Roy of Superior Art Creations archive
Category : Oldskool

thumb Updates Brief

Categories: Oldskool, text art, Tools, Video
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Published on: November 19, 2009

I have not posted at my blog for a long while (in comparison to the months before). This was actually not because of the lack of things to write about. There was plenty for me to write, but it seems that I tend to write less, the more is happening. Maybe because of the lack of time that usually concurs with more events happening or maybe it is just that I think too much about all the stuff I should write about that I forget to actually write something altogether.?? Well, I need to think about that one :). I decided now to write about each thing that I consider noteworthy only briefly and consolidated in this and another post to follow. Each thing by itself would probably have warranted its own post, but not at this time. Downloads Section Expanded ???? I expanded the downloads page of my website to include two new sections. 1. Music Trackers tools for Windows and DOS. See Tracker Downloads Tracker music is a staple of the classic demo scene before the computers became powerful and advanced enough to use fully digital recordings of music for programs, demos and games. It was also the limitations of hard disk space and memory that lead to the development of alternatives such as the ???Tracker???. The most famous known tracker software is probably the program ???Sound Tracker??? for the Commodore Amiga. Its file format, the classic ???.MOD???, is still a pseudo standard today, including on the PC[…]


SAC Art Packs Now Accessible Via Web Browser Online

Categories: Oldskool, SAC
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Published on: October 15, 2009
Bam, Bam, Bam. I just announced at the beginning of this month that the Superior Art Creations intros/cracktros/bbstros etc. are now accessible online via ordinary web browser. Now you can not only access the intros online, but the rest of the content of the SAC artpacks as well. I talked at the end of last year about those efforts (see my blog posts here and here). I also put up a lot of content up elsewhere, like the converted ANSI and ASCII art on That conversion by itself was already a bitch, but what I didn???t accomplish until now is to make all that stuff accessible directly from the Superior Art Creations web site. Here is a little video introduction of mine. Backup URL to Video on vimeo ( You can watch this video in high definition (1280×768 pixels) at See for example the first SAC art package from December 1994. The pack files can be browsed now directly from the SAC Pack listings and overview page that I created over two years ago. I created also a new packs listings page that only shows the files, but then also information that are not shown on the general SAC Packs page. This includes the number of files by type, like how many ASCIIs, ANSIs or Intros were part of a pack etc. The new packs files list is accessible here. From there you can also access very easily the content of two SAC music discs releases by Crome[…]

ASCII Nudes Gallery Revamp

Categories: ASCII, history, Oldskool
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Published on: October 8, 2009

I wasn???t really happy with how my ASCII nude???s gallery One thing that bugged me the most was that it was hard to find a certain piece and that the selection was somewhat confusing. The confusion came from overload. I wanted to put too much stuff into too little space. I added a couple months ago the feature of having the selection boxes with the image thumbnails of the 100 ASCII art pieces scroll horizontally, which looked nice, but did not really help with the usability. So I removed it again (It wasn???t with Internet Explorer anyway). The selection is now again a grid (10 x 10), as it was at the beginning. See the partial screen shot of gallery page below where you can see how the grid looks today. First thing you will notice is that there is only one thumbnail image for each ASCII now; instead of two (the second thumb was showing the image with white font on black background). The second thing you will notice is the larger preview thumb which is 400 pixels high for vertical pictures and 400 pixels wide for horizontal pictures. The preview thumb appears when you hover over one of the hundred mini thumbnails (which get???s highlighted when hovered over). There was a bug with the highlighting border of the picture that is currently shown in full, which I believe I got fixed now as well. From the grid are you still having the fairly new features that I did[…]


SAC Crack Intros and BBS???tros Collection Finally Live on

Categories: Oldskool, SAC
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Published on: October 3, 2009
It took only ages, but I finally managed to get it done, the complete list of SAC Intros/Cracktros/BBStros that were released in the SAC Art Packs between December 1994 and May 2007 are now up on the site where they belong. Well, not just a list, that would have been not a problem and could have been done in one afternoon. For each intro are detailed credits shown, links to the SAC art pack where they were released, links to resources, like the tracker modules, pixel logos and font graphics and other goodies were also added, where I was able to extract them, find them on the Internet or had them on my hard disk. I was able to capture most intros in video format, since most of them are not running under Windows 32 let behold Windows 64 bit anymore. You can watch the videos right from the listings page, download the original videos in AVI or WMV format (from my file share at or watch them on YouTube where I also uploaded them to my SACReleases channel on YouTube and added a link to the intro. There were over 90 cracktros, bbstros and invtros, which I first had on a single page, but I then realized that having users load a page of several MB in size might not be such a good idea after all and decided to break it down intro multiple pages??? 4 pages to be exact. Here are the links to the 4[…]

Razor 1911 and Dynamic Technologies ??? Dytec Cracktro Remakes 2009

Categories: Oldskool, Scene-Videos
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Published on: September 28, 2009

Since it was so nice with the TRSI Intro and the new RoORS intro that I created, two more intros are coming up your way???. also created with the Oldskool Demo Maker by Peace/Testaware. This time I created actually remakes of existing intros and did not create something entirely new. Let???s start with the first one, which is for a group that is dear to my heart. You might also want to check out my posts related to it here at my blog: Dynamic Technologies ??? Dytec -?? The Cracktros and Dynamic Technologies ??? Dytec ??? Introduction Continued. Okay, the name is now out in the open, lets have a look at the intro that I re-created with OSDM for them. Dynamic Technologies Cracktro Remake by Roy/SAC in 2009 Backup Link to Video on A remake of the PC Intro for the release group Dytec – Dynamic Technologies. It was actually also used for Dynasty and for TRSI.?? Well, it was not the first time that Hetero repurposed the code, design and music of an intro for another group, if the group where it was previously made more ceased to exist and wasn???t making good use of the intro before they were finished. Credits for this intro:—————————-Code: Peace/TestawareDesign: Roy/SACMusic: “Cognition” by Jozz/TRSI Hetero was notorious for replicating original Commodore Amiga intro designs on the PC. He did not make many friends on the Amiga with that, but a bunch of new ones on the PC instead. In the case[…]

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