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Category : TEXT ART


ANSI/ASCII Converter Tool Version 1.05.00 Release

Categories: TEXT ART, Tools
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Published on: July 12, 2014
It’s time for new releases and updates obviously so here comes another one, an update of my ANSI/ASCII converter tool, which allows you to convert via GUI or command line, single file or batch, the conversion of ASCII Text Files, like oldskool NFO files and ANSI and ANSI like files (such as Avatar, PCBoard, WildCat BBS 2.X/3.X or Text .BIN) to various other formats, including Image types (.GIF, .PNG, .JPG, .BMP, .ICO and more) and also to HTML Web or Video Formats (which is meant for the conversion of ANSI Animations), such as the popular for the WEB Flash format (.FLV), but also .WMV, .AVI, .MPG or even Animated Gif. Furthermore, Oldskool ASCII Text files from DOS can also be converted to modern Unicode format text files in UTF-8 or UTF-16 format. Okay, so much for the summary. The core functionality of the tool did not change much, more the handling and additional features were affected. ??   List of changes: Fixed problem if source ASCII used only LF instead of CRLF for line breaks. Shows Loading Screen, if started and files from previous session existed. If specific setting is clicked, only that setting will be enabled in settings screen (less confusing and easier to find). Settings irrelevant for current option don’t open settings dialog anymore. Ability to Pause or Abort running conversion batch. This option was also added to the Library, including events to handle, including: StatusChanged ProcessFinished ListItemRemoved Additional Properties Added: Status Cancelled (boolean) Additonal Methods: CancelProcessing[…]

ATE – Ansi Text Editor 1.0Beta

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Published on: June 18, 2014
I finally got around to write this tool. It was on my to-do list for quite some time now. I already wrote ANSI converters (link 2) and most recently a Font Tool for the old MS-DOS ANSI Editor TheDraw (Font Tool Homepage), so it was only a natural progression to write something like this editor. ANSI Text Art Editor is an ANSI text editing tool very similar to PabloDraw, ACiDDraw, TheDraw, TundraDraw, TetraDraw or AnsiDraw, but unlike the better half of them for Windows 32bit and 64bit Computers and not MS DOS. For the folks who hate reading, visit the special ATE – Ansi Text Editor Home Page to download the Program. The Editor is still in Beta and not 100% stable. There are also bugs here and there which I am currently working on eliminating. Nevertheless, I think the current state of the tool allows me to make it public, especially to be able to get some feedback, comments and suggestions from you guys out there, who are still into good old ANSI/ASCII Text Art like me :). Post them here at the blog or use my sites contact form. You will recognize many features from the mentioned editors. This tool has some unique features of its own though, such as: ANSI Font System (to Create, Edit and Use Custom ANSI Fonts) similar to the one provided by TheDraw (but without the limitations in width/height). Import and Export option for TheDraw fonts. Smart Vertical & Horizontal Flip Tool Flat[…]

RTN & Sidekiq Pro Art Requests

Categories: ANSI / ASCII, TEXT ART
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Published on: May 22, 2014
Hi There Folks, Carsten aka Roy/SAC speaking again. This time about Text Art (yeah, can you actually believe it? hehe). It has been ages.. or well at least 2-3 years that I fulfilled any art requests, but yeah, believe it or not, I actually managed to finish two requests for ASCII art, which I both received via PM at DeviantArt. The first one was a complete NFO file design for a group called “Reverse The Noob”, short RTN. Never heard of the group before, so no clue what kind of stuff they release. I decided to go with a Newskool ASCII design (I did that for both ASCII requests actually). Next to the logo I also created the NFO file body for the release information and member lists etc. The second request was somewhat commercial in nature, although I myself did not get paid for this (that’s a principle of mine, remember?*). It’s for a developer tool called “Sidekiq Pro“. Here is what the web site for the tool has to say about itself: Sidekiq Pro is a collection of useful functionality for the open source Sidekiq library. The tools costs $75 per year (subscription model). There you have it. * Note: I wanted to clarify this statement a bit more. Yes, I don’t do art for hire (getting paid to do it), however, I do accept and appreciate voluntary donations to support “the cause” and to help paying the site hosting fees etc. One does not have to do[…]

TheDraw Fonts File (.TDF) Specifications

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Published on: April 23, 2014
I spend quite some time on my “FONTS COLLECTION” for the MS DOS ANSI/ASCII Text Editor “TheDraw“. The font file is in binary format and I wondered how it is structured to maybe write later some tools around it, like a Font Viewer for Windows, Converter to and from ANSI and stuff like that. Note that this is not an official specifications document, I reverse engineered it by testing, so there might be cases I am unaware of, although I am pretty confident that I covered everything about it. “TheDraw” Fonts Files have the extension “.TDF” (which is short for “TheDraw Font” duh :)). One .TDF Fonts file is by default designed as a “collection” of multiple fonts, even if it only holds a single font (like after exporting a single font to an extra file). It can hold up to 34 fonts. More are not possible, if used with TheDraw itself or with it’s external TDFONTS.EXE Fonts Editor utility. An empty fonts file without any font in it yet is always 232 bytes in size. The actual character data are always stored after those 232 bytes and can vary in size, depending on the size, type and complexity of the font characters. Every additional font added to the collection is 212 bytes long if without any character data. Font Header OffsetLengthDescriptionSample Value 0 1 Character 19 (13h) 13 1 18 Fix String TheDraw FONTS file 19 1 Character 26 (1Ah) 1A 20 4 Fix 4 Bytes Sequence Indicating the[…]

ASCII Nudes Gallery Re-Design

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Published on: April 2, 2014
It was time for a re-design of my ASCII Nudes gallery. I had 3 main goals in mind. Make the original photographs or pictures used by the artists as reference accessible directly within the gallery. Previously those were only available via an older blog post of mine. Allow easier navigation of the gallery. I accomplished that by providing full keyboard control throughout the gallery and by providing the ability to jump to the next piece directly from the detail overlay screen, without the need to go back to the main gallery grid. As mentioned in 2. already. I am using overlays now instead of annoying pop-ups or new browser windows.   The Boss-Key feature is still around, although not via the big red prominent button as before. Now a simple pressing of the letter “b” on your keyboard will do the trick. If you press “b” for a second time, you will be back where you left of before. Keyboard Shortcuts Available in the Detail Overlay: a = show ASCII Version p = show Photo (if available) s = show Side by Side (if available) + = (The + on the Key Pad) Increase Font Size (only available in ASCII View Mode) – = (The – on the Key Pad) Decrease Font Size (only available in ASCII View Mode) d = Download Original ASCII Text File Arrow Right = Next Piece Arrow Left = Previous Piece ESC = Close Overlay h = Show Keyboard Shortcuts Help b = BOSS Key[…]
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