Matching Nude ASCII Art Pieces with Playboy Centerfolds

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Published on: March 28, 2009

I posted earlier this month the article ASCII Art Nudes versus Original Playboy Centerfolds where I show for several ASCII Nude pictures of my ASCII Nudes collection the original photograph that was used by the text artist.

I updated the original article, which showed the originals for 29 40 ASCII pieces, and added one more match that I found afterwards. Since then I even found two more matches, which I did not add to the article yet.

The obvious matches are taking care of and also the ones where the file name or content of the ASCII itself had useful and correct hints about the original photograph. I were also able to match a number of ASCII’s to photographs where the ASCII had completely incorrect information, such as the wrong name of the girl.

Now it’s tougher to find corresponding photographs and I could use some help with it. It is not such a bad job actually. You get to watch a lot of beautiful girls naked hehe.

I also ran into cases where I am not 100% sure, if I matched the ASCII with the right photograph. Like this one.

kelly kelly-Playmate_1960_08-portfolio-PM-A1-07-lrg

The arm position is right, the pose is the same. The breast size is about the same and the hair resembles also the photograph. I am pretty sure that I found the right photograph, but a second opinion would increase my confidence even more.

If you want to help matching ASCII pictures to Playboy photographs, then you will need in addition to the ASCII pictures from my gallery, also the Playboy Magazine photographs from all issues, right?

Guess what, I happen to have a collection of those :). I zipped the photographs up into one file for each decade of Magazine publications.

Playboy Magazine Centerfolds Photographs (Complete) and additional Photographs from the Mag:

  • 50’s (93 MB) ✝
  • 60’s (92 MB) ✝
  • 70’s (111 MB) ✝
  • 80’s (110 MB) ✝
  • 90’s (69 MB) ✝
  • 00’s (269 MB) ✝

Here is also a zip file with the collection of my work files. It includes PNG versions of all the ASCII art pictures and the already matched photographs. I also sorted the pictures where I did not find a match yet by the pose of the girl in the picture. I found out that this helps with finding a matching photograph. Poses like kneeling, sitting, lying and standing and “standing” broken down even further into “front”, “behind”, “left side” and “right side”.

ASCII Nudes work Images
Zipped 38 MB* ✝ (Updated 04/2009)

*The 38 MB Zip file contains the photographs of the already matched pictures, the side by side pictures from my blog post, the original ASCII art pieces in text and PNG format, thumbnails and notes that might help with uncovering more original source photographs that were used by the text artists.

If you find matches, please post them in the comments section of this post. Post the PNG image file name of the ASCII picture and the image file name of the photograph that you believe to be the original.

Update: Including the picture above, I now have matched 40 ASCII art pieces and updated my original blog post with those matches. I matched “Anna“, “Ingrid“, “Kelly“, “Susan“, “nude330“, “nude342“, “nude353“, “nude357“, “nude1312” and “nude1317“. I noticed that some of the originals used are not the Centerfolds itself, but other photographs from within the magazine as well (I am not surprised, but thought that I will mention it). My image collections contain some of those other images but by far not all of them. Also not included are the pictorials, which were also used for some of the ASCII art pieces.

Promo Video for ASCII Nude Collection

I also created a short promotional video for my ASCII Nudes collection and for my article about the match-up with Playboy Centerfolds. YouTube and MySpace made already a fuss out of it, because the video shows some nipples. It’s not pornography for Christ’s sake and the YouTube account warning for violation of their community guidelines was a bit too strong of a response for my taste.


So I created a censored version for YouTube and MySpace where all nipples are covered, even the ASCII nipples.

That makes the stuff look even more funny than I wanted. You can see for yourself what I mean by that.

I put the uncensored version up on, which I used to embed the video into this blog post as well. You can download ✝ the uncensored natural version of this video in 720×480 pixels resolution and .AVI format (XVID) at as always. Backup link to video on Enjoy!


Carsten aka Roy/SAC

  1. Brian says:

    nude 323 blond santa robe, wysiwyg?

    that’s the cover from December 1972 issue.

  2. Brian says:

    nude 389 miss ruth
    i think is miss July 1983

  3. Brian says:

    The ‘impossible to match’ batgirl is from a Vargas painting. March 1966 issue?

  4. Brian says:

    19 of miss afro is Jean Bell, october 1969

  5. Brian says:

    17 Dupeof susan is miss july 1972

  6. Brian says:

    87 dupe of nude1319 is Miss February 1969

    Nude 378 playmate is August 1976

  7. Brian says:

    the Misses_WA6PIR is half of the twins in the 1970 October centerfold.

  8. Thanks Brian…

    I also discovered just a few days ago that some of the motives used were not photographs but pinup pictures painted by “Alberto Vargas”.

    It’s saying “Vargas Girl” in some of the ASCIIs and I didn’t know what they meant :). I thought it was some kind of photo series or something.

    I matched already a bunch of the unmatched ASCIIs to Vargas paintings. I need to update my post, but I just discovered all this recently and did not have the time to update the site.

    Oh, the dupes are duplicate ASCIIs (sometimes with a different name) that I already have in my collection. Make sure to check, if the “original” was not matched with a source already. I have not checked this for the one that you mentioned, but I just wanted to make sure :).

  9. I matched already:


    Except for Nude328, its all Vargas Pin-up’s that served as original motive for the ASCII.

  10. Thanks to you Brian:

    nude389-miss ruth

    matched with an image that I have. It’s Ms. Ruth Guerri, Miss July, 1983.

    nude323-blond santa robe-what you see is what you get

    Playboy December, 1972 cover


    Vargas pin-up painting

    I was also able to match up


    Men, that’s from the “New” folder, which means that I have not even the original ASCII up :)

    “17 Dupeof susan” was already matched (the susan original). You are correct, it Miss July 1972,

    “87 dupe of nude1319″ and “the Misses_WA6PIR” were also already matched and are available on the blog.

    Thanks again Brian!

  11. Hi Brian, just FYI. I finally updated the post ASCII versus Original and also the ASCII Nudes Collection itself. I incorporated links to the original photographs there too (where available). Thanks again for your help. I mentioned your name in the ASCII versus Original blog post as well :). Cheers!

  1. […] still needed, if you would like to do so. You can find out more details about what you could do at this post of mine, which is specifically about the “What” and […]

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