Roy of Superior Art Creations archive
Date : August 23, 2009


Sorting Away MP3 Files into Sub Directories by Artist Name

Categories: Tools
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Comments: 3 Comments
Published on: August 23, 2009

I just published the post where I introduced the great and useful tool Bulk Rename Utility. I first wanted to include the content of this post into that one as well, but then decided to make it a separate post instead. The introductory post of BRU was already getting long enough, especially because I included suggestions and comments to the tool itself, which I originally intended to post at the tool authors support forums. But I wasn’t able to do that yet, so the post got pretty long and adding something else would just have been too much. I had a bunch of MP3 files dumped into a folder, several hundred of them. Songs by various artists. They came from some of my old MP3 CD-ROMs that I burned, when I didn’t have that many CDs (compared to today) and keeping things organized wasn’t much of a concern for me. Well, the amount of CDs grew significantly over the years, so sorting and grouping stuff became necessary to be able to find stuff. Also, the number of different music styles that I learned to enjoy increased. Mixing some of those styles is probably not such a great idea. The Task at Hand Anyhow, the file names followed at least some logic. They usually started with the name of the artist followed by the title of the song, separated by a hyphen or dash (-) character. Some also included the album name or release year after the song title, in parentheses[…]


Processing Files, Housekeeping, Sorting and Renaming

Categories: Tools
Tags: No Tags
Comments: No Comments
Published on: August 23, 2009

You might notice already that the subject of organizing, sorting and cataloging files is one of my favorites. I am collecting and archiving a lot of stuff for personal reasons, so I have to spent a lot of time dealing with issues related to that. Since I am not an egoist and keep what I learn to myself, I am sharing what I learned with anybody who is interested in it or looks for options when he has to deal with exactly the same problems that I had. Why reinvent the wheel, right? I would like to introduce you to a tool that I learned to appreciate a lot over the time. I am so happy that I found it and still have not discovered all the featured that this tool has to offer. It’s name does not do it justice and only describes the basic and main purpose of it. This post has 2 parts. The first part is an introduction of the tool and the highlighting of some of its features. The second part has suggestions for the tool authors, problems that I found and a work-around for each of those problems that you might find helpful, if you happen to have the same problem that I had as well. You can jump directly to the second part of this post via THIS LINK: Jump to the Suggestions. Bulk Rename Utility by Jim Willsher It is called “Bulk Rename Utility” (available at and was written by Jim[…]

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