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Category : history


GET LAMP ??? Text Adventure Documentary DVD by Jason Scott

Categories: history, Oldskool
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Published on: December 25, 2009
Uh, my second post today. Well, I am German and we celebrate Christmas on the 24th (Christmas Eve). On Christmas day we usually only have a family lunch, which is kind of difficult for me to attend today, since I am living several thousand miles away from Germany and my parent now, in the much warmer California hehe. So I don???t have anything better to do than to write some overdue blog posts hehe. A quickie, for all the fans of Jason Scott and his non-mainstream projects that usually involve computer history. He finished his latest project, which is a documentary DVD (2 Discs) about Text Adventure games, you know, Zork and those kind of games, the kind of games Infocom is famous for. The documentary is called ???Get Lamp??? and I am not sure what it means exactly. I know that it could be a command from a text adventure game, but I don???t know if it is from one in particular. I hope the documentary itself will shed some light on it. The 2-discs DVD will go on sale in March for $40, but for the fans, who pre-order the DVD before the end of the year, it???s only $30, a 25% discount. Details can be found at his blog here. If you missed the opportunity to snatch up the DVD for the discount, I recommend to get over this missed opportunity now and go buy it anyway. You don???t have to buy the latest blockbuster movie DVD[…]

Berlin Wall Video Copyright Issues

Categories: history, Personal, Politics, Video
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Published on: November 19, 2009
Here is now another great example for the current copyright laws being not only outdated and not fit for today???s world we live in, but also how those archaic laws are actually bad for society as a whole. Let me start from the beginning??? The Beginning of the Story I was contacted by Emily B. Hager on Saturday, October 31, 2009 via email and via phone. Emily B. Hager is a video reporter for the New York Times (yes, THE NY Times). She was working on a last minute video?? called ???The Man Who Opened the Gate???, which was published on Monday, November 2, 2009, together with the article by Roger Cohen titled ???The Hinge of History??? with a supporting video. The article is about Harald Jaeger, the Boarder Guard at the border crossing ???Bornholmer Strasse’??? who opened the gates on November 9, 1989 to let people pass from East Berlin to West Berlin in violation of a direct order by his superior. Emily came across my video ???Moments in History ??? The Fall of the Berlin Wall??? I was contacted regarding this video by many others before that and already had posted an article where I addressed many of the very similar questions that I received regarding my video. Emily found the video of mine at the Internet Archive, where I also posted it, among other sites, like YouTube, Vimeo, my blog and over half a dozen other sites. I told her that I have plenty of video footage[…]

Berlin Wall History Timeline from May 8th 1945 to October 3rd 1990

Categories: history, Personal, Politics
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Published on: October 13, 2009
This is an updated and extended version of the historic timeline of the events about and surrounding the Berlin Wall that separated a city and it???s people for over 28 years. I posted a timeline previously on July 29, 2009. This version has much more details and I also included a lot more images to illustrate the individual events within the historic timeline. The timeline extends beyond the events of the actual erection of the Wall on August 13, 1961 and its fall on November 9, 1989, because I believe that it is important to know the events that eventually led to the building of such a horrible thing in the first place. Events actually started with the end of World War 2 in Europe and when Nazi Germany surrendered to the victorious allies. BEFORE THE WALL May 8th, 1945 ??? Germany signs its total capitulation and ends the World War 2 in the European theatre. Picture: Raising of the Soviet flag on top of the Berlin Reichstag building by soldiers of the Red Army on May 2nd, 1945 Germany is broken up into 4 zones, each governed by one of the victorious Allies: the Soviet Union, the United States, Great Britain and France. Berlin gets a special status and is also broken up into 4 zones. The three sectors occupied by the U.S., Britain and France is called West Berlin or the ???allied sectors??? and the Soviet occupied sector is called East Berlin or simply ???the zone???. June 19th,[…]

ASCII Nudes Gallery Revamp

Categories: ASCII, history, Oldskool
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Published on: October 8, 2009

I wasn???t really happy with how my ASCII nude???s gallery One thing that bugged me the most was that it was hard to find a certain piece and that the selection was somewhat confusing. The confusion came from overload. I wanted to put too much stuff into too little space. I added a couple months ago the feature of having the selection boxes with the image thumbnails of the 100 ASCII art pieces scroll horizontally, which looked nice, but did not really help with the usability. So I removed it again (It wasn???t with Internet Explorer anyway). The selection is now again a grid (10 x 10), as it was at the beginning. See the partial screen shot of gallery page below where you can see how the grid looks today. First thing you will notice is that there is only one thumbnail image for each ASCII now; instead of two (the second thumb was showing the image with white font on black background). The second thing you will notice is the larger preview thumb which is 400 pixels high for vertical pictures and 400 pixels wide for horizontal pictures. The preview thumb appears when you hover over one of the hundred mini thumbnails (which get???s highlighted when hovered over). There was a bug with the highlighting border of the picture that is currently shown in full, which I believe I got fixed now as well. From the grid are you still having the fairly new features that I did[…]


Berlin Wall Video Responses, Copyright and Background Information

Categories: history, Personal, Politics
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Published on: October 6, 2009
Unlike my much more elaborate video ???Berlin Wall ??? Lessons Learned???, my ???shorty??? in between, titled “Moments in History: The Fall of the Berlin Wall” got a lot more attention than I would have expected. The nearing anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall plays probably into this, because I was contacted by various parties over the past months requesting my permission to use my video for a project of them. The list of people who contacted me is long, an independent film maker in Venezuela, a French TV show called “Les films faits ?? la maison”, a project manager?? with Epigram Pte Ltd in Singapore who is working for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Singapore on the Welcome Reception for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Ministerial Meeting and the Unveiling Ceremony of the Berlin Wall on 10 November 2009 in Singapore, the German Embassy in the republic of Moldau or Moldawien for a the screening at a rock concert with projected 20,000 visitors at the largest square of the republic, the Square of the Republic in the capital Chisinau for the 20th anniversary of the Fall of the Wall in Berlin and some teachers and other individuals. I was able to tell all of them about the stuff when it comes to MY creative work (the editing of the videos, my images or my written content), which could be protected by copyright laws, if I am not mistaken.   I made it clear that everybody is free to[…]
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