Roy of Superior Art Creations archive
Date : June 2007


American Made – or Wasn’t It

Categories: Personal, Politics
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Published on: June 29, 2007

I have to post about a personal and not art related matter again, which is very important for me personally. I apologize for that before hand, but things like this are sometimes necessary. When I posted yesterday about the YouTube video about the labor certification, did I also read the comments to the article in InformationWeek that pointed me to the video in the first place.I also spend time to read some additional articles related to the subject, such as this one, titled“The H-1B Debate: Beneath The Policy, The Personal“.I left a comment there as well and decided today to post about the issue again and show some aspects of the issue, which are often overlooked and ignored during the debate.It often sounds like that America is doing foreign workers a favor by letting them into the country and work and produce in the United States. This is only true in some cases, but it is in all cases also the other way around. The foreign workers are doing America a favor. In fact, America would not be what it is today without them.You do not do me a favor by giving me a Green Card one day. You do yourself a favor, because if this is not going to happen, I will pack up and leave and take my business and ideas with me to another place, where my contributions to society is appreciated and wanted, not only financially (which makes a big junk of it though), but also[…]


Immigration Issues, YouTube PERM Video and Backgrounds

Categories: Personal, Politics, Video
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Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: June 28, 2007

This week issue of Information Week, which I had in the mail today, had a little news article titled: ???Of Green Cards & YouTube???, which caught my attention. The law firm Cohen & Grigsby published a video on from its May conference discussing immigration laws with employers. The speaker describes a practice that sounds not so nice if taken out of context. The video was pulled from the site after the firm got a letter from the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL). The Programmers Guild was able save a copy of the video before it was removed. They re-edited it and added text messages and comments to it and then re-published it at again. The video is available below. The video has been viewed over 160,000 times while I was writing this and over 1,400 comments were made. The comments were mostly garbage that mix-up this case with illegal immigration and industry migration to low labor cost countries.The video speaks about the PERM (PDF), also known as Labor Certification, which is the first step of the Green Card process for foreign workers who already live and work in the United States and have a valid work authorization via a work visa, such as H-1B or L1. The first step of the PERM requires employers to post a Job Ad in three places to find an U.S. citizen who would qualify for the job. If no qualified U.S. workers respond, an employer can immediately apply for certification.The lawyer in[…]


Baby Girls Olympic Games 2012 with Broken Logo

Categories: deviantART, Personal
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Published on: June 26, 2007

I just came across Seth Godins post about the unveiling of the new Olympic Games logo for the 2012 Olympic Summer Games in London UK.The official post (or whatever you want to call it) was actually made by the BBC.CO.UK on June 4, 2007. The ugliness of the logo made me actually create an account at the BBC website and leave this comment about the logo.Quote (myself): This is is ugliest logo for an important event like this I have ever seen. Starting with the colors and ending with the shapes. It looks like the “broken Olympics” or the baby girls Olympics logo that was dropped by one of the baby girls when the pampas slipped. The worst thing is that: ??400,000 were wasted on this piece of junk a bunch of official guys brag about it as if it would be the best thing since Michelangelo’s “The Last Judgement” painting on the altar wall of the Sistine Chapel in Rome. I added the logo to the post only for one reason. As proof that I am not talking BS here and that it is really as ugly as I said it is. For this amount of money could they have gotten tens of thousands great logos designed by artists from around the world. They could have just started a contest at and offered ??10,000 as prize money. That’s it. Problem solved. I actually recommend that they still do that. It’s still enough time to fix the “broken logo”.Gesundheit!Carsten[…]


Nude Girls in ASCII – Even More Naked Truth

Categories: 7BIT, ASCII, text art
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Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: June 20, 2007

I realized 2 days after my post about the 30 years of naked ASCII art that the gallery was not working with Firefox and Safari. No wonder that it died at Digg before it even started. I would be glad, if you could revive it by digging it, if you happen to have a Digg account. Thanks. Much appreciated.I fixed the Gallery and tested it with Firefox 2.0 and Safari for Windows. It works fine now. While I was at it, did I extend the gallery from 20 to 30 pieces of art.I also did significantly improve the interface. I am now showing little thumbnails for the picture selection and also added a little “fading” effect if you hover over a picture, which works for IE and Firefox (not for Safari, sorry). d@$iWWb: ‘8$$$$#$$$k ‘8$$$$ `$$M& X$$$$K `$$XX $$$$$UUo$@$$$. 9$$$$$$$$$9$$$$> W$$$$$$$$P `#$$?B ‘$$$$$”#$h. d$$$X?$c $$$$R /”$$$X$$ ?$$$R~ :/ $$R”””\. $$$$: .xHH9$E ! ‘$”9$$N d$$F ! ‘ M$$$’Ne@$$$!’ ‘ E XR#$>’R P9? k> : E ‘! *f .f’ : 9k -~` `”-. ` : ` > > ~$: .~ `!. ‘L : ~` ~ ! ‘$8 .~ ~\. ? ~ ! . $$$. : `~: `! ‘ %X2 R$$W% .~ `\ !: MM> FL : M5$$ ~ ! `. !$W. xF #buo@$ ‘^$F :$$> .–^`”-. `. !M$$$$* ‘k ‘ d$*##..-~` `: “4:x. `”#5 \. ‘!$$$$$c !. !xx! .! `$$@F` >~ ‘\!?$$$$$X. `M 9 ! ~ ‘!!!> ~ `!!~!!. f ~ ~ A simple click on the current image also closes it[…]


ASCII Nudes Collection – 30 Years of Naked ASCII Art

Categories: 7BIT, ASCII, history
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Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: June 14, 2007

I was going through some of my ASCIIs in my vast archive and found a number of “interesting” pieces. Who said that ASCII text art is boring?Guess what, its actually pretty exciting at times. You have probably not seen some of the great pieces of nude ASCII art yet. Luckily for you did I spend the time to collect the best pieces of Nude ASCII art available from around the world and over 30 years. I created a special page for it on my site. The collection consists of 20 pieces of the finest nude ASCII text art showing naked girls. Some of the pieces are surprisingly realistic.I am proud to be able to present them to you here and now. You can choose between the display with white background and black font (default) to emulate the look under Windows (like with Notepad) or black background with white font (invert), which emulates the original DOS to some degree (Note: MS DOS did not have a white font as default. It was a light gray, but who is checking? hehe)Special “Boss Key” FeatureRemember the old days where some programs had a “Boss Key” feature that switched from whatever you were doing to something totaly innocent if you clicked it? It came in handy when your parents or your parents “other” child entered the room to check what you are doing. Guess what, the “Boss Key” is back :).You will notice the “Boss Key” to the top right when you open the[…]

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