Roy of Superior Art Creations archive
Date : March 3, 2009


Convert Video to ASCII Text Art

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Published on: March 3, 2009

Uh, third post in 2 days… that surprises even me. Hehe It was by coincidence actually, but somebody at Mahalo Answers made me aware of the feature of the free VLC (VideoLan) video player to convert video images to color ASCII art (some would call this ANSI hehe) in real-time. I thought that this is a cool feature, just by hearing about it. I downloaded the player and was unable to find the option for the ASCII art output, so I asked the guy at Mahalo Answers about it and luckily for me, he answered this question as well (a bit delayed, which made me drop the ball on it as well). The feature is buried deeply within the configuration options of the player and not that easy to find. To help you with this problem, see my step by step guide to enable the feature in the VideoLan player. Every step is illustrated with a screen shot, so that there should not be any excuses for why you could not set it up yourself properly. Start with getting the latest version of the VideoLan video player at (note: the latest version does not have this feature anymore. See note at the end of the post for details). The player is available across platform, over a dozen different Linux and Unix distributions and versions. Binaries for Windows, Macintosh Mac OS X, BeOS and Syllable are also available by the way. It’s released under the GNU License. Step by Step[…]


File Archiving – Collection Management and Organization

Categories: history, Personal, Tools
Tags: No Tags
Comments: No Comments
Published on: March 3, 2009

I am a collector! More correct would be to say that I hate to throw stuff and that I try to accumulate any data I can get my hands on about any subject of great interest to me. This must be a trait that I inherited from my dad, who drives my mom nuts with his collector habits. My Dad’s Collecting Habit The problem that my dad has is the fact that he collects only physical stuff, such as Coins (legal tender coins only), Stamps (West German and American only), Post cards from cities and towns with crest of that town on it (a shi*tload of towns in Europe have their own crest and are only happy to print them on post cards of their city, much to the dismay of my mother), post cards with only a single picture, which must be a true aerial photograph (no picture from a tall building, mountain or anything like that), Locomotives and box cars in model format, manufactured by the former East German company “TT-Eisenbahnen” (shut down a couple years after the wall fell, but still alive and supported by fans and model train owners). I think that is it… I hope that I did not miss any. As you can see, always very specific subjects, but then more than one subject, which created a slight inventory problem for my parents, which was only resolved when my sister and me moved out into our own places as soon as possible (I moved[…]

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