Moments in History – The Fall of the Berlin Wall

Categories: Politics, Video
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Published on: December 6, 2008

It is now about three month ago that I wrote about the Version 4 of my Berlin Wall video.

Since then I got visited by my family who brought with them four DVDs (actually 7, because two of the DVDs are an entire series) that I had ordered from and shipped to my parents address in Berlin, Germany.

All of the DVDs are documentaries in German language about East Germany and the Berlin Wall. They provided me with tons of new or better material that I decided to work on a Version 5 of my Berlin Wall video. This will probably take a while, so I decided to create another very short video just about the events surrounding the night when the Berlin Wall fell on November 9, 1989.

I got already a bunch of positive feedback on and online video sharing web sites where I uploaded the video too. Judge for yourself, here it is.

Backup URL to Video on vimeo (

Of course is the video also available for download in AVI format from again, here is the Link.

To expand the reach of my videos, I decided to create an account at and uploaded this video as well as my 30 minutes long Berlin Wall video V4.0. They are accessible here and here.

I watched in the past months several videos that are about the nuclear holocaust and its horrors. Those videos were a mash-up of original footage from the nuclear bomb drops over Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan during World War 2, government footage from atomic bomb tests, including weapons effects test and from special effects scenes from various apocalyptic Hollywood movies, like Terminator 3, Sum of all Fears, Armageddon and others.

I started to collect video segments from various disaster movies. I already had a collection of nuclear bomb test videos and documentaries. I also had video material from documentaries that recreated some of the scenes that must have occurred at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

I took all this material and create a video of my own about the subject. I used the music by the Greek/Canadian singer Nitza as background music for my video. And here it is:

Backup URL to Video on vimeo (

This video is available in 720×480 resolution and AVI format for download here.
Let me know what you think of the two new videos of mine!
Carsten aka Roy/SAC
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  1. […] Moments in History – The Fall of the Berlin Wall (December 6, 2008) […]

  2. […] The article is about Harald Jaeger, the Boarder Guard at the border crossing ???Bornholmer Strasse’??? who opened the gates on November 9, 1989 to let people pass from East Berlin to West Berlin in violation of a direct order by his superior. Emily came across my video ???Moments in History ??? The Fall of the Berlin Wall??? […]

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