Roy of Superior Art Creations archive
Date : January 2007


One Less!

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Published on: January 25, 2007

I was busy at the Affiliate Summit conference and expo which was held this Sunday to Tuesday (yesterday) in Las Vegas, Nevada. I decided not to return to Fresno on Tuesday already, but stay the night and enjoy a show. That was not as easy than I thought, because every Cirque Du Soleil show except one was not running. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday seem to be the “Weekend” for most shows, giving the performers a break from their performances.Myst??re was on at the Treasure Island hotel and casino, which is one of the shows I have not seen yet (pfeuh). I got the best ticket I could get for $104,50, which placed me right in the center in the 6th Row, nice.I was obviously not the only one from the Summit that decided to enjoy themselves, because only a few rows behind me was sitting a well known Affiliate Manager from the Summit.The show was nice, but nothing spectacular. It was not a surprise for me, because I have seen most of the acts already at the Solstrom TV Series. I liked the Music a lot though. Here is the Myst??re Trailer directly from the Cirque du Soleil website. I also saw for the first time a performer “slip”, literally. The performer of the final routine of the Aerial High Bar missed the performer on the swing below him and dropped. This was a reminder why there is a safety net underneath the structure which is located 40 feet above[…]


I Admit It. I am a CirqueFAN. Deal With It!!!

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Published on: January 16, 2007

It is no secret that I am a big Cirque Du Soleil fan. The first show I saw was the inoffical show from Dragone called Le Reve, which is currently shown at the Wynn Las Vegas Resort and Casino. It is to this day my favorite Cirque Show to date. I have seen all but three alright which are Zumanity, Mystere and Love. And it will be 4 shows I have not seen in April this year. Why? That’s Why. I play again with the Idea to hop over to Montreal/Canada on a weekend in April or May to see it. I had the ticket, opening week (day 3 or 4), last front-row seat in my basket. But it knew that I could not go, because Canada is not part of the United States (yet) and I have currently no travel documents thus can leave but not get back in to go home (It is as ridiculis as it sounds, trust me). Well things changed a bit. The situation still sucks, but it seems that I will be able to get travel documents again at the end of March, beginning of April. Mhh.. What did “The Clash” say? …. “should I stay or should I go?” I am undecided. While I am thinking about it, check out this video which I found at It uis about 9 minutes long and shows several scenes from the show. It also introduces each of the main theme songs. Did I mention that[…]


Year 2006 Review and Apologies

Categories: Artscene, Personal, SAC, Wikipedia
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Published on: January 2, 2007

The year 2006 is history now and I am not sure If I did more than I did not do, but wanted to. The final count is not in yet, well, I might just add it to my to-do list for 2007 and let it slip into the 2007 “things I did not do, but wanted to” list. That would solve the problem just nicely.My appologies to: “Buzifer” for not doing the requested “KiDS” ASCII “Messiah” for not doing the requested “HiDDDEN RAGE” ASCII art “Ian” for not doing the requested “MisterH” ASCII “Volcom V” for not doing the requested “Volcom V” ANSI Michael for not doing the requested “BUMSEN” ASCII (for all the Germans out there, it is not what you think. They are danish and the word “Bumsen” has a different meaning there ) I am also sorry for having turned down the requests for ShAdY, iCU and Synthetica OrganizationSee it from the bright side boys, you did not make it on to the list of people I have to apologize to I also apologize to “Idiana” who is doing a great job at kicking some lazy butts over at SAC and keep the boys going somehow. I have all SAC NFO’s already added to the SAC WIKI and then the damn thing crashed on me. I just did not get around to check what the problem is. Actually I did for 1 hour or so, but was not able to figure it out. I did not want[…]

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