
ASCII Nudes Gallery Re-Design

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Published on: April 2, 2014
It was time for a re-design of my ASCII Nudes gallery. I had 3 main goals in mind. Make the original photographs or pictures used by the artists as reference accessible directly within the gallery. Previously those were only available via an older blog post of mine. Allow easier navigation of the gallery. I accomplished that by providing full keyboard control throughout the gallery and by providing the ability to jump to the next piece directly from the detail overlay screen, without the need to go back to the main gallery grid. As mentioned in 2. already. I am using overlays now instead of annoying pop-ups or new browser windows.   The Boss-Key feature is still around, although not via the big red prominent button as before. Now a simple pressing of the letter “b” on your keyboard will do the trick. If you press “b” for a second time, you will be back where you left of before. Keyboard Shortcuts Available in the Detail Overlay: a = show ASCII Version p = show Photo (if available) s = show Side by Side (if available) + = (The + on the Key Pad) Increase Font Size (only available in ASCII View Mode) – = (The – on the Key Pad) Decrease Font Size (only available in ASCII View Mode) d = Download Original ASCII Text File Arrow Right = Next Piece Arrow Left = Previous Piece ESC = Close Overlay h = Show Keyboard Shortcuts Help b = BOSS Key[…]

TheDraw Fonts Collection Revamp and Extension

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Published on: March 28, 2014
Hello Chaps, I already added the Fonts collection for the ANSI Text Editor “TheDraw” back in 2010. Back then I already thought that it would be nice to provide the information for each font, which characters each font supports and to provide a preview to get a good idea how each font looks like. When I launched the collection only a few fonts had this information available and then my site went black for about 2 years and that was that. Well with the re-launch of my site, many of my collections became under scrutiny, I remodeled the navigation and started using JQuery scripts for state of the art overlay effects and dynamic interactions. When I was looking at the Fonts collection for TheDraw, I remembered my original intention and ideas and decided to finally realize it reality. As of now, I show for every font in my collection the available characters. It’s shown in the listings and enlarged for better visibility if you hover with the mouse of a set (see screen shot). While I was at it, I also updated my already existing 2 ANSI and 2 ASCII Fonts as well as 6 fonts by other folks where I added missing characters etc. I created myself 5 entirely new ANSI (colored) fonts to expand my collection. Here are some previews of them. Also shown some of the other updated/extended fonts. LSTSOULS.TDF.ZIP ONKELZ.TDF.ZIP ROYFIVER.TDF.ZIP ROYFOUR.TDF.ZIP ROY-OLDS.TDF.ZIP ROYAFNT1.TDF.ZIP ROYFNT2.TDF.ZIP ROYAFNT1.TDF.ZIP ROYAFNT2.TDF.ZIP DONNOW.TDF.ZIP CODER.TDF.ZIP SPACELNK.TDF.ZIP   Instead of just bulk and[…]

Blog, Atom, RSS, XML and Syndication/Aggregation ! ?

Categories: Blogging, EDUCATION, TIPS, Tools
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Published on: February 21, 2014
Blogs, Blogging, XML, ATOM, RSS explained in simple Words. Written for the regular people using the Internet and not for tech-savvy Geeks. Note: I wrote this post originally in 2006 for another Blog, which is unfortunately offline today (and not coming back). I thought that the post has value to bring it back to life on my personal blog here. It also helps me to revive this blog of mine as well :). Table of Content 1. Foreword 2. Blogs (also called Weblog or Web Log) 3. XML 4. ATOM 5. RSS 6. Readers, Syndication / Aggregation 7. Closing Words 8. Resources 1. Foreword Many folks are not Internet or Computer Newbies, they are using their Laptops and the Internet every day very extensively. Okay, most are not what we call a computer geek and do not know much about web development, databases and how Google works. You don’t have to anymore. Trying to explain something very technical to somebody who’s technical skills end with the ability to program their video recorder* (* =Tivo, but with tape cassettes) is quite a challenge. I tried this during two lunch meetings to explain it to a friend of mine. During the first meeting were my explanations filled to much with technical details and did not help him much to understand the thing any better than before. During the second time did I more reference to things he already new, like Newspaper and Magazine Websites, Email and the News Page on our Website.[…]

OSDM VOBJ and OBJ Vector Objects Tool V3.2Beta Release

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Published on: August 2, 2010
Although my last post was also about a VOBJ/OBJ tool release of mine, I decided to post another, because I made a significant amount of changes and additions to it to warrant giving it this kind of exposure and attention hehe. I suggest reading the previous post ???OSDM .VOBJ and .OBJ Tool V3.0Beta Released???, if you are interested in the general subject of ???Oldskool Demomaker??? by Testaware, 3D Vector graphics and Geometry math etc. You can download Version 3.2B of my tool at?????? Also check out the included release intro hehe. You can find additional tools, resources and my own OSDM productions at the OSDM section of web site. There you will also be able to find always the latest version of my VOBJ/OBJ Vector Object Tool for Oldskool Demomaker. So what???s new since my release of Version 3.0B? Here is the list of changes and additions, including comments and notes to the individual item. Version 3.1B General NEW– Version History records started UPD ??? Documentation extended (see especially “Last Notes” section) Main Tool UPD ??? Intersecting Polygon Detection Redone NEW ??? Color Optimization also includes removal of not used Colors Tools Section NEW ??? VOBJ to Wavefront OBJ Converter NEW ??? VOBJ to Renderware RWX Converter UPD ??? New Version of Triangles to Quad Merger UPD ??? Polygon Reduction Tool (own class now) NEW ??? Switch to derive Output File Name+Path from Input File UPD ??? Renderware (RWX) to VOBJ Converter Tool Offset Input no longer necessary[…]

OSDM .VOBJ and .OBJ Tool V3.0Beta Released

Categories: OSDM, Personal, PROGRAMMING, TOOL, Tools, VOBJ
Comments: No Comments
Published on: July 19, 2010
For everybody who does not know about my tool (und thus its previous versions) a quick introduction that everybody will know what I am talking about :). I will also talk about much more than just my tool, but general problems and research projects in regards to vector graphics for OSDM and in general actually. Vector Graphics in Oldskool Demomaker The demoscene tool ???Oldskool Demomaker??? by Peace of Testaware to create oldskool style intro and demo?? productions like in the good old days supports vector graphics. Very basic with little more than some fake light shading of flat-shaded quad polygon-vector objects with only a limited number of faces and data points (the number 1.000 is what you could call the border-line area for the size of the mesh. Less than 1.000 okay, above that, may be, may be not. try!) Unfortunately is the format for the mesh definitions not a standard one or something used by any 3D modeling software that I know of (still looking for the one,?? that was used to borrow the mesh layout from, if there is any). This makes it very hard to create or change any vector objects. The definition is in readable text format and not binary, but that???s not unusual for this kind of data. It does not help much with making changes to it, because what???s missing is the visual element (in 3 dimensions) , which is of the utmost importance. Looking at the columns of numbers for data points and[…]
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