Logo Collection V2 and Pixel Art Images Collection V1 Released
Two more scene art releases are coming your way. All in all about 1 GB of data for you to download and spread to FTP servers, old-school bulletin board systems and share with friends and other sceners and/or graphic artists who are able to appreciate what they are looking at. The first release is actually an update, a major one though. Scene Pixel Art Logos Collection V2.0 Version one was released only about two months ago, but I added so many more to my collection that I thought that a version 2.0 release does not hurt. Over 9000 Images for over 1600 Groups, BBS, Demos and more from the Commodore 64, Amiga, Atari ST and PC Demo- and Warez Scenes. Welcome to the Scene Logo Collection Version 2.0 brought to you by RoySAC.com. The collection contains thousands of logos for groups, demos, bulletin board systems, web sites and individuals from all the major scene platforms, including Windows PC (Super VGA, Hi-Res), old MS DOS standard VGA PCs (320×200 256 Colors), Commodore Amiga’s (32 Colors), Commodore 64s (8Bit), Apple II’s (8Bit), CPC’s (8Bit), Atari 8Bit Home Computers, Atari ST’s and Atari Falcons. There are a lot of duplicates, which I am working on constantly eliminating (or at least reducing). It is not that easy, because it is not always clear, which is the best or authentic original to keep and which version to delete (once you detected a duplicate visually, which by itself takes already a lot of time). If I[…]