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Category : text art


The SAC ??? Superior Art Creations All-Time Member List Project Update

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Published on: April 27, 2009

I am trying for a while now to create an all time Superior Art Creations member list. This is unfortunately no easy task, because the information in the SAC.NFO files of the SAC Pack releases were not always as well maintained as they should have been. I don???t want to point and blame anybody, but its is pretty tough to get a clear picture of who is who and who was in when as what, with the amount of information that can be extracted from the releases of the group itself. Here is what I came up with so for. The stuff that is high lighted with an orange background is where I would be happy, if anybody has an answer to my question or the missing information, whatever the case might be. Also, the whole last section with ???Non-Contributing Temp Members??? is open for input. Listed there are names that were mentioned that they are members of SAC, but I could not find any contribution of those guys in any of the SAC art packs. Maybe they did something under the name of SAC, but nothing that found its way into an art pack. If that is the case, then I want of course give the credits where credits are due and remove that person from the ???non-contributing??? section. If you know any of the folks where questions are still in the room or if you have any tip how or where I could find out more about them[…]


Jason Scott from Text-urized

Categories: ANSI, ASCII, text art, Tools
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Published on: April 18, 2009

I wrote a while back already a post about the online Image to Text (ASCII) converter tool at Back then I used Matt Cutts from Google as my Guinea-Pig to illustrate it???s capabilities. This is not the purpose of this blog post though. Shortly after I did my post, I played around with it a bit more. I experimented with a photograph of Jason Scott Sadofsky from (who also did the DVD documentary ???BBS ??? The Documentary???, which I highly recommend, if you are interested in the subject of Bulletin Board Systems) I tweaked the source photo of him to get better results and saved them on my hard drive and then forgot about them until now. I stumbled across them by accident and thought that I should not hide them, or at least make them accessible for Jason himself. I took the results from the converter and tweaked them a bit more in Photoshop, adding some color and stuff like that. You can see below the stages of my changes. Click on the thumbnail images for the larger original sized version of it. Original 7-Bit ASCII as Image.?? Download the original text ASCII file Colors added Final picture with background added and name tag This is the final piece and I hope that Jason (and you too) will like it. I also created an ANSI version of the photograph with the tool. It is only using the number characters 0-9, but a very small font. The result[…]


Matching Nude ASCII Art Pieces with Playboy Centerfolds

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Published on: March 28, 2009

I posted earlier this month the article ASCII Art Nudes versus Original Playboy Centerfolds where I show for several ASCII Nude pictures of my ASCII Nudes collection the original photograph that was used by the text artist. I updated the original article, which showed the originals for 29 40 ASCII pieces, and added one more match that I found afterwards. Since then I even found two more matches, which I did not add to the article yet. The obvious matches are taking care of and also the ones where the file name or content of the ASCII itself had useful and correct hints about the original photograph. I were also able to match a number of ASCII’s to photographs where the ASCII had completely incorrect information, such as the wrong name of the girl. Now it’s tougher to find corresponding photographs and I could use some help with it. It is not such a bad job actually. You get to watch a lot of beautiful girls naked hehe. I also ran into cases where I am not 100% sure, if I matched the ASCII with the right photograph. Like this one. The arm position is right, the pose is the same. The breast size is about the same and the hair resembles also the photograph. I am pretty sure that I found the right photograph, but a second opinion would increase my confidence even more. If you want to help matching ASCII pictures to Playboy photographs, then you will need[…]


ASCII Art Nudes versus Original Playboy Centerfolds

Categories: 7BIT, ASCII, history, text art
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Comments: 4 Comments
Published on: March 18, 2009

I put up last year a collection of 100 ASCII Art pictures that have nude girls as motive. Most of them originate from the pre-computer/ASCII art era, when teletype and its text art, RTTY art (pronounced “ritty”), where predominant and popular among hobby ham radio operators. Some of them are even older than that and might even date back to the time of keyboard art. After I watched once more the video of RaD Man/ACiD and his presentation at the Assembly 2004 demo party in Helsinki, Finland about the history of text art where he showed an example of nude teletype text art and then the original centerfold photograph from Playboy Magazine, I started doing some digging myself. So credits for the initiator and cause of this must go to him :). As of today (update 08/2009), I was able to find the original photograph for 29 30 40 50 of the 100 ASCII nude images from my collection. I wanted to integrate them somehow into that page, but could not figure out a good way to do it yet. Big thanks to Brian who helped identifying a number of the latest additions and posted his findings at my blog, where I am asking for help with this. To avoid holding things back forever, I decided now to write a blog post about it and show my findings that way. I will show the original photographs of the old Playboy Magazine Issues next to the Image of the ASCII art[…]


Time for Another ASCII and More

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Published on: March 15, 2009

It has only been two months, a bit less actually, since I created my last piece of ASCII text art. Well, I did it again. Actually more than just a logo as I did the last time for CPI. I also design the NFO file body and more. I will show you the details further down below. I am pretty proud of myself, because I did not use any of my old styles for this new ASCII. I tried something different. I think that the result is very good, but it will be for others to decide if that is the case or not. I also created a FILE_ID.DIZ logo for them in oldskool ASCII (Amiga style), which I do not consider myself particular good at. I actually said always that oldskool ASCII’s should stay where they belong, on the Amiga, where they look right and not on the PC, which displays them much different as you can see at my article about the different art styles in the underground text art scene. While I had the creative urge going, I also created VGA pixel logos for the same group. It must have been their lucky weekend I guess. hehe.?? It could also be that the release that they announced where this artwork will be used was highly motivating for me The second VGA logo. Simple and much smaller than the first one. It can also be read much easier. The VGA logos were used for a cracktro, together with[…]

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