Ad Hunt Contest Winner Announced at dA

Categories: CONTEST, deviantART
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Published on: September 10, 2006

Well, is up again and I was able to announce the Winner of my little “Ad Hunt” Contest at my deviantART Journal.

I also got a response back from the lucky Winner. A female deviant from “Down Under” with the dA User Name ShellDevil-Art.

She wanted me to pick from her dA Print Wish-list for her, so I did. The order is placed and soon will the reward be on its way to the land of the kangaroos and koalas.

Here are some of her photographs which she made available at her Gallery on her dA User page.

Now I Can Dance
Mushroom Fairy
Lost At Sea
Flower Series 01

Nice, don’t you think?

The overall positive response makes me seriously consider to repeat the contest again this year. Some very disappointed, because they found out about it too late, but thought that it was a very cool and unique contest they have never seen before at dA.

I believe it was a win-win combination. Everybody had fun. Nobody had to do stupid things. What more can I ask for?

Carsten aka Roy/SAC

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