recording of the intro. None of the tools I am using is able to capture the skin.

The solution was the creation of a special version of the intro just for the purpose of the video capture, which emulates a skin. It’s not 100% like the real deal, but isn’t it always, if you try to emulate something original? :)

Backup URL to Video on youtube (

About one month ago I also introduced a new NFO file design for, which is with this release for the first time. Here is the complete new release NFO file in all its glory.

Image Version of NFO File, see link to text version below

A here is a link to the Alternative Text Version.

I hope you will enjoy this release again. Once more the link to the 55MB ZIP archive for download:


Download ROY-SFNT2.ZIP (55 MB) Now!

Carsten aka Roy/SAC

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NOTE! I believe in the right for freedom of speech and personal opinion and are against censorship, so feel free to tell me what you think and let me and others hear your opinion on this subject, but please avoid using the f-word and s-word as much as you possibly can, because at the end of the day this blog exists for the purpose of useful exchanges of thoughts, ideas and opinions and not as a valve for your accumulated anger and frustration. Get a shrink for that! Thanks.

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