Roy of Superior Art Creations archive
Date : September 6, 2009


Cirque du Soleil File Archive

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Published on: September 6, 2009

This article is part of my Cirque du Soleil primer articles series. I made over the time a huge amount of content related to Cirque du Soleil available for download at various places. To make things easier to find, I also store most of my stuff at my file sharing account at The good thing about is that you do not stupid delays or other hoops to jump through in order to download files, without creating an account (free or paid). Downloads start right away, the only thing that you get are some Ads and a pop-up, which is a bit annoying, but very little hassle in comparison what you get in return for it. The files are sorted into various sub folders to make it easier to find the stuff that you are interested in. The files that I have available are primarily video footage of Cirque du Soleil shows, special events and other productions, as well as photos, images and a bunch of audio material as well. No, you won???t find there the show DVDs or soundtrack CDs for download. Those are available for purchase, so please don???t be so cheap and buy those releases instead of trying to download an illegal copy of it. They don???t cost very much. If you are not sure, if you should buy a DVD or Soundtrack, then I might be able to help you, because the material that I do have available provides a good glimpse of what to[…]

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