Roy of Superior Art Creations archive
Date : November 2006


The Non-Existent ASCII/ANSI contest extended!

Categories: ANSI, ASCII, CONTEST, deviantART
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Published on: November 30, 2006

The deadline for the deviantART ASCII/ANSI art contest, which I blogged about earlier this month, was extended for a few more days. This will be the last chance to enter and win some great prices for everybody with some Text art skills who has not entered the contest yet. Also some other things changed a little. Here are the words from DiamonDie who is the initiator and organizer of the contest. Sorry for the bit of a late notice, but the deadline of the Non-Existent ASCII/ANSI contest has been pushed back by two weeks, making 9th of December the new deadline. Due to the very small amount of ANSI entries we’ll probably have to merge the two contest categories, but in that case we’ll be offering prizes (subscriptions and DVDs) to five winners. That means you stand a good chance of winning something! So those of you who have said you’ll participate but haven’t and those who have had their entries disqualified and have agreed to fix them, you’ve got two more weeks left. Even if you had missed the original contest announcement you still have time to draw an entry. So start typing already! There will also be a surprise which will be announced AFTER the contest (or it would not be a surprise, wouldn’t it? ) So you better get the Text Editors on the coming days and get something delivered before the new deadline. You can check the contests rules here, if you haven’t already done so[…]


ANSI and ASCII Text Art as Print!

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Published on: November 25, 2006

Mhhh… It seems that I post at my ASCII and ANSI Text Art blog always in pairs now. I should better plan those things I guess, but the heck, who cares. Okay, here is post number two for today.I took the new deviantART Prints Service for a spin, which was launched parallel with the new deviantART shop. I made two of my deviations available for purchase for your and my own pleasure.Fans of ANSI and ASCII Text will probably love it. I already ordered one of each for myself.For all the Fans of dA and ANSI Text Art is the left piece available (click the image for the LARGE Version, 1390×1165) and for all Fans of the ASCII Text Art the right one. Buy ANSI Print Buy ASCII Print Following formats and item types are available for each of the two with the price right next to it (I ordered for myself the Mousepads): CanvasCanvas Prints 28×36 cm $78.95 Regular PrintsLustre Prints 25×30 cm $15.49 Matte Prints 25×30 cm $12.79 Glossy Prints 25×30 cm $12.79 MagnetsSmall Magnet $4.95 Large Magnet $6.95 ?? Postcards Matte Postcard $2.49 Glossy Postcard $2.49 OtherMouse Pad Mouse Pad $9.95 Coaster Set of 4 Coasters $20.25 Enjoy! Carsten aka Roy/SAC


Chemical Reaction (cRO)

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Published on: November 25, 2006

It took me 5 months, but I finally managed to create the Wikipedia entry for the fellow Artscene group cHEMICAL rEACTION or simply cRO.I talked with Dennis aka Radiators, the founder and ex-leader of the group and Amgits at the #cRO channel at EFNet about this in June. Dennis sent me some graphics and Amgits found an old cRO history in the Google cache. The current cRO Website does unfortunately not have a history page to draw information from.I am glad that I finally managed to get this done and of my very long list of things to do and I am sure that it will be appreciated by the ex- and current cRO members as well as other old-school sceners who remember the creations of this fine art group.The cRO entry is a good addition to the already existing artscene groups entries at Wikipedia. They are now recognized along with other famous art groups like ACiD (ANSI creators in demand) and of course SAC (Superior art creations).If you see any errors or missing information in the article, don’t hesitate and simply change the wikipedia entry yourself. If you do not feel comfortable doing so, shoot me an email and I will do it for you.Cheers,Carsten aka Roy/SAC


ASCII and ANSI Art Contest at deviantART

Categories: ANSI, ASCII, CONTEST, deviantART
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Published on: November 12, 2006

It’s a bit late for it, but better late than never. There is also still plenty of time for people that are interested to participate.You Text Artists out there, get your editors started up and start creating some nice Text Art. This is also a good chance for newbies to get your art seen by others and useful feedback.DiamonDie over at launched an ASCII / ANSI Contest with the topic “Non-Existent”The Deadline for the contest is 25th of November 2006. The entries can be edited until the deadline. You can read the details and Contest Rules in DiamondDie’s News Article at deviantART.Is it worth your time to participate in this contest? You bet it is! Not only fame and fortune can be gained, but great prizes too.Okay no fortune , but a lot of fame and did I mention the prizes? How do these prizes look like? Pretty, don’t they?Prizes1st prize in both categories ASCII and ANSI: a copy of the Dark Domain DVD from ACiD Productions and a one-year subscription to DeviantART2nd prize in both categories ASCII and ANSI: a six-month subscription to DeviantART3rd prize in both categories ASCII and ANSI: a three-month subscription to DeviantARTI will be one of the judges hence not take part in the contest myself. I am looking forward to see your contributions.You can read all the details about the contest, including the detailed rules, background information about ANSI/ASCII Art contests in general, ASCII and ANSI tools used, Tutorials and more in her[…]


FF XII – The Saga Continues – and more Movies and Anime

Categories: Video
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Published on: November 12, 2006

I got this week my pre-ordered copy of Final Fantasy XII for the Playstation 2. I was eager to have a look at it, but I was kept busy all day that I could not check it out before this weekend. It has been 3 years since the last “real” FF Title, which I consider to be Final Fantasy X-2 (no FF XI was bunk). The game has Gorgeous CG cinematics and cut-scenes in Dolby Pro Logic II combined with real-time graphics which is rivaling those of next-generation titles. I have a hard time to imagine how future FF titles on the PS3 are going to look like.The Semi Real Time Battle System introduced with FFX-2 was taken a step further by the new Active Dimension Battle (ADB) system which allows players to move seamlessly between exploration and combat mode.It still uses the classic Gambit system to control your characters AI during battles.The Plot Line: Two years after the fall of Dalmasca, the citizens are without guidance and direction. In the capital city of Rabanastre, the denizens gather and await the introduction of Archadia’s new consul. To Vaan, a young man living on the streets of Rabanastre, the Empire is a hated enemy who took the life of his brother, the only family he had left. In an effort to exact revenge, Vaan hatches a plot to break into the palace and steal from the occupying imperials. There, he gets more than he bargained for as he runs into Princess[…]

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