Copyleft vs Public Domain

Categories: ANSI, ASCII, Personal
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Published on: August 24, 2008

When I released my artwork on July 6, 2006 into the public domain, I assumed that this automatically implies that copies and derivations of it can also not be copyrighted. I just learned recently that this is not the case.

Since this was not intended by my original declaration, I did modify my declaration and the disclaimer in all detail pages of my artwork that became property of the general public. I am not a lawyer, so I assume that this refinement of my declaration will be okay. I also assume that this updated declaration cannot apply to events that happened between July 6, 2006 and today, August 24, 2008.

With this change did also the logo change. Instead of the strikethrough “c” logo is not the flipped “c” logo displayed with the license. What now follows is the old and new disclaimer to illustrate what changed.

Old Disclaimer

This piece of Art has been released into the public domain.
You are free to use it for your purposes free of charge. See Disclaimer below.

Public domain Logo This image has been (or is hereby) released into the public domain
by its author, Roy/SAC aka Carsten Cumbrowski. This applies worldwide.

In some countries this is not legally possible; if so:
Roy/SAC aka Carsten Cumbrowski grants anyone the right to use this work for any purpose,
without any conditions, unless such conditions are required by law.

Updated/New Disclaimer

This piece of Art has been released into the public domain under
the Free Art Licence (FAL) 1.3 (Copyleft Attitude). See Disclaimer below.

Copyleft Logo This artwork was released under the Free Art Licence (FAL) 1.3 (Copyleft Attitude)

This image is ineligible for copyright and therefore in the public domain, because it consists entirely of information that is common property and contains no original authorship.

You are free to use, copy, distribute and modify it as long as long as your copies and derivations are redistributed under the FAL (or any other Copyleft) license as well.


Carsten aka Roy/SAC

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NOTE! I believe in the right for freedom of speech and personal opinion and are against censorship, so feel free to tell me what you think and let me and others hear your opinion on this subject, but please avoid using the f-word and s-word as much as you possibly can, because at the end of the day this blog exists for the purpose of useful exchanges of thoughts, ideas and opinions and not as a valve for your accumulated anger and frustration. Get a shrink for that! Thanks.

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