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Date : April 2009


Cirque du Soleil Documentaries (Complete List)

Categories: Cirque Du Soleil
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Published on: April 15, 2009

This article is part of my Cirque du Soleil Information Primer Articles Series.   Cirque du Soleil Documentaries Unfortunately are several of them not available anymore, because they are out of print. Documentaries are listed in chronological order. Quel Cirque (1991) A look into the creation of Nouvelle Experi??nce. Saltimbanco???s Diary (1992) The making of the award winning Cirque du Soleil show ???Saltimbanco???. A Baroque Odyssey (1994) ??? Buy the DVD A 56 minutes long documentary about the early beginnings of Cirque du Soleil between 1984 and 1994. The Truth of Illusion (1994) A 22 minutes long documentary about the production of the show Alegria which was released on VHS only. The Alegria DVD (2001/2003) Buy the DVD contains in addition to the 1:30 h long show recording with multi-camera angle feature, also includes 14 short ???Meet the Artists??? introductions and interviews, the 44 minutes long behind the scenes documentary: A Journey to Alegria: A Special with host Jamie Durie, the 14 minutes long documentary featurette: Filming Alegria and the 5:45 minutes long special A Different Perspective. All-in-all about 1 1/2 hours of bonus material. Full Circle (1996) The Making of Quidam. A 22 minutes long short behind the scene documentary about the creation of the Cirque show Quidam which was released on VHS only. Inside La Nouba (2000) From Conception to Perception, a 45 minutes long ???making of??? documentary for the Orlando show La Nouba, playing at Disney World Resort, Florida.The DVD also contains as a Bonus feature the[…]


Cirque du Soleil DVD Releases (Complete List)

Categories: Cirque Du Soleil
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Published on: April 15, 2009
This article is part of my Cirque du Soleil Information Primer Articles Series. Cirque du Soleil on DVD Many of the Cirque’s shows are available on DVD, especially the older touring shows. They also created some stuff for television and for IMAX theaters, which is also available on DVD today. The DVDs are not a substitute for a real life show experience, but some folks did not have the opportunity to see the Cirque at all and the DVDs do a good job to give you an idea of what to expect. I added links to online stores next to each show or special performance if there are DVD recordings, soundtracks on Compact Disc (CD) and/or tickets to the live show available. Some of those links are affiliate links, which means that I will earn a few cents if you use my link to purchase the item. If you like my content and want to show your appreciation, just use the links provided here, if you decide to buy anything that I mentioned. I also included links to online videos on video sharing web sites, such as YouTube and Google Video, especially for the shows and special one-time performances where no DVD recording exists. Watch the video trailer for the Cirque du Soleil DVDs. Very short and nicely edited (by myself hehe). If you are not familiar with the Cirque at all, I promise that you will enjoy the videos. Cheers! Backup URL to Video on vimeo ( Backup link[…]

Cirque du Soleil Music Releases (Complete List)

Categories: Cirque Du Soleil
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Published on: April 15, 2009
This article is part of my Cirque du Soleil Information Primer Articles Series. Make sure that you also check out the primer article and the other related articles of the series about the most famous Circus in the World. Date Last Updated: July 17, 2014 Cirque du Soleil Music Releases This article covers primarily the music releases by Cirque du Soleil on Compact Disc and not so much the earlier releases on Vinyl (with exception of the newer ???Collector’s Edition??? vinyl releases) and also not the Audio Tape versions. At least for the albums were Tape Cassette versions always released in parallel with the old school plastic vinyl records as well as with the modern day digital audio CDs. Covered are not just the soundtrack releases for their resident and touring shows, but also other music releases, such as the soundtracks of the motion pictures/IMAX movies that Cirque du Soleil produced, as well as special remix albums and ???Best Of??? collections and samplers. Some of the releases are already out of print, but I tried to link to places where you can buy the release where ever possible, even if it meant to refer to secondary market places, like the Market Place, where you still can buy it either used and sometimes even new, from old inventories of specialty music stores etc. Song Lyrics and Translations The lyrics of many Cirque du Soleil song are not a real language and entirely made up. The reason for this is that[…]

De-Dupe Files Script Tool for Windows 32bit

Categories: Tools
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Published on: April 10, 2009

You can skip the background story about the why, when and how I decided to write this little File De-Duping script, if you are not interested in it and jump right the section about how the script works, what it does, where to download it, how to install and de-install it and the source code of it as well. The tool is Freeware, but any donation (money or goods) and/or simply a ???Thank You??? (e.g. via the comments section at the end of this post) are appreciated nevertheless. Important Node: I updated the script and this post, because of some bugs that I found and issues with the 3rd party tool ???touch.exe???. I had to remove it and come up with another solution for the problem that it solved. I also added some nice stuff, so it was more than just bug fixing :). The Background Story Who did not have the problem yet to have hundreds of any type of files, text files, documents, spread sheets, images, videos and others in one directory with the a high chance that you have duplicates, identical files that only have a different file name. I often have to deal with duplicate images that I downloaded from the internet. I cannot always remember, if I downloaded a particular image already or not and go by the slogan, archive / save / back up first, sort later, because there will be nothing to sort, if you don???t save a copy and go back to[…]

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