Roy of Superior Art Creations archive
Date : February 2009


Convert Word 2007 Documents and Upload to Google Docs

Categories: Internet Marketing, Tools
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Published on: February 17, 2009

It started with a script by Michael Suodenjoki called “docx2pdf.vbs” that lets you convert individual Word 2007 documents to PDF. It is possible to use it to process a batch of files, such as all documents in a specific directory, by using (programming) another sophisticated MS DOS batch script, but that is a pain in the neck itself. I ran into issues, because I had spaces in the file names of the documents that I wanted to convert and I thought to myself that it is probably easier and safer to change the VBScript itself instead of writing another script in a different language. By the way, for the conversion to PDF format with Microsoft Word 2007 is it necessary that you installed next to Microsoft Office 2007 of course, also the “Microsoft Save as PDF” Add-In for 2007 Office, which is available for free download at the web site here. Extending the Docx2Pdf Conversion Script So I changed the script to allow the processing of a whole folder instead of just one file. While I was doing that, I realized that I need?? a filter to make sure that I only process?? documents that Word 2007 can load. While I was thinking about a solution about that, I realized that a)?? Word 2007 supports more than just Word 2007 .DOCX documents and b) that the Google Docs API only supports Word 97 .DOC documents and not PDF, like the manual uploader in their web interface. Converting my Word[…]


FILE_ID.DIZ Stories… A Trip Down Memory Lane

Categories: ASCII, BBS, history, Oldskool
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Published on: February 11, 2009

I remember the days when there was no such thing as “file_id.diz” and users had to enter a description for every single file that you uploaded manually. A pain in the ass and often causing poor descriptions of your file directory, because most users (especially in the “Warez Scene” or “Software Pirates Scene“) did not have the time to enter very long and descriptive details to every file. Remember, there was no copy-and-paste nor multi-tasking at that time either. I know that the AMIGA guys had tools that worked similar to the Windows Clipboard. For that reason was the Amiga scene also the first that introduced the mini ASCII logos of release groups that AMIGA couriers used for the BBS file descriptions to make the files more prominent. Oldskool (AMIGA style) file_id.diz ASCII design for the Elite Warez PC release group Razor 1911 . . Quake III (c)Id???Software final CD???Rip __________ . /________ \ ???============??? : ???[01/99]??? : | _\ )__/|______ ____|\ __ _/????????? | /___/ _____ / __ \ \/ \ ??????\_ \????????? | . \ < |/ /____\ | .\_/ ??????/ ??? ??? | |\______|___________/ | ????????? ??? ??? | / .:.nineteeneleven.:.\ | roy ???== |/ ===================== \| ====??? . Logos were adapted by the PC scene after file_id.diz was introduced by Clark Development Corporation (I believe that was with PC Board V14.5, but I am not 100% sure, it could also been V15.0). The first ASCII (file_id) logos for PC releases were Amiga style designs, often even[…]


A Movie That You Should Watch

Categories: Politics, Video
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Published on: February 4, 2009

I finally got around to watch the sequel to the documentary “Zeitgeist” called “Zeitgeist Addendum“. It was already released last year in October. The first part was released in June 2007 and created a lot of controversy I blogged about the first installment and some other related documentaries that were release around the same time last January. I highly recommend checking those out as well. You can watch all of them online, free and perfectly legal… no copyright infringement crap.?? You can find all of them on Google Video, but for the Zeitgeist video’s I suggest to make a detour and go to their official web site first, because they have some more interesting stuff up there, beyond the documentaries itself. The URL is When part one was released, some people tried to down-play it and stuff it into the box labeled “Conspiracy Theory“, which does not do the movie justice. Some people were offended, but I think that this happened unintentionally, because in Addendum they changed the tone a little bit and also elaborated in much more detail the points that are a bit more radical and could be misunderstood by some folks. Addendum in particular has at its core the presentation of facts, historic and present day facts and figures, mathematical stuff. No, not statistics or probability stuff, which is basically the interpretation of seemingly unrelated figures with filling in the gaps and missing connections through more or less educated guesses. No, No, that would only be[…]

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