Roy of Superior Art Creations archive
Category : Wikipedia


Chemical Reaction (cRO)

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Published on: November 25, 2006

It took me 5 months, but I finally managed to create the Wikipedia entry for the fellow Artscene group cHEMICAL rEACTION or simply cRO.I talked with Dennis aka Radiators, the founder and ex-leader of the group and Amgits at the #cRO channel at EFNet about this in June. Dennis sent me some graphics and Amgits found an old cRO history in the Google cache. The current cRO Website does unfortunately not have a history page to draw information from.I am glad that I finally managed to get this done and of my very long list of things to do and I am sure that it will be appreciated by the ex- and current cRO members as well as other old-school sceners who remember the creations of this fine art group.The cRO entry is a good addition to the already existing artscene groups entries at Wikipedia. They are now recognized along with other famous art groups like ACiD (ANSI creators in demand) and of course SAC (Superior art creations).If you see any errors or missing information in the article, don’t hesitate and simply change the wikipedia entry yourself. If you do not feel comfortable doing so, shoot me an email and I will do it for you.Cheers,Carsten aka Roy/SAC


Important decision made regarding my Text Art

Categories: ANSI, ASCII, Personal, SAC, Wikipedia
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Published on: July 7, 2006

It has been a while since I posted at my Text Art Blog about something that is actually Text Art related. To everybody who does not care about this topic, sorry, the recent events in Internet Marketing (CJ, Google etc.) had to get my almost complete attention and did along the way pretty much managed to hijack my blog. Update: I had to refine my statement and did so in this post, Please read it as well to avoid any misunderstandings regarding the use of my art work. The transformation happened slowly but steadily during the last 2-3 months. No, it is not my intent to convert the blog! Okay, now am I really getting to the Text Art news which I did promise. I made an important decision last weekend. I decided to release all my ANSI and ASCII Text Art, as well as “scene” related pixel art into the public domain. Yes, you heard right, I did give up the copyright, which I did own, on my art pieces. Most Text Artists or “scene” artists in general I know don’t care much about their copyright and have no problem with the fact that their stuff gets copied over and over again. Most are even happy about that, because it proves that they are respected as artists and that people like their stuff. The problem is, that this good intentional attitude does not change existing copyright laws. If you don’t specify somewhere the copyright status of your art piece,[…]


WikiTruth a Hoax, Banned and Deleted from Wikipedia!

Categories: Wikipedia
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Published on: May 1, 2006 is a site that was started by 12 Wikipedia Administrators that “left” Wikipedia after years of contribution due unbearable “bureaucratic warfare” and especially after seeing an increase in active censorship taking place at at an alarming rate. does not only describe internal workings at Wikipedia from an insider perspective, but also published several of the Articles that were “deleted” at Wikipedia on their Website. Reported by The Guardian on 4/13/2006.The Story was “dugg” to the homepage of on 4/16/2006. The resulting crash of the Website was caused by the sudden traffic onslaught and not as bad tounges speculated by some angry “Jimbo Wales” loyal Wikipedians that disapprove the content of the Wikitruth site.It also started some controversy at SlashDot on 4/16/2006 with over 500 comments by Slashdot’s Readers.Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales claimed less than 2 weeks ago about the protest site: “It’s a hoax,” Wales said of Wikitruth. “There’s no evidence at all that there are any Wikipedia administrators associated with it.” Reported 4/17/2006 by TechWeb.comIn the same Article did he state: “It’s almost certainly people who have been banned by Wikipedia,” Wales said. The news were picked up by Newspapers and Magazines around the world. The renowned german magazin ““Der Spiegel” reported about Wikitruth and Jim Wales statement on 4/18/2006. See the Post in the middle of the Page with the Headline: “Jimmy Wales: WikiTruth nur ein Hoax”Now it seems are not just “people” getting banned from Wikipedia, but even links to from[…]


Wikipedia back up – recovery from power outage

Categories: Wikipedia
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Published on: April 10, 2006

Wikipedia is now up again after several hours down time. I found the Wikipedia/Wikitech Server Admin Log which provides some insights about what happened.It seems that they had a major power failure. Even though they seemed to have gotten power back fairly quickly, did it take a lot more time to get all the servers up and running properly again.See here the excerpt from from Server Admin Log. Please note that the Date and Times are GMT Time.April 10 04:26 jeluf: ixia, thistle, lomaria, db1 have broken replication settings, webster has database page corruption. Taking db2 out of rotation to create copies from it. 04:20 jeluf: mounted /home on all DB servers 04:03 brion: ran mass-correction of bad-timestamped entries on enwiki (1529 revision records) 03:05 brion: srv71-srv79 had wrong clock, apparently set to local time instead of UTC. 01:45 brion: irc feeds online. had to rescue udprec from kate’s old home dir 01:38 brion: taking thistle and db1 out of rotation; broken replication. 01:32 brion: turning read_only off on adler. seems to be set to go on always on boot. 01:28 brion: things look mostly good; tried to take site read/write but someone has put adler into read-only? examining 01:23 brion: got fs-squids on the right ip. seems to work now. 01:20 brion: had to start lighty on amane 01:18 brion: trying to get fileserver squids+lvs up. (avicenna as lvs master) 01:10 brion: didn’t take previously; seems to have helped now 01:04 brion: trying to add on dalembert[…]


Wikipedia down?!

Categories: Wikipedia
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Published on: April 9, 2006

I was in the middle of updating the article about ASCII Art at when the site suddenly hung when I attempted a preview of my changes.When nothing happened after over a minute did I quickly copied my changes to a local file as backup and check further. Yes, Wikipeda is down. It’s now over 1 hour and no sign of of Wikipedia coming up again in sight. It can’t be routine maintenance or reboot of servers that’s causing this. It must be something more serious. I checked my network, just to make sure that it is not just me who has the problem. Network is fine. I also connected remotely to a completely different network and tried to access from there… nothing.I did some other changes before today, which I did not backup locally. I hope that this “crash” of the Site does not result into any data loss and that they are up again soon, that I can complete my modifications.I am an active user at wikipedia and updated or extended already multiple articles at the popular and free online encyclopedia. It’s the first time that I see the Site being down for such a long time which worries me a bit.I hope that everything will be alright again later today.Carsten a.k.a. Roy/SAC

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