Roy of Superior Art Creations archive
Date : January 6, 2010


YouTube Account CirqueDuSoleilGuru Suspended

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Published on: January 6, 2010
Obituary Note for YouTube???s CirqueDuSoleilGuru???Born: July 2008, Died: December 18, 2009200+ Videos, Total video views: 3,244,071, Total ratings 5,240, Total comments posted to videos by users: 3,152, Almost 2,000 subscribers and hundreds of friends. CirqueDuSoleilGuru (aka was a well respected and loved member of the YouTube community, not only because of the valuable content that he provided, but also because of his support and engagement beyond YouTube and the videos in the cause to support and promote the works of Cirque du Soleil. But the content was one important factor also. The average rating of all the videos uploaded to the account was a whopping ???4.46??? out of ???5???. The sudden death was not only tragic, but also unexpected.?? What???s now lost also with the death of CirqueDuSoleilGuru, represents hundreds upon hundreds of hours of work by me and other YouTube community members. All of which was destroyed and killed in cold blooded murder because of corporate greed, ignorance and disrespect of the average people, like me and you.   The YouTube Publisher Account (Type: Guru) ???CirqueDuSoleilGuru??? was suspended on December 18, 2009 by Google without notice or stating any reasons for taking such dramatic actions. Two users and former subscribers to my channel already contacted me via other communication channels, like another YouTube account of mine or via private email and asked me what happened and how unhappy they are about this happening. I honestly don’t know what happened and why they suspended my YouTube account. I can[…]
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