Superior Art Creations Scene Art Pack Volume 36-SAC?!

Categories: Artscene, SAC
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: January 10, 2010

A few days before new year, Desolation Angel contacted me via Facebook and told me that Scour is trying to put a new SAC art pack together for the December 31, 2009. I was delighted about this idea after so many years and sent Scour an email (which I also got from DA) to send him stuff that I created over the years to be added to the pack and the request to send me the pack file as soon as possible that I could convert its content and make it ready for browsing on my web site like I did for all the other 35 art packs last year.

I did not receive a response and became worried that he did not get my message on time.

The December 31, 2009 passed and I still did not hear back from Scour, so I told DA and asked, if he heard from him and knows if a SAC pack was released or not. He gave me an alternative email address and sent another message to that one. He also had not heard from Scour, nor got a download link to the pack. Meanwhile Maktone contacted me via FB also, asking me, if I got a link to download the new art pack.

Finally Scour responded to my last email on January 6, 2010 without saying anything, but 2 links to download the SAC pack release. That was it. I downloaded the archive and found to my disappointment that my stuff was not included. I believed that my emails to the first address did not get to Scour on time for the release at first, but then I read the text in the SAC.NFO file of the release and was shocked and very disappointed.

I was thinking how to respond to this and decided to write a clear and friendly email back to Scour and Barium, who wrote the content of the NFO and then also release my response publicly. Below is my response from January 9, 2010. The words in red color are citations of Scour and Barium from the NFO file, which I also included in its entirely below and should be read first to better understand my own responses to it.

Again, I am very disappointed and unnecessary, but unfortunately also unavoidable. What happened could not be ignored by me and left out in the open without a statement on my part.

Update February 2010: Please also read my follow up posts about the issue: A Tale about an Art Group Called Superior Art Creations and more important SAC ??? Misunderstandings Cleared and Differences Settled.

Here is the entire NFO file and it???s wording from SAC Pack #36 from December 31, 2009

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      ??????                                                              ??????
     ????????? And once again Lazarus has dug himself out of his hole to    ?????????
   ???  ?????? show you guys how it's done. We've seen some random act???     ??????  ???
      ?????? ivity on the artscene, but whatever. Nothing to be proud     ??????
      ?????? about. Stop being such fucking rippers, you know who you are ??????
      ?????? ...                                                          ??????
    ??? ?????? *Cough cough* CR...OMG, look! Another fx sprouts onto the    ?????? ???
   ?????? ?????? asciiscene shamelessly! Perhaps we should have included the  ?????? ??????
    ???????????? tutorial he wrote... You seem to need it.                    ????????????
     ?????????                                                              ?????????
    ???????????? On a completely different note, Roy for some reason thinks   ????????????
     ????????? this is still his group... Well, fuck that, go back to your  ?????????
      ?????? retarded blog and write about canadian circus. Thanks for    ??????
     ????????? your subs, but no thanks. We've gotta keep up some standards ?????????
     ????????? you know. There's another german founded three letter acron??? ?????????
    ???????????? ym group that'd fit you like a glove.                        ????????????
    ??? ??????                                                              ?????? ???
   ?????? ?????? Anyways, why the fuck haven't we released an artpack in 2.5  ?????? ??????
   ???  ?????? years? Barium, got an answer?                                ??????  ???
  ??????  ??????                                                              ??????  ??????
   ?????? ?????? Yeah, not really. I guess we're only humans with lusts and   ?????? ??????
      ?????? several TBs of porn.                                         ??????
      ??????                                                              ??????
      ?????? Well there you have it folks, the Almighty SAC has returned  ??????
      ?????? from its slumber to conquer and rule with an iron fist.      ??????
      ??????                                                              ??????
      ?????? I say, from this day forward you will obey. The age of indi??? ??????
      ?????? vidualism in the artscene is over. Conform or perish.        ??????
      ??????                                                              ??????
      ?????? That's it! Like that black guy who turned white, then his    ??????
      ?????? face fell in, Superior Art Creations Scene Art Pack Vol. 36  ??????
      ?????? is finally here for your viewing pleasure, so enjoy! Or else ??????
      ?????? we'll have Roy draw your next req.                           ??????
      ??????                                                              ??????
      ?????? ???Barium/Scour (we joint everything else, why not Sac.nfo?)   ??????
      ??????                                                              ??????
      ?????? For this production S.P.E.C.T.R.E. have decided to activate  ??????
      ?????? the following sleeper agents:                                ??????
      ??????                                                              ??????
      ?????? Asphyx, Barium, Creature of Hell, Crome, Desolation Angel,   ??????
      ?????? Dipswitch, Don Rapello, Hkultra, Maktone, Nerv, & Scour.     ??????
      ??????                                                              ??????
      ?????? Alas we have recruited some unusually enthusiastic talent    ??????
      ?????? to fill our ranks in the past few months due to the invent???  ??????
      ?????? ion of remote brainwashing technology. Introducing the fut???  ??????
      ?????? ure of our beloved artscene:                                 ??????
      ??????                                                              ??????
      ?????? Elle, oPi, pOLe, & Sephiroth. Watch out, you might be next!  ??????
      ??????     ???                                                        ??????
      ??? ???     ???????????????  You know the deal.. #sac @ EFNET                 ??????
      ?????? ?????????  ???????????????                                                   ??????
      ??????  ??? ?????????????????????  No official homepage, no matter what one claims. ??????
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      ??????                JUST DO IT. ..FOR FUN THAT IS.                ??????
                             ???  ???

Hi Scour, and Barium (please forward to Jesper, I don’t have his email)

Thanks for the download links.

I started a nice email back to you, but then read the NFO file of the SAC pack release. I am not sure, if I am glad that I did not send my response first already or not.

Anyhow, since I did not send it yet and read the NFO, I could not send it anymore, so I have to say sorry, but the Thanks at the beginning of this email will be the only nice words that you are going to hear from me.

I have no intention to start a flame-bullshit-war with you or Barium. I am too old for that shit and so should you too actually.

I will try to express myself as clear as possible.

“On a completely different note, Roy for some reason thinks?? this is still his group… “

I am not just thinking this, it is actually true, now more than ever, especially after it retired itself about 2.5 years ago. At that moment you lost all right to it and even the remote chance to legitimize what you just did now.

Even more so, you take into account what happened between then and the release of your art pack a few days ago.

You had no right to revive the group and explicitly exclude the senior founders, long time leader, major contributor and only one who gave a damn to bring it up at the beginning and to preserve its legacy when it fell apart in 2007.

I also gave this group the name and abbreviation, so go and found yourself another group on your own where you can do with whatever you like. You guys did not make SAC to what it was, you were merely benefiting from it when you joined it while Ferrex had the leadership role, which I handed to him in 2000 2001 (with some regrets I might add).

“Well, fuck that, go back to your retarded blog and write about canadian circus.”

Mhh.. an artist who does not appreciate Cirque du Soleil, interesting. I would never had though that to be possible.

My blog is not just about CDS btw. Some of it should even be of value and interest to you (not sure who to direct this to, you Scour or Barium)

I will leave it at that. I cannot please everyone, I know, so if you don’t like it, don’t read it. There are millions of other blogs and web sites to spend time on.

“Thanks for your subs, but no thanks. “

So you got my stuff on time!

“We’ve gotta keep up some standards you know. “

Oho… You are obviously very full of yourself. That’s arrogance and something that I don’t want to seen associated with SAC. I heard that Ferrex was going on that trip after I was gone and I can tell you that it did not make me very happy.

People made their own judgment already years ago when non of you two were even around and also today. … and btw. if you would know a little bit more about SAC, then you would also know who sets the standards and what those are.

“There’s another german founded three letter acronym group that’d fit you like a glove.”

I don’t know who you are referring, but I believe that this is the attempt to insult me or something like that.

The only other art groups in Germany that were around when or after SAC was founded and active were cRO and BM.

I am sure that you did not refer to cRO, right?

I hope that I expressed myself clear enough.

I will put the new pack on the web site, but not as an official pack. A blog post will also follow and some other stuff that you might find out yourself sooner or later.

“No official homepage, no matter what one claims.”

Well, SUPERIORARTCREATIONS.COM seems to be the final home for the group now after all. Well, it became that already when you abandoned it in 2007 and the domain got almost dropped, if XEEK would not have contacted me and take it over as soon as I could.

“You know the deal.. #sac @ EFNET”

I won’t force you to close the channel on EfNet. I was kind of glad that It was still there, although I am not hanging out on IRC anymore.

However, you know what you have to do. I also don’t mind, if you want the channel up for folks to hang out there and chat about art, just start another channel for your own new group for your official group stuff. You might even use #SAC to recruit artists to your own group, as long as SAC is not really active. I sent folks there myself, because I knew that somebody could find artists there for requests, even if it wasn’t a current or former SAC member. Basically don’t use the channel to discredit SAC, its origins, roots and what it stand and still stands for.

Happy New Year anyway. It could have been a happy start for all of us instead, but this was obviously not meant to happen unfortunately.

Oops, I lied! I said that the thanks at the beginning of the email would be the only kind words in this email. Well, I can forgive myself for this lie. I never had anything against you and don’t know where your hatred against me comes from.

I am not happy about it and doubt that you will tell me the reasons for it, thus I cannot do much about it either, am I?


Carsten aka Roy/SAC

Another quote from the NFO file, which I did not include in my email, but would like to comment on as well. conquer and rule with an iron fist.

I say from this day forward you will obey. The age of individualism is over. Conform or Perish.

What do we have here? Some little Fascists or what? Sorry, but Nazis are not permitted in my art group.?? Go and crawl back under the rock where you came from. Perish!

Can you believe this? Gosh, are we not too old for this chicken-sh*t ? Some people should know better than this.


Carsten aka Roy/SAC

Co-Founder and Leader of SAC ??? Superior Art Creations
1994 ??? 2001, 2007-???

PS. Regardless if I disapprove of the NFO file and how this release was conducted, here is the download link to the entire pack anyway, because it includes a lot of nice old-skool art by various respected artists and musicians of the scene and I also do not consider this whole thing to be something between me and the whole rest of SAC or what is left of it. I actually would be even more disappointed, if none of the members, especially the ones who have seniority, speak up themselves to express their thoughts and opinions regarding this matter.

Update February 2010: The art pack can also browsed on my web site: Browse SAC Pack #36 Online!

1 Comment
  1. Anonymous says:

    “LTW” was created for the 10th anniversaries of two of the greatest art groups of all time, Superior Art Creations and Remorse 1981. Both groups began in 1994 and are still rocking the artscene today. I am proud to be a part of both of these legendary groups, for they are truly the upper echelon of textmode art. I have much love and admiration for the founders of both of these groups, for what they created is Louder Than Words. Raise your glass, this one’s for you!

    by Scour in 2005

  1. […] entirely. I know this very well from personal experience through my blogging. The things stated in the NFO were bad, but most of it was written under false or incomplete assumptions. I wasn???t innocent […]

  2. […] Superior Art Creations Scene Art Pack Volume 36-SAC?! – McAfee Security Center and Issues with AntiVirus Solutions in General […]

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NOTE! I believe in the right for freedom of speech and personal opinion and are against censorship, so feel free to tell me what you think and let me and others hear your opinion on this subject, but please avoid using the f-word and s-word as much as you possibly can, because at the end of the day this blog exists for the purpose of useful exchanges of thoughts, ideas and opinions and not as a valve for your accumulated anger and frustration. Get a shrink for that! Thanks.

Welcome , today is Tuesday, February 18, 2025