Roy of Superior Art Creations archive
Date : March 29, 2006


Thank You Very Much For The Honor

Categories: Personal
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Published on: March 29, 2006

The same day I realized that the invitation to the Wynn Resort and Casino in Las Vegas and the free two night stay, free dinner and free tickets to the two famous shows Avenue Q and Le Reve were not a joke and blogged about it all happy, another thing happened. I guess not only bad things happens in packs, but good things too.I checked my deviantART account and found a message from one of the people that operate deviantART in my inbox who I contacted a few weeks earlier regarding SAC (Superior Art Creations) and the possibility to get SAC listed as partner on the dA Homepage along side the other Underground Text Art Groups ACiD and iCE.Angelo (dA nick $spyed) was all happy that I created an account at dA. He knew my Art Work and SAC from the times when he was active in the BBS Scene himself. He showed a lot of respect back then and continues so to this day. In his appreciation for my work did he upgraded my free membership at deviantART to a life-time (paid0 membership for free. My home page at dA now shows “is subscribed until Hell Freezes Over“… nice. He offered the creation of category for SAC at dA, an offer I will come back to once I get some SAC internal stuff cleaned up. The “Partner Link” will follow he said, when SAC found a final home on the Internet. He made a very good point there. The[…]

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