Roy of Superior Art Creations archive
Date : August 2009


Logo Collection V2 and Pixel Art Images Collection V1 Released

Categories: Artscene, history, Oldskool
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: August 17, 2009

Two more scene art releases are coming your way. All in all about 1 GB of data for you to download and spread to FTP servers, old-school bulletin board systems and share with friends and other sceners and/or graphic artists who are able to appreciate what they are looking at. The first release is actually an update, a major one though. Scene Pixel Art Logos Collection V2.0 Version one was released only about two months ago, but I added so many more to my collection that I thought that a version 2.0 release does not hurt. Over 9000 Images for over 1600 Groups, BBS, Demos and more from the Commodore 64, Amiga, Atari ST and PC Demo- and Warez Scenes. Welcome to the Scene Logo Collection Version 2.0 brought to you by The collection contains thousands of logos for groups, demos, bulletin board systems, web sites and individuals from all the major scene platforms, including Windows PC (Super VGA, Hi-Res), old MS DOS standard VGA PCs (320×200 256 Colors), Commodore Amiga’s (32 Colors), Commodore 64s (8Bit), Apple II’s (8Bit), CPC’s (8Bit), Atari 8Bit Home Computers, Atari ST’s and Atari Falcons. There are a lot of duplicates, which I am working on constantly eliminating (or at least reducing). It is not that easy, because it is not always clear, which is the best or authentic original to keep and which version to delete (once you detected a duplicate visually, which by itself takes already a lot of time). If I[…]


Script Tool: Process Scene Releases Version 2.0

Categories: Tools
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Published on: August 17, 2009

I wrote in march about how to package a scene release properly. In that post I also published the source of a release creation batch script called ProcRel.bat. I wrote a heavily modified and extended version of that script and present it to you here and today. NOTE: This Script does not work for SINGLE ZIP release files. It will stop after it created the RAR archive. I have to take a look at it, because it is a minor flaw that does not have to be there, even though it is not the scripts purpose to create releases that are just a single ZIP archive. Bug Fixes The script had a bunch of short comings and even a bug. I have not figured out yet what the criteria is for the command line version on WinRAR to create volume numbers of multiple file archives one digit long and when it uses two digits (E.g. FILE.part1.RAR versus FILE.part01.RAR). My old batch assumed 01 instead of the single digit version, but that creates an issue, if RAR decides to use the single digit naming convention instead. My new version covers this and checks for both versions and then uses the correct one appropriately when it continues by renaming the RAR archives to FILE1.RAR or FILE01.RAR respectively and ZIP Archives afterwards. Other Minor Enhancements Also improved was the speed, by utilizing a temporary work directory, which is used to dump all files for each ZIP archive to create the ZIP in one[…]


Data Collection, Sorting, Archiving and Access #1 (Thesis)

Categories: Internet Marketing, Tools
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Published on: August 14, 2009

babbling my thoughts and theories to nobody and everybody, or in other words, to anybody who might be interested in it :).?? Introduction I collected myself a vast amount of data and have issues with using them effectively. The lack of ability to find and use specific data that I collected when I need them is a problem that bothers me and where I am constantly working on improving. This problem of mine is of course a problem that pretty much every person has to varying extend, so there are of course numerous options and tools that were created by others already, trying to solve my exact issues. Considering the fact that virtually everybody has the same problem and that so many “solutions” and tools exist to solve your problem, it surprised me, that virtually of them that I check out failed to solve exactly those problems for ME. This bothered me a lot and got me thinking why this is the case. It didn’t make sense at first glance, but after giving it more and more thoughts, I started to realize why most tools that are out there fail to solve the problems for me.?? This is great, but does not help me with actually solving my problem. So I kept thinking about the problem itself, to learn that while the problem appears to be the same for everybody, generally speaking, it is actually not, if you start looking at things a bit more closely. Those differences can make[…]


The Fall of the Berlin Wall – Personal Account of Events

Categories: history, Politics
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Published on: August 13, 2009

In response to my videos about the Berlin Wall (like this one on or when people who I meet in person learn that I grew up in the former East-Berlin (the communist part of the city), they often ask me about my own personal experiences and feelings that I had. Specifically when it comes to the time when I was 15 years old and from when the Wall fell on November 9, 1989 until the reunion of the two German segments on October 3, 1990; a time that was emotionally and turbulent with new events unfolding rapidly, like a land slide or avalanche. Notes and Clarifications I posted pretty much the same stuff as comments to a previous blog post of mine, but thought to myself that it actually warrants the creation of an individual post just dedicated to this. I also posted already the publicly known historic facts of the events. This one is personal and I tried to recall what I thought at that time and what happened from my own perspective as good and accurate as I can. It has been almost 20 years since they actually occurred, so some of the details of my memories could be flawed and incorrect (that is not because I intended that, but because it is a ???human flaw??? when it comes to ???storing??? and ???cataloging??? personal long term memories. Flashback Start I personally was surprised by the events that unfolded. I did not realize what happened in the night[…]

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