Cirque du Soleil File Archive

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Published on: September 6, 2009

This article is part of my Cirque du Soleil primer articles series.

I made over the time a huge amount of content related to Cirque du Soleil available for download at various places. To make things easier to find, I also store most of my stuff at my file sharing account at

The good thing about is that you do not stupid delays or other hoops to jump through in order to download files, without creating an account (free or paid). Downloads start right away, the only thing that you get are some Ads and a pop-up, which is a bit annoying, but very little hassle in comparison what you get in return for it.

The files are sorted into various sub folders to make it easier to find the stuff that you are interested in. The files that I have available are primarily video footage of Cirque du Soleil shows, special events and other productions, as well as photos, images and a bunch of audio material as well.

No, you won???t find there the show DVDs or soundtrack CDs for download. Those are available for purchase, so please don???t be so cheap and buy those releases instead of trying to download an illegal copy of it. They don???t cost very much.

If you are not sure, if you should buy a DVD or Soundtrack, then I might be able to help you, because the material that I do have available provides a good glimpse of what to expect from the recording products and of course the live shows itself.

The File Archive Folder Structure

A good place to start is the main root directory for my Cirque du Soleil files at

Cirque du Soleil File Share Root Folder

Beneath that you will find a number of sub directories as follow:

  • Cirque General Videos
    Here you can find videos that are about Cirque du Soleil in general, including Ads that promote merchandise of multiple shows. This folder has two additional sub-folders, where you can find files to the ???Then and Now Video Series??? and also ???Cirque du Soleil Logos??? (Videos for credits and intros etc.)

  • Cirque Images Packs
    This folder contains collections of images and photographs packed as RAR archives; sorted/grouped by shows and special purposes, like wall papers, banners and product images.

    All in all, well over 1.5 Gigabytes of photos and images, packed with WinRAR into over 25 separate archives, by shows and individual subject. Some archives are small and only a few megabytes, but the larger ones are well beyond 100 Megabytes in size.

  • Cirque Music Audios
    Live snippets and previously unreleased tracks (missing on official soundtrack CDs) from various Cirque du Soleil productions in MP3 format.

    This folder has also over a dozen sub folders, typically for each of the shows where there is audio material available for download.

  • Cirque Shows Videos
    Videos related to the individual touring and resident shows of Cirque du Soleil around the globe.
    This folder has a bunch of sub folders for each individual show, such as:

  • Cirque Specials Videos
    Videos of special events or performances by Cirque du Soleil. Note: Specials that only involve 1 show can be found in their respective show folders instead.

    There are two additional sub folders:

    • About Cirque, which has videos ABOUT and not OF Cirque du Soleil, like news reports and also parodies etc.??
    • Carsten – Cirque du Soleil – This sub folder contains all the videos, where you can see and hear me talking about various subjects related to Cirque du Soleil, including product reviews etc.

  • Cirque TV Productions Videos
    Videos of Cirque du Soleil productions for Television and Movie Theaters, like IMAX. Videos of productions related to a specific Cirque show can be found in the respective show folder instead. There are two sub folders in this directory:

    Note: The Alegr??a “The Movie” videos are located at the folder about the Alegr??a show.

  • Acrobatics General (Non-Cirque)
    Non-Cirque du Soleil acrobatics videos that I created (edited)


Notes to the Videos/Video Format (Encoding/Codecs)

  • Most videos are encoded using the free XVID video codec for the video data and standard Mpeg-1 Layer 3 (MP3) for the audio. The XVID codec does not come with Windows by default and must be installed separately. You can download the necessary software at this web site, for free. There is also the version for Mac OS X for all the Macintosh users out there. Alternative download locations and additional versions like for SuSE Linux or Debian at or
  • Some videos are also in Windows Media Video format (.WMV), which is supported automatically for all Windows 32/64 Bit versions like XP, Vista and Windows 7.
  • Macintosh users need to download a free add-on for Apple???s QuickTime player in order to be able to play back those videos. You can download the software at this web site.

Supplemental Resources Related to Video/Audio


Cirque du Soleil Articles in this Series

Happy downloading! I hope that you will enjoy the content that I made available for you.


Carsten aka your YouTube???s CirqueDuSoleilGuru

This article is part of my Cirque du Soleil primer articles series.

1 Comment
  1. Anonymous says:

    thank you so much :)

  1. […] Cirque du Soleil File Archive (Videos, Audio and Images) […]

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  3. […] Cirque du Soleil File Archive (Videos, Audio and Images) […]

  4. […] Cirque du Soleil File Archive (Videos, Audio and Images) […]

  5. […] Cirque du Soleil File Archive (Videos, Audio and Images) […]

  6. […] Cirque du Soleil File Archive (Videos, Audio and Images) […]

  7. […] Cirque du Soleil File Archive (Videos, Audio and Images) […]

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