ASCII Art Nudes versus Original Playboy Centerfolds
I put up last year a collection of 100 ASCII Art pictures that have nude girls as motive. Most of them originate from the pre-computer/ASCII art era, when teletype and its text art, RTTY art (pronounced “ritty”), where predominant and popular among hobby ham radio operators. Some of them are even older than that and might even date back to the time of keyboard art. After I watched once more the video of RaD Man/ACiD and his presentation at the Assembly 2004 demo party in Helsinki, Finland about the history of text art where he showed an example of nude teletype text art and then the original centerfold photograph from Playboy Magazine, I started doing some digging myself. So credits for the initiator and cause of this must go to him :). As of today (update 08/2009), I was able to find the original photograph for 29 30 40 50 of the 100 ASCII nude images from my collection. I wanted to integrate them somehow into that page, but could not figure out a good way to do it yet. Big thanks to Brian who helped identifying a number of the latest additions and posted his findings at my blog, where I am asking for help with this. To avoid holding things back forever, I decided now to write a blog post about it and show my findings that way. I will show the original photographs of the old Playboy Magazine Issues next to the Image of the ASCII art[…]