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Date : November 2008


Cirque Du Soleil: 20 Years Under the Sun – A Book Review

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Published on: November 27, 2008

In case that you missed it. I created a book review video in October for the book “Cirque Du Soleil: 20 Years Under the Sun – An Authorized History” (Hardcover) by Tony Babinski (Author), Kristian Manchester (Contributor). I also uploaded this video review to, which is shown on the product detail page of the Book on their web site now. I find that pretty cool hehe. As I said indirectly already, the book is available for purchase for about $37 (USD) at and here is the video review of the book. My review in text format follows right below this embed video. Backup URL to Video on vimeo ( Backup Link to Video on The book is a monster in size and weight and packed with glossy images of the Cirque and its shows and provides a interesting behind the scene look at the humble origins of the enterprise and its worldwide successful shows. It’s a good gift for somebody who is interested in the Cirque, beyond just the acrobatics. Other people probably won’t appreciate it as much, so check first, before you make the $37 investment for this book. The book was published in 2004 and probably written in 2003 to early 2004. That means that many of the Cirque du Soleil shows are missing in this book. Cirque du Soleil was very busy over the past four years, since this book was published. The last touring show covered by the book is “Varekai” and the[…]


Negative Feedback for Criss Angel’s and Cirque du Soleil’s ‘Believe’

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Published on: November 26, 2008

I was surprised a lot when the first comments for the new Cirque du Soleil show “Criss Angel – Believe” were made at preview videos of the show at my channel “CirqueDuSoleilGuru” and also at previous posts of mine about the show here at my blog. I cannot recall any instance where a Cirque du Soleil show received that many negative comments in such short period of time (less than 3 months). It’s usually all praise and love with a stupid idiot posting some mindless comment once in a while. In case of the new show “Believe” did very specific negative comments pour in pretty much since the first pre-screenings of the show in September and onwards. Here are the unaltered negative comments about the show from my various videos and blog posts. Since I did not alter them, all misspellings and grammatical errors remained as they were also. User: HOTskull888 on YouTube said: honestly the show was the shit. like it was nuts and dont say stupid as shit stuff like ow it suks or what ever because i do magic to and i dont care what anyone thinks of it User: rjslider58 on YouTube said: i saw the show oct 10, it sucked do your self a faver dont waste your time or money. User: emtttmike on YouTube said: I wasted my money going to see ‘Believe” on 10/17…I sat waiting for it to get better and it never did…I actually looked at my watch hoping it[…]


VNV Nation’s Illusion, Online Video and Ronan Harris

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Published on: November 24, 2008

I mentioned it on several occasions that the VNV Nation, a British EBM/Industrial act, is my favorite band for several years now. Several things happened to me recently, which are related to VNV Nation and interesting enough to write about them publicly, so here we go. A Coincidental Marriage Made in Heaven Somebody else mixed the song “Illusion” by VNV Nation with the video “Doll Face” by Andy Huang (Andrew Thomas Huang), then still with Root Film, and uploaded it to over one year ago. It is now approaching the 900,000 views mark. I re-edited and uploaded the video under my account (kind of a dupe), just to make sure that it is there and not getting lost. I also changed the intro and end credits to pay all necessary dues to the respective parties appropriately. I updated the audio too, replacing it with a high quality rip from the album, while I was at it. The main video is based on the original QuickTime file of the “Doll Face” animation. The music and video seem to be made for each other and fit perfect. Illusion from Carsten Cumbrowski on Vimeo. Backup URL to Video on youtube ( Backup URL to video on The video is also available for download in .AVI format (XVID, Lame MP3) via here. Although it is not one of my favorite VNV Nation songs, I cannot deny that it touched me nevertheless.Another interesting part about this video is that it got the[…]


Dancing Around the World, Paid For, Everything Inclusive

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Published on: November 15, 2008

If you did not hear about Matt Harding yet, then it is about time. He is the guy that became famous for “dancing on the Internet”, okay, there are a bunch of guys that are “famous” doing that, but he is the one who did it in public at places around the whole globe. ?? The story goes like this… A 32 year old deadbeat who was born in Connecticut, USA and ended up working for a company in Brisbane, Australia decided in 2003 to quit his job and use the money he had saved to do a trip through Asia until he was broke. During the usual posing for tourist photo graphs and home videos as proof for his friends and family that he was at the places he said he was, a friend suggested to do his funny dance, the only dance Matt knows and do that instead of the usual boring posing. He did that for the rest of his trip until he ran out of money. He published his short videos on a web site that he mainly created for his family to check what he was doing and where. The stuff went somehow “viral” on the Internet thanks to social media. It also caught the attention of a company called Stride Gum, who thought that doing more of this kind of videos sponsored by the Stride Gum brand would be a fantastic idea. Matt thought so too, especially when he was told that Stride pays[…]


A New Star Trek Experience

Categories: Personal
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Published on: November 15, 2008

I wrote in September about the Star Trek Experience in Las Vegas and that it was shut down as of September 1. I also shot a short video showing the closed Experience, which I uploaded to YouTube. A YouTube user who watched my video about the closed Star Trek Experience at the Hilton Las Vegas, left a comment about a planned new Star Trek Experience in Las Vegas and also sent me a link to the article on the web site of inBusiness Las Vegas, where he got the information from. Quote from that article: The Star Trek Experience will have five components and most elements could be completed next year, when a new Star Trek movie is scheduled for release. Just as the new movie will have some familiar characters in some unfamiliar roles, the Star Trek Experience will be similar but different from its predecessor and includes significant upgrades. There will be a food and beverage component, which will include a restaurant and lounge and a retail area with merchandise from all incarnations of the Star Trek concept. Star Trek fans are incredibly loyal and if the latest movie sparks yet another generation of supporters, the retail element could be very successful. A museum that explores the entire history of Star Trek is also planned. There will also be a 4-D movie theater designed to be an interactive experience with high-tech seats that will stimulate the senses. “They will recreate sights, sounds and smells and take your body[…]

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