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Category : ANSI


First ASCII Art Piece of Mine in Ages

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Published on: January 18, 2009

I cannot believe that I actually managed to create my first piece of block ASCII Art in ages… eons might be the better word to describe the time frame between the creation of this ASCII?? and the last ASCII of mine that I created before this one. The ASCII that I created was a long over-due request by Mad Max, the co-founder of the old scene group CPI, Canadian Pirates Inc., which I actually joined myself in September of last year. I had this open request on my conscience for way too long and I am glad that I got this off my head now. I also hope that Mad Max will like the NFO file logo. I have to admit, that I got a little bit rusty (old maybe? ). I sent the ASCII to him via email, but did not hear back from him since then. I will find out sooner or later I also Finished Something Else 😉 !!! I wrote about the amount (count) of different SAC releases across all pages earlier this year.?? I also made stuff available for download in re-sorted and grouped bundles by content type rather than by SAC artpack. Interesting SAC Art Packs Statistics, Figures and Downloads Interesting SAC Art Packs Statistics, Figures and Downloads – Part II More SAC Art Put Up for Access On-Line via Web Browser That was all nice and good, but does not make the old-school art of ASCII, ANSI or Pixel Art accessible (viewable) online[…]


Interesting SAC Art Packs Statistics, Figures and Downloads – Part II

Categories: ANSI, ASCII, Oldskool, SAC, Scene-Videos
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Published on: December 31, 2008

I posted yesterday Part I of my findings about the Superior Art Creations (SAC) Art Pack Releases. I was sorting today through the ANSI and ASCII releases and also uploaded all the music files converted to MP3 to for download by anybody who is interested and not able to play back the music in its original format (MOD, XM, S3M, DMF, IT and SID). You can find them all at this web address. More download links can be found at the end of this post. I shouldn’t have made jokes about the file duplications by some of the SAC pixel artists by saying “funny, he obviously had no directory with all his art work in it, like the rest of us hehe“, because it appears that I made the same error myself a few times when it comes to my ASCII art releases. I file name duped pretty often actually so I should have kept my mouth shut, because it seems that I am the worst offender of them all hehe. But more to that a but later. Lets start with some additional music dupes that I found. I believe the following facts might not be as interesting as the stuff in my previous post, but it is interesting for me and maybe a few folks out there and that is enough for me to publish it on my blog hehe. Sorry File Name Pk MP3 File Name MP3 MD5 Check Sum—————————————————————————-mt_addi.sid 27 mt_addi.mp3 1aca2c2191c2173e2d5dc858ec9d6a21mt_holba.sid 27 mt_holba_beer.mp3 dc14a3fc3a5ac670e4b3e2313a546055mt_addiction.sid 28[…]


Interesting SAC Art Packs Statistics, Figures and Downloads

Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: December 29, 2008

I am still working on sorting through the Superior Art Creations (SAC) art packs and to make them easy accessible via the web (e.g. my web site and elsewhere). The sorting brings up some interesting facts about the art pack releases that I want to share with you. All SAC Art Packs are available for download here and also here at my site. ?? Facts, Stats and Figures 2 of the 35 art packs included?? no music release at all, packs 18 and 19. All art packs included ANSI, ASCII and VGA pixel art work, but it was once?? close to the release of an art pack without pixel art. Pack 08 from September 1996 was 2 files in size, but it only included one piece of pixel art, a small SAC logo by Hetero that he created for the packs SACtro (SAC0996A.ZIP and SAC0996B.ZIP). I guess we were lucky hehe. 2 pixel art images in pack 33 by Asphyx/SAC were a dupe (asx-madhat-final.jpg and asx-warlords-logo.png). The two images had been released already in SAC Pack 32 five months earlier that same year. It almost looked like as if Pasha duped a picture for art pack 27, but the images are different (p-abs.png). He just named the file for another logo the same as he did a logo for the same group that he created in the past (funny, he obviously had no directory with all his art work in it, like the rest of us hehe). 2 Tracker Modules[…]


INC Rules! Flame War ANSI Animation from 1992

Categories: ANSI, Oldskool, Scene-Videos
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Published on: December 25, 2008

Okay, I changed my mind. I wrote yesterday that it will be my last post during the holidays and here I am now, writing another post hehe. I did in the past already some sound-overs for ANSI animations, which come by default without any sound effects or music. I posted one of them with my post about ANSI animation, the Korova Milkbar ANSImation by Blade Runner/ACiD (Ansi Creators in Demand) . I didn’t write a post about the other, but I also did a sound update of the ANSImation “The Bog” by Tracer and Jed of ACiD. Since I did not post about it, I also included it in this post further down. For the Korova Milkbar video I even recorded my own voice for the spoken dialogs (something that I didn’t do really for the others. The “The Bog” video has voice-overs, but heavily distorted, making my voice unrecognizable. The ANSI animation that I just dug up recently is titled “INC Rules!” (“rulez” in “leet-speak” hehe). It is long, very long for this type of stuff, over 1 minute. The ANSI animation (ANSImation) was created by Amroth/iCE (Insane Creators Enterprise) for the pirate (Warez) game release group INC (International Network of Crackers) on the MS DOS PC in 1992. INC had some “Flame War” going with its rival FLT, Fairlight, which is the subject of this ANSI animation. As I mentioned already, the original ANSI animation had no sound whatsoever. I added foley (sound) effects and the background ambience[…]


ANSI Animations Part Deux

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Published on: December 15, 2008

I posted in January a detailed post about what ANSI animation is, hence the “part deux” for the title of this post. If you want to know what ANSI animations are and how they are created, check out my previous post. I discovered some additional ANSI animations thanks to PabloView. ACiDView for Windows obviously did not show them properly or I just never looked at those ANSI’s right, which could also be the case. Anyhow, I was using PabloView to browse some old art packs and realized that the AAA art packs from 1991 consisted mostly of ANSI animations. The majority of the animations were pretty short, they also look a bit “rough”, but you have to keep in mind that this stuff is pre-ACiD and pre-iCE material, so give the artists a break. They were kind of pioneers back then and had no clue where this whole thing would lead to one day. At the same time I decided to make a video that highlights some of the ANSI animations from my last post, but also a bunch of really great (and long) still ANSI pictures with hundreds of lines in length. So I ended up creating two videos. Here is the first one … Background music is by Jeroen Tel from the C64. It starts off with a bunch of ASCII and ANSI logos by myself. It shows the ASCII version of a logo first and then peels it away to show the ANSI version of the exact[…]

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