Roy of Superior Art Creations archive
Date : May 2006


Ansi gallery temporarily unavailable

Categories: ANSI, ASCII
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Published on: May 31, 2006

The ANSiLove Script used on my Site to display my Text Art galleries ceased working properly yesterday. I have not figured out yet why this is happening.You will see broken images instead of the Art work at the moment. I hope to find the problem soon and get the gallery working again.Its a small disappointment after my excitement a few days earlier. I apologize for the inconvenience. I hope you will come back later again to check out my gallery once its up and running.Carsten aka Roy/SACUpdate 6/1/2006: Problem not found yet. I am still working on it. Please bear with me on this one.


My Art Galleries Launched – Over 700 pieces of Text Art

Categories: ANSI, Artscene, ASCII, Oldskool, SAC, Tools
Comments: No Comments
Published on: May 28, 2006

I came across a nice php script called AnsiLove last week. The Script converts original ANSI and ASCII files to an Image in real-time. The characters are rendered correctly and the DOS Ansi colors are correct as well. The Font used is true to the original MS DOS font. I was delighted.The Script is also easy to use and I was able to add it to my Website in no time at all. I spent in the past a lot of time making screen shots of my ANSI’s and ASCII’s with a Screen Capture Tool and the ANSI/ASCII Viewer ACiDView for Windows (which can be found at my download page). All my sample art on my Roy/SAC Text Artist Homepage and my “deviations” at my deviantARTArtist Page were done this way. I have to continue using this method for my deviantART pieces for two reasons though. First because I have to upload my Art to their Servers and second am I also adding some comments with background information for each piece of Art. I believe this to be a good thing to do, because it gives the viewer a bit more insight about the times and events surrounding the creation of the Art Work. Okay, I can’t use it for my deviantART stuff, but I was able to put all my 700+ pieces of ASCII and ANSI Art on to my Website with a very small amount of effort. This is great!When I was working on the Scripts to display[…]


Are you ready for ” CJ Analytics”?

Categories: Internet Marketing
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Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: May 26, 2006

I didn’t see the simple kept email from Commission Junction which was sent on Tuesday night at first. It looked not important in the bulk of emails in my Inbox on Wednesday morning. I saw the announcement first at thread watch. The Threadwatch Post refers to Jeff Molander’s view on the topic and to Scott’s Jangro’s Blog Post which was very good in pointing out some of the major issues with CJ’s idea. I decided to leave a long comment there and showed even more problems with CJ’s plan to replace regular URL links with AdSense-Like or Google Analytics-Like JavaScript code. This post does repeat some of my comments, but from a slight different perspective. I also refer to statements made there a couple times without repeating them here. I recommend to read all the posts and comments and also check the hundreds of posts at the ABestWeb Marketing Forum and of course the source of all this trouble, CJ’s email announcement of their Link Management Initative (you do require a CJ Advertiser or Publisher Account for access).The PlanThe CJ JavaScript Ad’s can not be used in all cases. The option to get a different URL for email and another for PPC Advertising and another for product feeds is not going to work in all real-world scenarios eitherIt will get really ugly, if CJ is going to disable referrer tracking for a link that was created for one purpose, but is being used for a different one by the publisher.Here[…]


Site Cleanup and Re-Structure and a New Site launch

Categories: Personal, Tools
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Published on: May 22, 2006

Although my Shopping Portal keeps me busy with a gazillion outstanding things on my to-do list, did I take the time to take care of some outstanding things for my familiy domain addition to some design fixed did I split the content of 2 pages across 11 Pages now. The big Roy/SAC Page is now 3 Pages. The Downloads and Links and the Article about the three styles of the underground text art scene are now Pages on their own making the content easier accessible and also better to link to.The biggest change was my Professional Homepage. It had a huge Resource Section and a whole block for my activities in Article Writing which was becoming way too much for a single Page. The Split of my prefessional Homepage resulted in a total of 8 pages now. The professional Homepage concentrates about me and what I am doing. I also kept the Industry Events with upcoming Dates there. My Articles and “Scraps” got their own page which is growing as I continue to produce new Articles and other content. The Resources became 6 new Pages. For each individual topic did I create a separate Page. The Topic are: Internet Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Search Engine Optimization SEO, Search Engine Marketing (SEM)/PPC Marketing, Website Development and last but not least Database Development. The Pages are not 100% finished yet. I have to restructure most of them and also add additional rsources which I did not add when all the Resources[…]


Google Notebook launched.

Categories: Tools
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Comments: No Comments
Published on: May 17, 2006

People bloged about it for a while already, secret Screenshots and Video Presentations made homepage news on sites like The waiting came finally to an end. Google’s new and highly anticipated service Google Notebook was launched less than 24 hours ago and is now open to the general public. Free of charge of course like all the other Google Services.I seized the opportunity and signed up right away because I still remember what happened with other popular Google Services like Google Analytics or Google Pages shortly after they launched.The run at the new service was high, people signed up like crazy and Google denied access to the service for new customers with the option to get added to a waiting list and get access months later.I created 3 public Notebooks and will continue to play around with this new gadget for a bit to find an actual (practical) use for it.If you want to have a peek, visit My public Google Notebook. It is nice, that you can share your Notebook with the public. What I miss is the option to share it only with friends (that also have a Google Account). I also would like to see the option to give others the right to add comments to my notes. The option to allow or disallow comments and who is allowed to comment, should be an option per Note and also per Notebook. Well, it’s a beta, isn’t it? We will see how it develop and how people[…]

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