Roy of Superior Art Creations archive
Date : September 2009


More OSDM Intro Mania

Categories: Oldskool, Scene-Videos
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Published on: September 15, 2009

More Intros/Cracktros created with the Oldskool?? Demo Maker by Peace/Testaware. First an Intro for TRSI ??? Tristar & Red Sector Incorporated. The main logo is based on the probably most recognized and almost legendary TRSI logo design that J.O.E. created on the Commodore Amiga for the group back in the early 1990s. I cannot remember who Thorion/TRSI made this transformation animation out of it, but it was originally created for the Commodore Amiga demo by TRSI called ???We will smash you!??? ???Time Zone???, which was released at the Arise Summer Conference in August 1992. I also did not create the red vector in the middle, behind the text. That one was created by D.N.S. Design for OSDM in 2007. Too bad that TRSI is not active on the PC anymore. They might could have actually used it for their releases :). Why not?! Quick Credits Code: Peace Graphics: J.O.E./TRSI and me, Roy/SAC Strips Glenz Cube Vector: D.N.S. Design Music:?? Bass/The Silents (tune from the Amiga demo ???Static Chaos??? by No Soul Prod./TSL DE) Backup Link to Video on You can as always download the video in AVI format and this time also the Window 32bit Executable in a single ZIP archive at Download now The second intro/cracktro is for the release group RoORS. How do you like my rain effect? I actually got the inspiration for it by looking at the classic ???Matrix??? effect hehe. Believe it or not, but it is just one static image that is[…]


Cirque du Soleil???s Inside La Nouba and In the Heart of Dralion

Categories: Cirque Du Soleil
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Published on: September 13, 2009

Finally, after months of searching and having an instant alert on eBay to find the documentary DVD ???Cirque du Soleil: Inside La Nouba – From Conception to Perception???. Just about 1 1/2 weeks ago I got an alert that somebody is selling the DVD on eBay. I jumped on and placed my bid. The auction ended about one week ago and I was outbid. I didn???t watch the item closely at the end, because I was (and are) still working on my new computer (setup, configuration etc.). I set my maximum bid to $15.00 and was outbid by one cent. I would have bid more and should have set a higher maximum, but well. Anyhow, I was furious when I saw that I lost the auction after all those months, but there wasn???t anything I could do about it. I searched eBay again, but manually and noticed a listing where I did not receive an alert yet. Two offers within one week, unbelievable. That other seller had the ???buy now??? option enabled, asking for $13.99 with free shipping and handling within the United States. I couldn???t believe my luck and clicked ???buy now??? right away, completing the process (including payment) right there and then. Then a few days ago the DVD arrived. YEAH! There is nothing really that special about the DVD itself, except that it is the last one that I had missing from Cirque du Soleil. I have all other show and documentary DVDs about the Canadian circus[…]


Script Tool: Process Scene Releases Version 2.1 Update

Categories: Tools
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Published on: September 9, 2009

This is a quick update (and fix) for the Version 2.0 of the script that I released about 1 month ago. I wrote in detail about it here.?? It is basically a useful batch script with configuration INI file to RAR and then ZIP your scene releases, add NFO and File_ID.DIZ and optional INTRO to each Release File automatically. See ReadMe.txt, which is included in the Release ZIP of the script, for details and help. Download link can be found a little bit further below. More Bug Fixes Version 2.0 of the script had a bug, if the release is only one RAR archive. This is fixed now. The script is able to handle single file releases as well as multi-file ones. I did some tweaking and testing that it is not necessary anymore to use the 8.3 DOS short paths neither for the specification of the RAR and ZIP executables locations nor for the path to the data folder where you have the files that go into your release. I also included a FILE_ID.DIZ template in this version of the release, as reference. Download ?? Roy-ProcessReleases21.ZIP (365 KB) Important Disclaimer! The author, of this software accepts no responsibility for damages resulting from the use of this product and makes no warranty or representation, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to, any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. This software is provided “AS IS”, and you, its user, assume all risks when using it.[…]


Cirque du Soleil File Archive

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Published on: September 6, 2009

This article is part of my Cirque du Soleil primer articles series. I made over the time a huge amount of content related to Cirque du Soleil available for download at various places. To make things easier to find, I also store most of my stuff at my file sharing account at The good thing about is that you do not stupid delays or other hoops to jump through in order to download files, without creating an account (free or paid). Downloads start right away, the only thing that you get are some Ads and a pop-up, which is a bit annoying, but very little hassle in comparison what you get in return for it. The files are sorted into various sub folders to make it easier to find the stuff that you are interested in. The files that I have available are primarily video footage of Cirque du Soleil shows, special events and other productions, as well as photos, images and a bunch of audio material as well. No, you won???t find there the show DVDs or soundtrack CDs for download. Those are available for purchase, so please don???t be so cheap and buy those releases instead of trying to download an illegal copy of it. They don???t cost very much. If you are not sure, if you should buy a DVD or Soundtrack, then I might be able to help you, because the material that I do have available provides a good glimpse of what to[…]

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