Roy of Superior Art Creations

Cirque du Soleil in Lecce, Italy – KA Show Videos
Cirque du Soleil gave a special acrobatic performance on December 5, 2008 during the Notte Bianca street festival in Lecce, Italy that consisted of multiple parts, involving dozens of artists. Acts like Russian Bars, Spanish Web and other Aerial performances, Cyr Wheel, Wheel of Death and general dancers, singers and musicians as well as light projection and other special effects. My 28 minutes video of these performances is based on the footage of several home made videos that I found on the web. The visual quality differs from good to poor, but I hope that I was able to capture the essence of the show. I replaced the audio almost entirely, but tried to be true to the actual music as good as possible. The original videos are still out there, if you want to see the true live recordings of the event. Here is the 28 minutes video that I created about this special performance by Cirque du Soleil in Lecce, Italy. ??Backup Link to Video on Google Video Cirque du Soleil – KA – Video Recording of the Entire Show I was talking about the issue that non of the Vegas Cirque du Soleil shows are available on DVD and that video footage will leak out over time to cover the whole show, like in the case of Cirque du Soleil’s epic show KA, which is performed live at the MGM Grand hotel and casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. The raw videos of the show are available via[…]

Where is the Delirium DVD by Cirque du Soleil?
The Cirque du Soleil show Delirium, which was called a “music concert” rather than a traditional Cirque du Soleil show, was the first experiment by Cirque to transport the experience of a Cirque show from the Big Top into the arena environment to be able to reach a greater audience. This experiment was obviously successful, because they converted their oldest touring show Saltimbanco to become an “Arena Show”. Saltimbanco Arena re-launched in the year 2007. Delirium was only running between 2006 and 2008, 2 years. I don’t know why they stopped touring with it in 2008, but that is also not the reason why I am writing this blog post. I watched Delirium in 2006 here in Fresno, California, the first time that a Cirque du Soleil production made it here. It was a good show, different, yes, but different does not mean bad. The show was obviously filmed by a professional film crew at one time during the shows run, because in summer 2008 Cirque announced something unusual. I cannot recall that Cirque ever did something like it in the past. Delirium Shown in Movie Theaters They announced the screening of Delirium in movie theaters. It was only shown at selected movie theatres and only for a few days. I missed that and thought that it will be running longer, like a movie release. But I was lucky, they announced “Delirium Encore“, another screening of the show at local theaters. There were only three screenings, the main one on[…]

Cirque du Soleil – Complaints and Suggestions Revisited
In my blog post and video from January about some issues with Cirque du Soleil, I was complaining about three things. 1.) about the hard to impossible to find Wintuk show soundtrack 2.) the unavailability of merchandize, especially the media content (DVDs, CDs etc.) outside the United States and 3.) about the missing tracks on many of the so called official soundtracks of Cirque du Soleil shows. It is two months later now and I decided to check once more to see if anything changed this my last “rant”. If you rather watch and listen than reading my blog post, watch my 9 minutes video below, which covers pretty much the same content as I do in my writing below. Backup URL to Video on vimeo ( Backup Link to video on Vimeo Issue 1 Reviewed – Where to Buy the Official Wintuk Soundtrack CD Okay, first to the positive things (bitter sweet actually, because it is not all positive, only partially). When I checked the CD section of the Cirque online shop (Cirque Boutique), I couldn’t believe my eyes at first. There it was (see screen shot image to your right), the?? official soundtrack CD for the show “Wintuk” is now finally also available in the general Cirque du Soleil merchandise online store and not only in that special micro online shop on another web site that they created, just for that one lonely show. You have to have “United States” selected as ship-to country to get that listing.[…]

Extended Cirque du Soleil KA and Love Videos
It has been a while since I created any extended videos about any of the Cirque du Soleil shows. Well, I have been busy and finished now two very extended videos for the Cirque du Soleil shows “KA“, which is currently performed at the MGM Grand hotel and casino in Las Vegas, Nevada and the for the show “The Beatles Love“, currently performed at the Mirage hotel and casino, also in Las Vegas, Nevada. The last extended, 28 minutes long, video (78 MB download in AVI format) that I did was for the Music Concert/Show “Delirium“, which was running in movie theaters for a short time already and where I am still waiting for the DVD release. I still remember the C&D letter that I got from the Cirque because of my videos and therefor will not embed them here in this post for you to watch, without leaving my web site. Like I did with my old posts as the reaction to the letter, links with image place-holders will have to do hehe. Cirque du Soleil “Love” Video The “Love” video is a whopping 55 minutes long. You can download the video in AVI format (422 MB in size) here. Backup link to video on Google Video Cirque du Soleil “KA” Video The “KA” video even tops the “Love” video, being 57 minutes long. You can download the video in AVI format (384 MB in size) from via this URL. Backup link to video on Google Video As[…]